Personal goals

Started by Gemeciusz, September 14, 2018, 06:49:38 AM

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I found this topic, and was inspired by it, so here is my suggestion for a pretty large upgrade for the personal side of the story and drama rimworld tries and in my humble opinion succeds to provide to the players.

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Pawns with passion in a job should have some personal goals, they want to achive. I think there should be a new list in their bio or on their needs. It would be like 3 goal/pawn, generated from a large list based on their passions, these could be anything from making a spcific equipment, killing x number or y type of creature, making a sale worth of a large amount of silver, or a million other things. If a pawn finishes one of their goals, a new one would be generated.
This would actually make the players realitonship with the pawns a bit more personal. I mean I usually find myself in a situation when i don't really know my pawns, just their main skills. She is the crafter, he is the main cook, etc. If i would actually encouraged to help out the sicentist to achive his dream of hunting down a tiger, or the crafter to make a sword fit for the gods I would try to.
I think there should not be any negative consecvences of not actively helping them achive these goals (on the other hand, some minor mood malus if the goal isn't done in say a 3 year period can be argued for), and maybe some small positive if you manage to do it (minor xp gain buff, minor mood buff, something along those lines)

I know the final release is nearing and this is something kinda large and substancial to put into it, but hey, this is one of those games i want to pay for dlc after release... :)