core engine limitations

Started by Ughzug, October 19, 2018, 02:54:09 PM

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Rimworld has so much potential but it is limited by its engine.  Colonies or maps that exceed a certain size start to be bogged down and be painfully slow.  It's frustrating because the game fantastic but it can't support anything but a colony of like 10-15 pawns and 20-30 animals... which by the way makes it really unappealing to do caravans or raids away from the colony.  Rewriting it's base code to change engines would be really hard at this point though...

Please consider making a sequel game or paid expansion with support of some of the following features:

64 bit client, yay more ram.
Split rendering and gpu support.
Multi threading with the use of cpu and or gpu cores.
Maybe use some AI deep learning algorithms to optimize the game performance client side like garbage collection, ram management, or tick threading.
Dev kit that optimizes mods for minimal performance impact and forces moddevs to clean up their dirty code to use it.


the 64 bit IS available for windows, the linux is also 64 bit, and the apple might be 64 bit (but I do not have one so can not confirm)


"Please do this 5 year, multi-million dollar project to the following specifications"

I hope you're a rich investor!   ;D


"I would like all the things, please. Post haste!"


Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.


I can't tell if this is a troll, or somebody who genually wants these things...

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well this game was just released. So you are probably expecting all this in like a few days?

if that's alright with you of course.