Change to damage/death threshold in 1.0?

Started by SereneVirus, May 28, 2019, 03:20:10 PM

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I used to do some personal modding back in 0.18 which involved increasing the HP of human body parts and organs.
To balance this I used to decrease painPerSeverity, bloodloss rate and infection rate so the battles would be longer, but still possible to recover afterwards. This worked perfectly and once I found the sweetspot between HP and consciousness I had a blast.

Now when picking up Rimworld more than a year later this seem to have completely changed. I can still tweak the values, I can make the body more sturdy and I can lower the painPerSeverity, bloodloss and infection rate, but enemies just seem to instantly die at a certain threshold.

I'm attacking one raider with 5 unarmed tribesmen. I don't destroy any body part, it doesn't cause any bleeding, the pain is around 3-4%, consciousness is between 100 - 95%, no sickness or other factors I can find that would add in.

I've run the same save file at least 10 times, just to make sure he doesn't get a random hit in the brain or something like that.

Despite this the raider keeps dying to some random bruise or scratch. Any suggestion what value it is I'm looking for or in which file?

Attaching a printscreen what it looks like right before he dies.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Threshold is total severity above or equal 150 times health scale. Health scale is defined in race properties and lifestages. If you increase health through absolute values on the body parts and not through an increased multiplier with health scale then you experience that.


Quote from: Razuhl on May 28, 2019, 03:33:50 PM
Threshold is total severity above or equal 150 times health scale. Health scale is defined in race properties and lifestages. If you increase health through absolute values on the body parts and not through an increased multiplier with health scale then you experience that.

That did the trick, thank you so much!