Healer mech serum on torso

Started by Pangaea, September 25, 2019, 03:33:49 PM

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Didn't comment on it earlier, but may as well now.

It's a fair comment and I could go the shield belt and stay at home route. But I prefer to use pawns more like Limdood above. The Wimp + Bloodlust (very funny combination) has been given a sniper rifle and is placed in the back-ish end of the firing line. She generally isn't targeted. I did let her throw an EMP against a mech ship once, and she fell over after one bullet somewhere -- but did manage to throw the EMP first.

I like to keep the killboxes fairly simple and straightforward, so have opted for rectangular ones. The Wimp is then located on the farthest corner, so not terribly likely to be directly targeted (unless bumrushed by a million melees).

I don't like restricting people by zones either, and generally always use Unrestricted for everybody (but have now sometimes opted for a Hospital zone to keep the morons in there instead of crawling all over the place for meals and shit). This particular Wimpy character happens to be a doctor and crafter, so that part basically takes care of itself. Normally I wouldn't take in Wimps, but she popped out of an Ancient Danger crypt, didn't die, and had lots of fiery skills. Has turned out very good, even if she's a Wimp.

I dislike the Volatile and the Frail characters more tbh (two more to pop out of a crypt). A bionic leg on the Frail makes him move at half-decent speed, though, so it's not too bad now.

If I ever do get any healer mech serums, I'm more likely to treat the Frail one. But I suppose it's possible to re-catch Frail given he's 62 or something like that.



Aye, i also sometimes throw Wimps with Snipers or Bolt Rifles so they can help my main fighters. Heck sometimes i throw them a Orbital targeter or a Doomsday launcher so they could fire one and then hide in a corner and let my main clean up the remaining survivors.

Unless the Targets were mostly melee and a few ranged. Though i won't count with it when there's also some raider with also an long-ranged rifle or more ranged enemy fighters than brawlers and they could get a few shots and knock the wimps down or even kill em'...

I'm more selective with curtain characters and also those traits with the Wimps. Got nice shooting skill but have Wimp trait? Than you're a Designated Sniper. But the skill is too low, but not much else... Sorry that guy will be Banished in my colony unless he's a farmer then i will give shield belt and tell him to fight fires and etc... Just my play style. :P


Though Frail, isn't really a trait and i also dislike it since it makes whoever has it is slow as a slowpoke. But since it's a Hediff and not a Trait you could remove it with some magics of your healer mech serum if you have one i think, other than scars.

There's a reason sometimes, i keep a Pyromaniac because he had good skills and is passionate or has burning skills that i like, but i have to always watch him for anything funny, mostly keeping him out of my chemfuel or mortar shell storage.

One "happy family" in the rims...
Custom font made by Marnador.


Funnily enough a healer mech serum quest popped up yesterday, and I left immediately to try to get back to base before winter slow-down travel hits. However, now that I have it, of course I in typically fashion want to save it for a rainy day :D

But among current injuries, the 65-year old Frail person is probably on top of the list.

Kind of touching back to the original point of the thread, I suppose nobody knows of a mod out there that enables fixing of noses and torsos, but without the massive amount of other bionics that's bound to imbalance the game? From what I could find, there are basically two bionics mods out there, and both seem very powerful to me. Not a fan of a handful more workbenches either.