Suggestion: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Started by AcetheSuperVillain, October 09, 2019, 06:12:02 PM

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Pawns in Rimworld have a tendency to just slowly break down over time.  It would be nice if there was some advantage to keeping pawns around that have been through severe hardships. 

I admit that physically, this doesn't make complete sense.  Getting shot in the foot doesn't increase your resistance to bullets.  But since this is sci-fi there might be an alien race (like the seiya-jin) or some bionic implant that does work that way.  It would make some sense with infections.  Someone who has survived an infection (or plague or malaria or whatever) might develop a slight immunity boost in general.  It would also make sense for someone who is in pain regularly to be more resistant to pain, or like someone who has experienced mind-shattering pain won't react to minor pains as strongly anymore, or at least for a while. 

It makes more sense that what doesn't kill you makes you emotionally stronger.  A person who has survived great hardship, like loss of a loved one, builds up some emotional armor that numbs them to future stress.  Maybe there's some drawback to this as well, like they are numbed to positive mood effects too, or less socially competent.