Confirmation list of new changes/errors?/compared to the rimworld wiki

Started by mooguy, February 19, 2020, 01:09:23 AM

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To quickly analyze new changes and updates in 1.1's tooltip i compared them to the wiki, and went god mode on an unstable 1.1 game.  Potential differences could simply be a result of the wiki not being updated, so these will need confirmation. Potential errors highlighted in red.

Sand bags

Cover effectiveness from 65 (edit)-down to 57% - across all materials.

barricades is also 57%

*It seems the only variable difference between the two options is the health and material - is this right? If so, It might be asked why not just keep the tab as sand bags that can be made out of all the stones/fabrics?


Move speed changes. teenager in the equation?

-  New odd stats such as royal favor value.

- incoming damage stat added - shows value for toughness (at 50%).

Bionics parts.

Increased in market value.

Mini turrets

Resource cost change  (plasteel 40-30 plassteel,but steel increase)

re-arm cost increase from 30-44 steel

health down over 10%

Burst shot count - from 3 -2.

Market value down from  750-510.

- Auto cannon turret -

(I think it also has a market value change? not included in tooltip whereas mini turret is? )

- Down 100 steel to build

- Down 70 health points

- Damage from 40 down to  -20

- Armor pen from 60 down to 30

- Rearm cost increase of 90 to 134 steel it least in medium settings (across all difficulties?)

- Uranium slug turret

(market value change? not included in tooltip where as miniturret is? )

build cost requirement from 60 plasteel down to 30 plas steel (other res are the same)

damage down from 75 to 30.

- armor pen down to 70% from 112%

increase in uranium (edit*RELOAD*cost)(45 -60 in medium difficulties

- reload cooldown increase from 3.2secs to 4 seconds.

- range decrease from 49 -40

- Wall /maybe door health values have been changed - needs confirming.

*for example wood slight decrease, steel slight increase.

- However the wall cover effectiveness remains at 75%. Since sandbags have fallen, walls are a more safer option.

- smoke grenade launcher has a spelling mistake in description - ' will ... upon impact'

On the smoke grenade, has there been any changes to how smoke works?
On the wiki it says it prevents turrets form locking on, but if raiders have one go off in a smoke belt, the wiki states it will also decrease their chance to hit you for all their guys standing in the smoke as well, so in some ways the raiders handicap themselves when they have one with it.

Charge lance -

from 37 range down to 30.

market value is the same.

Animals -

General question - are the animal stats from the mod that had these animals kept the same? (People might accidentally look over the new animals thinking they are exactly the same as the ones that come from the mod).

meat amount from chickens up from 16 - 22. still 22. The wiki box stat for chickens in the right says 16 meat yield but it is wrong.

yaks - can have both milk and wool, even though muffalo's can only now have wool.

Yaks training is none, but is a pack animal.

muffalo is simple.

Yaks tameablity is low at around 11%.

muffalo's wildness is at 60%?


I noticed with the introduction of recon armor, i might suggest plasteel plate armor receives a slight blunt damage buff. A plasteel plate armor (normal) sits at 40% blunt dmg, 83% sharp damage resistance with a higher health pool but a huge penality to movement speed.

In contrast, recon plasteel armor (good) has 92% sharp and 40% blunt resis with less health but no mobility compromise. Shouldn't plasteel plate armor receive a blunt buff, consdering it's huge movement penality? It's a huge cost for plasteel plate armor.