Ive been playing rimworld since alpha 5 , and i have alot of hours ask me anythi

Started by Ebolakush, March 01, 2020, 06:19:11 PM

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Start sending caravans to nearby towns. The industrial tech towns usually have at least 1 rocket launchers and they restock every 24 hours. You should be able to buy plenty if you're pulling in that much plasteel.


Quote from: carbon on March 02, 2020, 03:46:28 PM
Start sending caravans to nearby towns. The industrial tech towns usually have at least 1 rocket launchers and they restock every 24 hours. You should be able to buy plenty if you're pulling in that much plasteel.

I tried that but the only options I had was to offer gifts or attack?


Quote from: carbon on March 02, 2020, 02:36:19 PM
Quote from: FTR
And I mean 15+ centipedes that just overwhelm even a decent killbox.

That's what rocket launchers and orbital targetting controllers are for. By the time you're getting 15+ centipede attacks, you should have multiples of those in stock.

Set up a kill box sort of like when u turtle and u make a maze that leads out into an open airfield that has 4-6 turrents and all of ur colonists with m16s. Also give everyone m16s and try not to get anyone that cant shoot unless they are a god at something useful for your economy. My favorite thing to do is make 15-20 dusters and buy 10 statues and have everyone in a good mood. Good moods are nice too lol


Quote from: FTR
I tried that but the only options I had was to offer gifts or attack?

Whatever town you went to was apparently your enemy. You can dump a bunch of useless, but high value stuff on them to make them at least neutral, or pick a different town you're actually neutral or allies with.


Quote from: Ebolakush on March 02, 2020, 05:38:36 PMSet up a kill box sort of like when u turtle and u make a maze that leads out into an open airfield that has 4-6 turrents and all of ur colonists with m16s. Also give everyone m16s and try not to get anyone that cant shoot unless they are a god at something useful for your economy. My favorite thing to do is make 15-20 dusters and buy 10 statues and have everyone in a good mood. Good moods are nice too lol

I got 18 turrets including some uranium turrets and such and 4 colonists really skilled with firearms welding charged lances in 24x27 killbox. Mixture of mechs including 12 centipedes destroy entire killbox within minute or so and they are nowhere close to actually dying. I also got few melee figters with around 140% sharp resistance, blunt weapons and shield belts but they are completely useless when there is that many mechs. Uranium turrets now run out of ammo while centipedes are still barely damaged.

I have my game paused until I find a solution because I really don't wanna waste time to start over or rebuild entire base.

edit: Just tried using two triple rocket launchers that I had on group of centipedes. It tickled them a bit but that's about it.

Another attempt failed

12 centipedes took 2x rocket launchers, mortar shells, 4x charged lances shots and fire from this entire killbox for over a minute and only two of them died. They are so incredibly tanky and they dish out incredible amounts of damage all over the place.


Quote from: FTR
Another attempt failed

12 centipedes took 2x rocket launchers, mortar shells, 4x charged lances shots and fire from this entire killbox for over a minute and only two of them died. They are so incredibly tanky and they dish out incredible amounts of damage all over the place.

A few ideas of things to try:

1) Charge lances probably make sense for small things you can maim with them (raiders, scythers), but centipedes, especially in that big of group, call for more DPS and AOE. You might try swapping to miniguns for the centipedes.

2) You mention mortars. Does that include continuing to pound them with EMP rounds while in the killbox? You want to buy as much time as possible.

3) Meatshields. Use small or easy to train animals as bait to take attention off your colonists and turrets. Also, calling in allies is only 25 favor and if you manage to rescue one or more of them at the end, you can get some or all of that favor back afterward.

4) Think outside the box. Centipedes excel at shooting large things (a killbox, a nice juicy group of colonists). Maybe don't use the killbox on them. They're slow and have only modest range. Out in the open, against long ranged weapons, they actually aren't that scary if they don't have their lighter support mechs.


Quote from: carbon on March 02, 2020, 07:23:40 PM

A few ideas of things to try:

1) Charge lances probably make sense for small things you can maim with them (raiders, scythers), but centipedes, especially in that big of group, call for more DPS and AOE. You might try swapping to miniguns for the centipedes.

2) You mention mortars. Does that include continuing to pound them with EMP rounds while in the killbox? You want to buy as much time as possible.

3) Meatshields. Use small or easy to train animals as bait to take attention off your colonists and turrets. Also, calling in allies is only 25 favor and if you manage to rescue one or more of them at the end, you can get some or all of that favor back afterward.

4) Think outside the box. Centipedes excel at shooting large things (a killbox, a nice juicy group of colonists). Maybe don't use the killbox on them. They're slow and have only modest range. Out in the open, against long ranged weapons, they actually aren't that scary if they don't have their lighter support mechs.

Thanks for suggestions.

1. That's good advice, however my current killbox is designed in a way that you need something with charge lance range or better to reach whatever enters the killbox. I think I would have to make it shorter if I am to swap for something with burst fire, and that would suck for uranium turrets.. :/

2. Yes that's exactly what I did. Fired everything at them.

3. No animals and no allies right not unfortunately. But it's good advice for the future. I had a huge food issues after I barely survived one of the attacks so I had to slaughter animals that somehow survived. Still, I think you need at least 2-3 people good with animals and lots of work/food to maintain them, not sure if it's viable longterm. Especially if it's just to use them as meatshield, kinda a waste in my opinion.

4. I would love to fight just centipedes, however there is perfect mixture of pikemans, lancers, scythers and centipedes right outside my base on the mountain map with no space to kite. Centipedes usually have support. Kiting is even less useful now (perhaps even impossible) after they added bulkier/slower unit with extreme range in form of pikeman.

I think it's testament to how much more difficult 1.1 is now. In 1.0 I had very similar killbox (but shorter and burst weapons instead) and I could take on 20~ centipedes without that much bloodshed. Oh and I did not use uranium turrets back then so I never got to experience their power, but in 1.1 they feel like they are not worth it at all. I never wanted to rely on finite material in the first place.


Yeah, it's hard. No doubts about that. If you play with Royalty and the mech clusters, the mech turrets have centipede weaponry with 45 tile range which is FUN.


Maybe a fifth idea that might be worth considering: drop pods.

I've never actually done it, but if you're at a late-game colony you might have resources to spare trying to test it out. You can just load mortar shells directly into a drop pod and use them to precision target the shells exactly where you want. Then its just a question of detonating them while they're in amongst the centipedes. If you load multiple different items that all explode independently (e.g. one of each shell type plus one of each grenade type) in a single drop pod, you'd get a lot of bangs for your investment.

I don't know how deadly anti-grain warheads are, mixed in with all the other explosives, but if you can guarantee a direct hit it might be worth the cost.

Just a thought, might be terrible in practice.


You don't have to, and in fact shouldn't "maintain" sacrificial animal swarm "ablative shields".  Instead, simply zone them in a large area *around but not in* your base most of the time (so they can feed themselves) but in a box in the enemy's path when needed.  You will be amazed how fast 50 upset squirrels will erode anything :o.  And since they're not around/trained by colonists, you get no mood penalties for the deaths of bonded animals.

Note:  Don't sneer at small animals used this way; they're hard as heck to hit and attack fast, as well.  There's a reason squirrels are notorious in this game.
Thanks, belgord!


Quote from: Bozobub on March 02, 2020, 10:13:47 PM
You don't have to, and in fact shouldn't "maintain" sacrificial animal swarm "ablative shields".  Instead, simply zone them in a large area *around but not in* your base most of the time (so they can feed themselves) but in a box in the enemy's path when needed.  You will be amazed how fast 50 upset squirrels will erode anything :o.  And since they're not around/trained by colonists, you get no mood penalties for the deaths of bonded animals.

Note:  Don't sneer at small animals used this way; they're hard as heck to hit and attack fast, as well.  There's a reason squirrels are notorious in this game.

I thought in 1.0 animals that were not trained on regular basis would eventually become wild again?


Have you guys tried using EMP launchers and smoke launchers? I haven't seen them mentioned in this thread so not sure how a pile of centipedes would react, but they work really well against early-mid game groups of mechs.

With the smoke launchers I just constantly have one of my guys dumping smoke in front of the mechs and they miss 90% of their shots and sometimes even stop and path around the smoke.

With the EMP launchers it's pretty straightforward.

Also what I like to do with my defensive area (killbox) is have a little panic room near the entrance of it where my heavily armored melee hang out until they can be deployed to do flanking maneuvers. I find myself with colonies now that are a mix of 50% melee 50% ranged and it's working pretty well so far.
##Coding Scrub##


Quote from: FTR on March 02, 2020, 06:07:28 PM
Quote from: Ebolakush on March 02, 2020, 05:38:36 PMSet up a kill box sort of like when u turtle and u make a maze that leads out into an open airfield that has 4-6 turrents and all of ur colonists with m16s. Also give everyone m16s and try not to get anyone that cant shoot unless they are a god at something useful for your economy. My favorite thing to do is make 15-20 dusters and buy 10 statues and have everyone in a good mood. Good moods are nice too lol

I got 18 turrets including some uranium turrets and such and 4 colonists really skilled with firearms welding charged lances in 24x27 killbox. Mixture of mechs including 12 centipedes destroy entire killbox within minute or so and they are nowhere close to actually dying. I also got few melee figters with around 140% sharp resistance, blunt weapons and shield belts but they are completely useless when there is that many mechs. Uranium turrets now run out of ammo while centipedes are still barely damaged.

I have my game paused until I find a solution because I really don't wanna waste time to start over or rebuild entire base.

edit: Just tried using two triple rocket launchers that I had on group of centipedes. It tickled them a bit but that's about it.

Another attempt failed

12 centipedes took 2x rocket launchers, mortar shells, 4x charged lances shots and fire from this entire killbox for over a minute and only two of them died. They are so incredibly tanky and they dish out incredible amounts of damage all over the place.

I forgot to mention that autocannon turrents basically cheese the shit out of centipedes, i never seen a raid with 12 centipedes it would usually be like 12-15 charge lancer scythes so jesus christ what did u do to randy/cassandra to make them that mad ? xD

Edit : More bombs, have one or two guys with an emp grenade launcher, and uhhhh yea thats alot of centipedes


Some questions:

  • How do you deal with social fights? Currently many of my pawns get bite scars in the eyes. I guess I am just unlucky. I might need a mod for visible eyepatches then my pawns at least look cool.
  • I usually don't like doing killboxes and build large base that's why I eventually die. Currently play Randy Rough on a tribal start with Medieval Times (EarlyTimes). Mecha and Empire factions disabled and no guns or electricity+ techs. No Mech clusters and only Savage+Medieval raiders makes game easier ofc but also raid numbers are higher. At some point in lategame I usually get high numbers of invaders or tough manhunter packs (Alpha Animals + ACP) in some Randy way combined with other stuff and in quick succession that kills me. Is there any way I can have a good escape plan so I can start a second colony if I start to get overwhelmed and then reclaim my original base later? Never did that before is that an option, thinking of preparing that if it is with some emergency exit and emergency storage. Any other tips for my playstyle?
  • Which map size do you usually play? I always played 275x275 as it felt still balanced while being a little bigger. This time I am playing 300x300 just because I want to build a large castle. Don't experience any performance issues so far but I guess it might come later in the game with more pawns, animals and raiders on the map.


Quote from: 12349 on March 01, 2020, 10:55:41 PM
Hey, playing Vanilla/Casandra/Rough/Commitment mode and I have the issue of the game dropping sectopods and infestations on me before I've even started crafting good weapons...

..how the heck am I supposed to transition from 3-4 raiders with random guns -- the easy fights, to all the sudden back to back mech drop pods and infestations.. Am I supposed to keep my guys in poverty and not expand the base at all?

what's triggering this so early.. happened to me 3 saves in a row now so it's not just RNG. I don't mind difficult enemies but I mean when all you have are pistols and rifles and flak armors, megaspiders or scythers can kill 3-4 of my pawns and it feels like there's not much I can do about it.

At the beginning of the game. With little wealth. You want to take advantage of traps ASAP. I try to build my base near natural choke points that I can litter with spike traps. They do a lot of damage to incoming hostiles. When they reach your base it's good to have at least one melee dude who is good enough to dodge a few times during a fight. And fight at a doorway or narrow corridor so you have your melee person blocking the path and allies shooting behind him.  Or use pets. Either works pretty well. Your strategy should be to delay enemies long enough in melee to shoot them down. With mechs you want to fight them indoors as they dominate long-range combat with sheer tankiness and their own maximum-range guns.

When your colony starts receiving large swarms of centipedes they should be baited to walk into range of your EMP shooters. Ambushing mechanoids in narrow rooms and shooting them to hell is working for me quite well.

The best tip of all is to try to research tech as much as you can. Not having a single person spend at least half of their time in a week at a bench is going to hurt in the long run.


Quote from: zizard on March 02, 2020, 12:04:24 AM
Check out the wealth control threads by the great black_fr. It's the core game mechanic and even more important now that there's clusters.

The entire raid system is in bad need of an overhaul.
Perhaps having each enemy faction have their own assesment of your wealth and power (2 variables) that changes over time (and depending on how their raids go and if anyone survives to get back to report), rather than anyone magically knowing your entire stockpile and inventory.