The 35th Enceledan Infantry

Started by kclace, March 30, 2020, 10:22:31 PM

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Game: Uses my scenario Midworld Combat Brigade
-Faction control, civil outlander and empire factions. I started the game right next to an Empire base so that relations would become hostile.
-I used pillars to make a military encampment type base. See attached.


From: The Rimworld Titus and its Moon Enceleda, an Abbreviated History.

The rimworld Titus lies on the very edge of its G class star's habitable zone. It, along with it's moon Encelada were terraformed in antiquity and settled by colonists from the core worlds. Over the centuries, both devolved, but in differing ways. Titus quickly fell into centuries of civil war, sprinkled with natural disasters, and mechanoid uprisings, leaving it only a shell of its former self. By the onset of the 48 hour war, it was governed by a civil outlander faction and was slowly starting to lift itself out of barbarism.

Enceladus devolved into a mid-world that was governed by a long line of militaristic nobles known as the High Kaisers. Though their technology was limited, Enceleda possessed a crude fleet of space craft and traded with the outlanders of Titus. Eceleda also had a proud tradition of military intervention on the rimworld. In the preceding century, Enceleda destroyed a rough outlander faction and pirate faction on Titus, paving the way for stable governance by the civil outlanders.

This period of relative stability came to a crashing end when the Empire arrived...