I like the update that puts animals inside the fence, but...

Started by yhb011011, August 30, 2021, 12:28:09 PM

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*Sorry for the poor English. This article has been translated from Korean.*
I liked the idea of ​​putting animals inside the fence. But because of that, the animal's intelligence has been reduced, and it's no longer possible to bring the animals to a safe place in case of an emergency. Especially when the base is huge, you can't build a fenced area inside the line of defense, so if a raid comes, the animals will be the first to meet the raiders. The raiders don't seem to interact with the livestock at first. But when the paths that pass each other overlap, they suddenly start fighting. And the raiders end up killing all the livestock. I can't stop this process because I run a huge base. Because there are too many livestock and too many raiders.
Okay, let's assume it's understandable that raiders attack livestock. Because that happens in real life too.
But what about cattle attacking the attacker first or fighting back? I don't think it's understandable. In real life, livestock run away even when people approach them.
Please, a patch to fix this problem should be released soon. Cattle keep dying every raid :(


I agree I have also had this problem. I haven't had a chance to try it yet but I put doors around the animal flaps of the barn  that I close when a raid happens. I have an allowed zone that's just the inside of the barn Im going to switch them to. Might be a pain to get them reassigned to the pen after it's safe.

Btw the English was good.