[MOD] (Alpha 8) A2B: conveyor belts & co. [v0.8.0]

Started by noone, August 18, 2014, 10:42:04 PM

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Do you handle properly the cases where there are several teleporters/receivers on the same line?
e.g. ('=' is a straight conveyor belt, 'T' a teleporter and 'R' a receiver):



The Receiver can have multiple Teleporters link to it but a teleporter only links to the closest in direction, correctly facing receiver. In other words.
(= are belts, T are teleporters, R are receivers, ... are convection, [Space] are no connection)
=T...=T...R= R=
So the two teleporters are connected to the first Receiver.
(so yes my code work the way Rikiki describe)


I've experienced a bug after playing for 3 hours last night. There can't be a rotator rotating into another rotator (so many rotates). And is the receiver + teleporter supposed to shortcircuit in the rain?
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@ FredrikLH,

That sounds like a very sensible update. If you want, you could submit a pull request on Github, as I'd be happy to include it in the main mod (and of course add you to the contributor list on post #1).  But in any case, you're free to share your update with anyone and advertise it here if you like (although if you decide to bridge off the mod, I'd suggest a dedicated post - although I'd certainly hope you'd rather merge than split ;) ).

Also, it would be nice if the teleporter uses more electricity if they have to teleport further. Say, have a base consumption and then an extra amount that scales with distance. Ideally, I'd have the teleporter consume more than a straight belt to make teleporters (and large gaps) valuable devices (rather than simply use them everywhere).

@ Iwillbenicetou

Yes, Teleporters and receivers will short-circuit in the rain. Water doesn't mix well with their lasers. Not sure what you mean by 'rotator', as there's no such thing in the A2B mod. Do you mean "curve" or "selector" ?


Yeah, curve. Sorry. One time it worked, the other time it didn't.
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I added power consumption increase, based on distance between the teleporter and the receiver. I also make a pull request, adding my updates to your teleporter code. It's your code now, feel free to do what you want with it.


Updated to Alpha 8 and added the long range teleportation modifications of FredrikLH. It'll increase the power consumption of the teleporter linearly as a function of the teleportation distance, and you still need the receiver to be aligned with the teleporter, but you are now free to teleport items over thick walls, wide paths, etc ...

All credits to FredrikLH for this update !


Yessssssss! Thank you, noone and Fred!


this is what exactly

Mikhail Reign

Do conveyor belts count as walls? eg: I could conveyor food from my hydro room into a freezer? Even if there as a special piece that also counted as a wall that cost more/use more power etc etc.


Quote from: Mikhail Reign on December 16, 2014, 10:38:37 PM
Do conveyor belts count as walls?

Well, they support roofs, so, I guess they sort of count as walls ... :) This being said I don't really know their thermal insulation level - no idea whether they would leak heat or not. Haven't had much time to test these things yet ...

Mikhail Reign

Thats what I meant. Walls don't leak. If they count as walls (like benches do - you can make pillboxes you can fire out of that stay heated/cooled - add in the switches mod on detect player and they power down unless someone is in them) then they would block heat transfers.


regarding the thermal insulation, I have used an unloader in a single width gap of a wall to a deepfreezer (-60c)  wit hthe belt space being at 10c and no leakage.
noone, I am also getting a large number of errors in the log from chunks on the belts
one of the MANY thousands of similar error messages is (copied directly from the log)
(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Holder of ChunkGranite710455 has null owner.

these errors only started showing up after starting to use the conveyerbelts


Quote from: harpo99999 on December 23, 2014, 05:31:55 AM
noone, I am also getting a large number of errors in the log from chunks on the belts
one of the MANY thousands of similar error messages is (copied directly from the log)
(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)
Holder of ChunkGranite710455 has null owner.

Hum, thanks for the bug report, much appreciated. I'll add this to my to-do list. Not sure when I'll get time to look at it in detail, but I added it to the Github issues so as to not forget it. Can you confirm that this is a 'silent' error, i.e. the error log does not pop open on its own ?

EDIT: added the direct link to the issue tracker on Github to the main post: https://github.com/noone57/RW_A2B/issues
Offered the glory and fame (possibly but not certainly) resulting from being added to the mod contributors' list to anyone helping implement/solve any bug listed there  :)


I can not confirm that it is a silent error as I had turned off the open on error, but from reading the many errors my wild guess is that it is related to the new variations of rock chunks for the different rock types