[1.3.3200] People drink beer for recreation when their ideology forbids

Started by glass zebra, January 10, 2022, 08:35:26 AM

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glass zebra

If you have people in your colony with an ideology that forbids the consumption of drugs, they will still consume drugs in recreation time and then get the -15 mood for doing so.

Choosing to drink in rec time: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1841409612962790395/BCDE2D59D2E05825B6FF132DDA24C4C54F330FDC/
Ideology with rule: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1841409612962790746/94AF7E05B57A74245E5D53AAF6EFBEB86CD18B95/
Manual drinking still forbidden: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1841409612962794388/D5D152FA345D621ECCE509D156DBEACDEF5A284C/
Debuff: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1841409612962794799/DB2860DEEEF06F212C5B15541F2F4E93018E8F43/

I've seen this being mentioned in reviews shortly after release, so I suppose this is not a new problem.

1. Have pawn with ideology that forbids drug use (empire guests always have)
2. Have e.g. beer
3. Set rec time
4. When pawn goes to do rec, draft and undraft to get new rolls on rec type until you see the beer drinking

I think beer has to be allowed in the food restriction and drug restrictions for this to happen, but then it can still just happen for the rec time rolls. They choose freely to do something they hate, which you can not force them to do by themselves. There was no mental break, there was no food problem.

Both DLCs, no mods used.


Thanks for the bug report.  This was a bug we found in internal testing and was addressed, but it seems like it has crept back in.  I'll do some testing on my end and append it to the bug we already have in our tracker.