Ideology improvement ideas

Started by ioci, September 07, 2022, 09:54:02 AM

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I recently purchased the Ideology DLC, found out that this DLC has solid fundamental mechanics, much better than I thought. The Classic-like mode provides pretty decent vanilla-friendly experience, but even this mode still can use some fine tuning, the goal is to make the Ideology dynamic and less "artificial(for example, the buy-point system in Fluid mode is way too "artificial")".

I. Relics:
The DLC introduces relics that can be obtained via quests, but it doesn't make much sense. I think it would be better to let the player to obtain the relics in a different approach.
1. let all scenarios and all player starting ideologies start with no relic.
2. let player to create their own relics themselves, the requirement can be like: if a pawn of 40+ in sum of artist, intellectual and social defeated a strong foe, the weapon this pawn use become a relic of player faction.
3. let the relic hunting quests only provides clues about the AI factions' relics, because relics are legendary myths, only factions that exist on this planet for long enough know about those myths.
4. let Watching Television action to have a small chance to generate the clues about AI factions' relics. Industrial TV generates Neolithic or Industrial tier relic clues, Mega TV generates Space tier relic clues.
5. let conversations with prisoners or visitors to have a small chance to generate the clues about AI factions' relics.

II. Percepts and Traits:
The main problem this DLC has is that the ideology it introduces will overwrite the pawns' traits. This not only ruins the vanilla's gameplay, but also conflicts against the real-world experience. This is why I think the DLC need to allow each ideology to have child ideology to actually enhances the vanilla's gameplay provided by Traits.
1. let percepts from each ideology not to overwrite traits' percept, but only enhances or reduces the mood impact. For example, if a pawn without Cannibal trait ate human meat, this pawn should still feel bad even its ideology encourages cannibalism, just not as severe as it would normally feel.
2. let each pawn has its own set of child ideology, let most of those child ideology to be identically the same as the parent ideology, but few can be spawned with a varied child version.
3. if a pawn has trait that conflict against its ideology, when the low mood faith reduction event occurred, if the faith hasn't been reduced to 0 that triggers the complete conversion, let this pawn to generate a child ideology of its original ideology, with a few differences of percepts that suit better with pawn's traits.
4. if an ideology leader suffers a mental break, let this leader start a new child ideology with random percepts.
5. let Watching Television or chatting with prisoners/visitors to have a small chance to generate new child ideology.

III. Speech and other ritual activities:
These activities that added by DLC also feel way too "artificial". They can be much smoother.
1. let Speech to be a passive Recreation activity that replaces the Relax Socially for the leader.
2. let other ritual activities that involves gathering, to behave passively like the Party. So that even the leader was not around in the map, they should still be able to celebrate on their own, like in real world, you don't need pope to be in your house to celebrate Christmas. With or without the leader should only affect the quality and the leader's social ability should be affecting the leader bonus' max value.
3. let other role related activable abilities to perform passively. For example, let the Reassure and Counsel to be an additional chatting topic for the Moral Guide. Let Preach Health to be merged into Visiting Patient. As for combat command like Marksman Command, make it passive as well, that if the shoot specialist was draft and was talking to some other drafted pawn, let this other pawn to receive a non-stackable buff instead of everyone in the range.

IV. Conversion:
Conversion in Ideology DLC is way too powerful that neutralizes the rest features this DLC introduces. This needs to be changed.
1. get rid of the default dedicated Conversion Ritual, merge it with the festival ritual.
2. get rid of prisoners' Convert option, just let the chatting to do the job, if a prisoner happens to be converted to player's ideology, reduce its Will or Resistance significantly, so that every time when player managed to have a someone converted, player could actually feel been rewarded.
3. add a new trait "Missionary", which increase the chance that normal chatting occasion becomes conversion chatting.
4. let Moral Guide have better conversion chatting quality as this role's benefit alongside of its social skill level.


I'll just add this one here since it fits the title but I'm not sure where it would go:
subtopic Colors and dyes:
Pawn bio tab "favorite color" swatch tooltip has a generic info that doesn't say the user-friendly color name. Painting (walls) interface has a color-picker but to get to the colonist info panel you have to dismiss color-picker. Inefficient switching between 2 dialogs to compare swatches through trial and error is the only way to paint a pawn's room their favorite color.