Visitors going crazy

Started by Taboo102, August 22, 2014, 04:18:26 AM

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Visitors will come to my colony, mill about, begin starving and then start shooting each other. It's very very annoying, and with Random storyteller can leave you with upwards of 20 bodies to clean up as well as a few injuries if you're not paying attention. So annoying. Is this intentional? Is there anyway the visitation time could be shortened so that they don't starve and go nuts before they leave? It would also be nice if when the visitors were leaving they carried off their injured, but I'm sure smarter and more realistic AI is coming in the future, I'm just very sick of gunfights breaking out on my front lawn because the visitors go nuts.

Lost Cause

A side effect of the way mood works. You can reduce the effect by making your base very pretty but it's a lot of effort for little reward and it tends to get worse the groups get larger.
Sooner or later your 'allies' will turn on you. They will visit during a raid and get caught in crossfire or leave people behind who mill about your turrets and then blame you when one of those turrets explodes catching the person they abandoned to die in the blast either of which results in them going to war with you.
Friendly factions are more of a liability than an asset v.v
It doesn't matter how many arms a colonist has as long as one of them is a Minigun!


True, true. All of it, it's true. That is how I ended up embracing the ancient crashed ship part, and restricting my colony to only 'psychically deaf' colonists. Under constant extreme droning, all visitors go insane, usually before they even reach my colony walls.

"Oh, you think we're being needlessly anti-social? Oh no no no... We were open at first. Then you ate our food, leaving my people starving. Then you shot each other, and blamed US for it, wounding my people in the process as well. No, we were open and welcoming. Then we became asocial, and tried to ignore you, and walled ourselves in, pretending not to be home. But you still sort of lingered outside the walls for far too long, and we couldn't risk opening the wall without letting you in. ONLY THEN we became anti-social and started hating your guts. So, welcome to Salvation. Population 4. Try not to trip over the skeletons on your way here. Unless you have thousands of landmines to sell, we're not interested. Salvation out." *comms console switches off*


It's funny, my game gave me two tribes and they are both friendly so I was like "Eh that's boring" So every time the one tribe visits I arrest/kill all of them in an effort to make them enemies, but for some reason they just eventually go back to friendly and start visiting again. They've never attacked me despite the fact that I'm always as a rule hostile to them. Tribesman 1:"Hey you know that place people never come back from?" Tribesman 2:"Oh, you mean the place where they always shoot and kill us all for no reason?" Tribesman 1:"Yeah! that's the place......let's visit them!" Tribesman 2: "Well...I can't see what could go wrong, let's go!"
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


Quote from: HatesYourFace on August 22, 2014, 07:29:56 AM
So every time the one tribe visits I arrest/kill all of them in an effort to make them enemies, but for some reason they just eventually go back to friendly and start visiting again.

Does this happen after saving and loading? I think there's a bug that prevents faction relation from loading properly in the save so it gets reset to the world default whenever you load the colony again.


Quote from: Rahjital on August 22, 2014, 08:13:50 AM
Quote from: HatesYourFace on August 22, 2014, 07:29:56 AM
So every time the one tribe visits I arrest/kill all of them in an effort to make them enemies, but for some reason they just eventually go back to friendly and start visiting again.

Does this happen after saving and loading? I think there's a bug that prevents faction relation from loading properly in the save so it gets reset to the world default whenever you load the colony again.

Could be, never payed much attention to whether or not it was happening after loading a save. I will watch for this in the future!
If you have any 2 of the following 3 things: Time, Interest, or Ability; Head on over to the RimWorld wiki and help improve/update it!


This happens to me all the time. I think its quite good because after they all die or retreat, I get their awesome weapons and armour! :D


Quote from: Rahjital on August 22, 2014, 08:13:50 AM
Quote from: HatesYourFace on August 22, 2014, 07:29:56 AM
So every time the one tribe visits I arrest/kill all of them in an effort to make them enemies, but for some reason they just eventually go back to friendly and start visiting again.

Does this happen after saving and loading? I think there's a bug that prevents faction relation from loading properly in the save so it gets reset to the world default whenever you load the colony again.

It definitely happens. I attributed it to game restart but it could very well be reload related. It doesn't stop there, but I'm not 100% sure about this next one: I'm on my second game in the same world, and I believe my neighboring factions are exactly the same ones I had in my previous game, right down to the starting reputation points that the game reverts to upon reload (or restart).


Quote from: UrbanBourbon on August 22, 2014, 01:37:35 PM
Quote from: Rahjital on August 22, 2014, 08:13:50 AM
Quote from: HatesYourFace on August 22, 2014, 07:29:56 AM
So every time the one tribe visits I arrest/kill all of them in an effort to make them enemies, but for some reason they just eventually go back to friendly and start visiting again.

Does this happen after saving and loading? I think there's a bug that prevents faction relation from loading properly in the save so it gets reset to the world default whenever you load the colony again.

It definitely happens. I attributed it to game restart but it could very well be reload related. It doesn't stop there, but I'm not 100% sure about this next one: I'm on my second game in the same world, and I believe my neighboring factions are exactly the same ones I had in my previous game, right down to the starting reputation points that the game reverts to upon reload (or restart).

I'd noticed having the same factions too. It makes me sad to have the exact same ones every time I use the same world, and I'm hoping that it's a bug that'll be fixed. Surely there's enough room on these planets for more than 4 or 5 groups of people?

The Outsider

I've had two large groups show up one was already in the middle of my compound while the other was shooting at them from the entrance. A large firefight happen leaving most of them dead and some of my colonist wounded in the crossfire.


last time this happened to me one of the colonists (killed by his friend) dropped 983 silver... so, i'm fine with it.


Quote from: DaPieGuy on August 22, 2014, 11:47:23 AM
This happens to me all the time. I think its quite good because after they all die or retreat, I get their awesome weapons and armour! :D

See, silver lining! :D
Poke poke, stab stab.