This may sound dumb... but please let us disable violence against kids.

Started by Locklear, May 14, 2023, 07:26:32 PM

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I have 2k hours in this game and it's definitely my favorite game of all time. Bought Biotech and really like everything about it, especially the ability for colonists to have kids.

Maybe I'm just old, or it's the fact I'm a father, but it is extremely off-putting to watch a group of 3-10 year old desperate refugee children enter the map only to get mowed down by a charge turret that arrived the day before. I find no enjoyment in watching a bunch of kids get machine gunned down, even if it's just a videogame. I just feel disgusted tbh.

Give us a check box in the settings to disable violence vs children. Raiders wont use children, and manhunter packs, mechs, and raiders wont target unarmed children AT ALL.

Also there should be an option to right click and "detain" a child even if they're hostile and attacking. They're a child, no need to beat them half to death before carrying them off to time-out.