Ideas for pre electricty era

Started by rumpelstilzz, June 01, 2024, 06:53:15 AM

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Hi, since I'm playing very primitivist, I'd really love to see more low tech content in the tech tree. Here are some ideas I hatched:

physical shields: used in the utility slot, add a little protection without annoying nudists. neolithic: wood and wicker small shields made from wood / leather -> medieval, requires smithing: kite shield made from wood / metals -> industrial, requires machining: riot shields made from metals. starting from left arm, each tech covers a little more body parts

apple trees, in tree sowing tech: harvest fruit and wood. medieval tech: cider, made in stove -> industrial tech: moonshine, made in drug lab, more potency than beer / cider and more addiction of course

multi purpose weaponry: increased melee damage for pila, bayonets for bolt action rifle, assault rifle, hellcat rifle, charge rifle

extented melee range for pila, spear, bayonetted rifles: can hit from 1 field afar

spear needs more love, the best weapon over most of human history! add a high tech variant, like laser glaive with short range enery beam (stolen from tha roon, war wind), or any form of additional damage on halberd

irrigation, early medieval tech: dig 1 field wide channels, starting from any body of water, to fertilize adjacent fields -> moats: dig wider channels as barrier

natural barriers: nettle / bramble hedges. randomly spawned across maps. non-drafted colonists move around, drafted colonists and attackers march through. Cause pain without causing actual damage. neolithic tech: grow them on purpose