[Mod Request] Box Lunches

Started by Xiupan, December 26, 2014, 10:21:53 PM

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One of the most silly things that happen while playing on a massive map: a colonist goes to mine ONE square on the other side of the map, then decides he/she is hungry and runs back home to eat... -_-;

Feature request:
- Make colonists "equip" a meal right after getting up from bed, before getting his/her day started.
- (optional) The crafting/use of lunch boxes! :)
- Lunch boxes would effectively undo the "ate of ground" debuff.



Would be a great thing to have! Gets annoying when your people mine one block, then go back for lunch...


This is a great idea, really a necessary QOL improvement.


+1 on lunchboxes. Maybe a new recipe for the cooker or something. It could also have qualifiers like Simple lunch box, Fine lunch box, and Extravagant Masterfully Crafted Japanese Bento.

But what I support the most is that eating it anywhere does not invoke the "ate off the ground" debuff.
I like how this game can result in quotes that would be quite unnerving when said in public, out of context. - Myself

The dubious quotes list is now public. See it here


I'm curious to how the game already handles this. I already see raiders and visitors break out their own lunches and eat it on the ground. Why can't our colonists do the same? D:


Completely agree! And colonists can already carry items (example: door key), so that gives a nice perspective.