rescuing/recruiting wounded friendly visitors

Started by jasta85, January 04, 2015, 01:41:26 AM

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This has happened to me on a number of occasions, where a visiting group gets attacked by pirates or angry squirrels.  one of them gets wounded and left behind by his friends.  Now I would love to nurse him back to health if it helped improve relations with the faction he belongs to or maybe recruit him but the only option you get is to take him prisoner which is a big negative to your relations with his faction.  so in the end I just leave the guy to slowly starve to death and then take all his stuff which has no negative consequences.  is there anything else you can do with a wounded visitor?


Yeah this's been around for a while. I suppose you could make a temporary stockpile & bring him food, but then he'd have to wake up first..


There's currently no way to touch a visitor without making their faction hostile. If you really want to, you could capture/treat/release, but you have to capture/release 3 or 4 times before they go back to neutral.


Sadly due to this i allow many surviors to starve to death to avoid negative relations :(


Quote from: Scotty on January 04, 2015, 08:46:12 AM
Sadly due to this i allow many surviors to starve to death to avoid negative relations :(

and then strip their bodies and eat their flesh because that wouldn't offend their relatives. XD
Yes another god damn youtuber.


If you don't have cannibals, you can also feed the dead to the prisoners.  Stick a human meat freezer next to the prison, and put a limited-radius cook stove in the prison and set it to drop meals rather than haul.  All you have to do is manage the cooking bill and you're all set.


permanent changes aren't possible, only Tynan can change the faction diplomacy system.

you can however get it done in your save file. But this is a bit of a stretch.

#1. go to Options, and hit: open save data folder, then open the "saves" folder.

#2 open your save with notepad.

#3 search for one of your colonists within the save file by searching for there last name with Ctrl+F.

you should find something like this:


Copy YOUR >


#4 now search for the person that needs saving, by again searching for the last name.

now replace hes <faction> <kindDef> <jailerFaction> with what you copied from your own colonist.

#5 quit the notepad and save the file.

reload the save and you can capture/rescue and then recruit/release the spacer/outlander/tribesman without negative relationship points.


If you release a Colony member, they just rejoin the colony and get back to work.  You'd have to make them a member of a different faction before releasing.


Or simply activate debug mode in options, then use the communications console to contact the angry faction and click [Debug +10] to fix the relations.

Try not to cheat too much though ;D


Quote from: milon on January 04, 2015, 11:34:02 AM
If you release a Colony member, they just rejoin the colony and get back to work.  You'd have to make them a member of a different faction before releasing.

you caught me on my current lazyness, i knew this but forgot to mention it.

wouldn't be suprised btw that if you add him/her to the pirate faction he will just remain passive (even when not downed). Due to him/her remaining to have the same objectives as from the point he/she joined the map, regardless of anything (if he came in peace he will remain in peace), you'll be able to do w.e you want with him/her then. so that would probable be a better option then adding it to your own colony.


There is a mod that addresses this for now; it has "visitor" beds that look like medi beds.  Just look in the released mods forum.