Specific item for a recipe?

Started by SlimeCrusher, February 07, 2015, 05:40:42 PM

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Ok, i've been trying to add a recipe to my mod, that is: Mixing "potassium chlorate" and "petroleum jelly" gives "mockup plastic explosive" (i saw an article that said you could do plastic explosive this way). But when i get into the code, i notice that i can only put categories as ingredients, and not specific defs, so i get errors on the console while trying to load the mod. (couldn't resolve cross-reference to Verse.ThingCategoryDef named PetJelly/PotChlorate)

Any way to make the recipe use specific ingredients instead of categories? Take as an example the More Mechanoids mod, when you reprogram a crawler, you use plasteel, a dead crawler and an AI chip, something like that is what i need.



All i do is clutter all around.


Thanks! That worked, but for some reason my colonists simply don't make the plastic explosive...
They have the table and plenty of ingredients, but they don't care, i don't know what's wrong really.
The code is fine i think, anyone else had this problem before?


You need to make a workgiver for that workbench
All i do is clutter all around.