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Messages - DFKabuto

Quote from: Carlyscarlet on April 11, 2016, 11:26:31 PM
I'm gonna be completely honest here and say fuck no. You aren't the one to judge which games we are allowed to be in. Ideally, all games should be as inclusive as possible. I see no reason why trans+ people can't be in Rimworld. The world is harsh? Well newsflash buttercup, the world RIGHT NOW is extremely harsh to transpeople. We are seen as deviants and predators by most conservative people because of out identity. "Men in dresses/tomboys". They think we are just dressing up to go in and prey on children, a lie widely propagated by conservative media. Laws are regularly made against us to allow discrimination. You thought the one in NC is bad? There have bills pushed that'll make it so that people will be paid to point out transpeople in bathrooms that match their gender identity, basically bounty-hunting for transpeople. And even more twisted, vile and harsh? We are regularly murdered and driven to suicide. Our suicide attempt rates are the highest among minorities, above 40%. you know Mumble's comment on getting reject/beaten for finding out a person is trans. That happens IRL, and transpeople are murdered for it. You can google several news articles of transgender women being killed by someone they were dating. And people regularly say its their fault and victimblame, basically blaming us for getting ourselves murdered and not the murderer for murdering us.

People harrass, send threats, doxx us, abuse us (physically and sexually), and even murder us. And for what? What you might say? For having the gall to be open about our identity.

And this is the world, right now, for us.

So Rimworld is too harsh for us? Fuck that noise. The world right now is harsher than Rimworld can be for us and other minorities. And I rather Rimworld stay that way and not include those kinds of real life struggles trans+ people face right now. The struggles in Rimworld are about survival, not gender identity, gender, race, and orientation. They challenge the player to use the pawns and all the traits and quirks they have with them to survive, thrive, and escape. An old black woman with cataracts, a white teenage boy who is neurotic, and an asian man who is a great shooter but is afraid of fire. These characters from different background all fit in well into the survival story of Rimworld, and I can't see why a trans man who came from a mining colony and was too poor to transition can't fit into this ragtag group as well.

Killing Support for a Cause 101
Ideas / Re: "Gay" as a trait
April 11, 2016, 08:20:25 PM
You kidding? Kids would help any colony.

They'd probably sell for TONS to pirates and tribals.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
April 11, 2016, 06:00:03 PM
It would be nice to have an option to disable the speed lock during events (combat, namely). I can totally understand dropping the speed to 1 when an event first occurs, but I'd still like to have the option to speed it back up while the event is still happening.
Those things devour everything.

EDIT: For a more specific suggestion: make anything in a zone (stockpile, growing zone, etc.) off limits to visitors.
Give them a direct path into your base with no door blocking them, so they feel no need to bomb their way in. Make it a long, narrow corridor.

Line it with deadfalls.
Prisoners are a wellspring of money if you have a decent doctor and a Healroot farm (can we get a better name than Healroot, btw?). But I'm just not certain of if the body parts I take have to be frozen or just roofed. I could test it, but they're just so valuable.
Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty.
Ideas / Re: "Gay" as a trait
April 11, 2016, 02:42:22 AM
Labels exist because they work.

Removal of labels muddies language.
Another possibility would be to treat the weapon as having 100% accuracy at that range against animals in shock.
When a hunter sends their prey into shock, they walk close to it, presumably to deliver the coup de grace. However, this is done without regard for the optimum range for the weapon (often a rifle or bow), and so they end up wasting a great deal of time finishing the creature off.

Instead, I suggest they either:

  • Move to the optimum range of the weapon (the range at which its accuracy is greatest) or...
  • Simply walk up to it and kill it instantly, a la the "slaughter" command.