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Topics - milon

Support / MOVED: Mysterious incapacitation...
July 24, 2016, 08:05:34 AM
General Discussion / MOVED: Berserk!
July 22, 2016, 11:31:01 AM
Support / MOVED: Cannot Order Undrafted
July 22, 2016, 08:37:19 AM
Help / XML Auto-Documentation
July 15, 2016, 02:55:38 PM
RimWorld XML Auto-Documentation

Version: 1.0

Download from Dropbox

Note: Due to IRL constraints, this is the last update I'll provide.  But since it's 1.0, I expect there won't be anymore major releases.


In case you're not sure what it is, this is an HTML help file for modders. It contains a listing of all Core (ie. vanilla) uses of RimWorld's XML code.  It's great for learning what tags are parents or children of what.  It's not necessarily exhaustive since the game engine may support options that aren't actually used by the base game.  I'm purposefully confining this to XML only.  I don't get into DLL modding, but anyone else is more than welcome to do that if they see fit.

As an additional feature, I track the grandparent/grandchild relationship for some of the common XML tags.  They're listed as SOME_TAG<SOME_CHILD>, which should be clear enough on its own but I'm always open to suggestions/requests.  I've also begun tracking tags with a CompProperties_ attribute separately, as they're handled separately.  The tags currently given special attention are:

  • li
  • defName
  • all tags with a CompProperties_ attribute

Feel free to request others to be tracked separately as you see the need.

Auto-Doc Tool
For anyone who cares, I wrote the tool in a Windows-only language called AutoIt.  It should be compatible with Wine or ReactOS for any non-Windows users.  It's kinda inefficient, but it's what I was familiar with at the time and it gets the job done.

Old Stuff

Beta 19:
Beta 18:
Alpha 17:
Alpha 16:
Alpha 15:
Alpha 14:
Alpha 13:

New Modding Features
See the new A17 modding features here:

Patch Modding
Zhentar has made guide covering the new Patch process. Read about it here:

xpath troubleshooting
Skullywag is running an xpath clinic at this thread:

Modder's Guide to Abstracts (obsolete, but link kept for historical purposes):
This topic has been moved to Support.

Yup, even mods make mistakes sometimes!
Support / How to get your Steam Key
July 15, 2016, 02:11:51 PM
Get your key!
Everyone who legitimately purchased RimWorld from is eligible for a Steam key.  Yes, everyone:

How do you get your key?  Easy!  Click this link to get started, or read below for more information.

Official Keys Only
Please ONLY purchase RimWorld directly from Ludeon or Steam.  Do NOT purchase anywhere else, and especially beware "half-price keys".  It's a rip-off scheme by thieves that hurts everyone involved:

Known Issues

  • Steam Key is "[order status: initial]"
    Order status: Initial means this account doesn't have access to the game. Sometimes one email has leftover initial orders in addition to the good order, and the system sends you the initial order because it's first. You'll get a key, email [email protected]

  • "Duplicate Key" when entering Steam Key. First, try the key giver again. If it gives the same key, email [email protected] and ask for a new one.  NOTE: This applies ONLY to games purchased on the official RimWorld website before July 17.  It's been temporarily shut down for later purchasers due to piracy issues.  See for details.
    Should be resolved with the updated registration process

Got comments or questions?  Post 'em!
General Discussion / MOVED: Duplicate key
July 15, 2016, 02:07:48 PM
General Discussion / MOVED: Help
July 10, 2016, 08:58:11 PM
Bugs / MOVED: Missing notification message
July 08, 2016, 08:24:23 PM
This topic has been moved to Testers.
Hi all,

I'm going to start by saying that, as suggested by my avatar, I'm a white male.  I grew up in southern Canada, and I live in northern USA (I'm a dual-citizen).  My background is very white, mostly blue collar workers.  My heritage is mostly English and German.  In other words, I'm a member of the dominant culture of my region.

I have recently been learning about the systemic racism within my culture, and I suspect it pervades most of the so-called "First Nations" countries.  I had no idea the cultural advantages I have over others simply because of the color of my skin.  I assumed that White Supremacy was something that died with Hitler, and I thought that #BlackLivesMatter was just a bunch of angry people who happened to be black.

I think I've been wrong.  I think there's a real problem here, and I think I've even been a part of it (unintentional & mostly unconscious, but that doesn't change the reality of it).  I'm probably not saying any of this well because this is a new realization for me that I'm trying to process & understand.  I want to learn more about this issue, and this a global & diverse community.  I'd like to hear your thoughts & experiences about about these topics.  Have you experienced racism on either end?  If you don't mind saying, what's your culture, your skin color, your heritage?  Are you in a majority culture or a minority?  Do you see racism where you live?  Do you see white supremacy as a reality?  What's your experience with BlackLivesMatter?  etc?
Off-Topic / facebook is broken?
June 16, 2016, 02:34:17 PM
Is facebook broken for anyone else?  I was using it normally, and all of a sudden most of the nav-links on the left side disappeared, I can't retrieve messages, most of the pop-up windows don't work, etc.  (Really sucks too - I rarely use fb except to co-ordinate events with people, like I'm trying to do right now...)

EDIT - And it's working again.  Weird...
Quote from: JuliaEllie on January 26, 2015, 02:17:26 AM

Hey guys,

this is the new mod - the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Its single use but very powerful.

" And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it. " - Book of Armaments, chapter two.

Have fun!

This mod was made during stream - thanks to everyone who was there <3

Now updated for Alpha 13 goodness!

This mod adds a single grenade-type weapon to the game, and "should" be compatible with virtually every other mod.  It is untested with other mods, so please report any problems!

Known Issues

  • None

Anyone is free to to include this mod in modpacks, examine the code, make their own versions, adapt segments of it, etc.  Credit & notification must be given to JuliaEllie (original author).  Crediting and/or notifying me is optional.
Ideas / Automatic Mod Switching
June 03, 2016, 06:29:24 PM
I don't think this has been requested before.  I'd love to see RimWorld automatically load the appropriate mods (if current setup doesn't match) before loading a colony file.

I often play with different mod loadouts, and I don't always remember which colony uses which mods (or order).  I often don't remember to change the mods before loading a different-than-last-time colony.  It's a pain to click Load and THEN get a warning message.  There's not even a Cancel button - I just have to wait for it to fail, then quit, restart, adjust the mod loadout, and try again.  This really could (should IMO) be handled automatically by RimWorld with a prompt to either Load Matching Mods or Load Without Changing Mods or Cancel.
This was originally reported in Mod Bugs, but the issue persists without mods. Moved to vanilla Bugs.

Quote from: Hatti on May 28, 2016, 06:48:12 PM
Hi everyone!

i encountered an issue which breaks my game. Everytime a visitor group tries to spawn, my game hang up and cpu usage goes up.
The output_log will be spammed with the message "Could not get new name"
I´m using quite a few mods but figured out, that this log message will be written from the rimworld assembly itself (NameGenerator.cs). It will only occur with lager visitor groups.

It may come from the Hospitality mod. I havn´t looked into this assembly to verify if its using the NameGenerator. Any help would be nice

My modlist:

Community Core Library
Community Core Library - Vanilla Tweaks
CombatRealism Defence
CombatRealism EPOE
Brass Monkeys
M&amp;Co. AlertSpeaker
M&amp;Co. MMS
Mad Skills
Quarry v1.20
Rimsenal No Weapons
Smart Bears
Stonecutting Tweak
no fighting! (v1)

I'm out of town right now, so I can only ask questions and speculate.

Larger groups of how many pawns? Do any of your mods change the number of pawns spawned at once? What's the in-game date?

CPU usage increasing is normal and expected behavior when spawning pawns. It sounds like the name generator is giving up.  Do any of the mods add names, back stories, etc?