Help pls on corrupted mods and saved game

Started by flightgamer, August 28, 2018, 08:40:57 PM

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Tried .19 briefly as vanilla but then went back to modded .18 and restarted. When I tried to load the saved .18 game it asked if I wanted to load all the ~50 mods from the save but now says that all those .18 mods and the saved game are corrupted. Any thoughts to fix?  I never remember having this problem changing beta versions before.  :-\ thx


It sounds like you may have saved over the .18 data with .19 data (from the same original save, mind you).  Do you have any earlier saves?
Thanks, belgord!


No but I'll look into that possibility, thx Bozobub


If you was using Steam, the autoupdate prolly update some of the mods to B19 too.
Be sure all your mods are still B18.
Maybe delete the Config folder to reset all configs from vanilla and mods.