Fueling Stoves Properly and Help Tab

Started by Sarge, November 11, 2020, 09:47:40 AM

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Hi Guys

I am posting here because I probably suck at searching and I eventually gave up. I can't find a RimWorld Discord server where I could ask and I can't find the info I'm looking for.

I am losing my mind with fueled stoves in areas with very low wood supply. My pawn will go grab the nearest wood, even if it's just 1 piece, refuel the oven and start cooking even though it is obviously not enough, so it burns out which resets the cooking (F) and then just run and grab the next whatever amount of nearest wood and repeat the process again. If there is no wood in the stockpile and the sparse trees don't supply enough to complete a cooking action the pawn can potentially repeat this until all the available wood lying on the map is depleted and not complete a single cooking action.

If he/she knows how many ingredients to use then he/she also knows how much wood is needed to cook it.

If this is driving me nuts, it has driven a modder nuts who's made a fix for this. I can't find it, can someone please point me to it?

Then, the Help Tab. Where has it gone? I can't find it. I managed to find a version 1.0 or something by the original author but I can not find 1.2's and there's no point in using wiki for stuff you need to know about mod content.

Pl0x halp. Thanks kindly in advance.


About HelpTab, search for WikiRim.

There is no mod solution for the refuel objects, they all miss a range slider.
I allways add a 1x1 stockpile with critical for wood next to the stove.


Thanks Canute. Yeah I do the same in terms of a wood stockpile but I seem to always play on masochist mode meaning I seldom to never have wood in the stockpile cause people are dying, getting raided, animals are mad and my mother-in-law is annoying all at the same time all the time. :(

Please make my fuel properly mod :P