Started by ShadowKatt, March 04, 2020, 05:34:57 PM

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So I have this pirate faction in my game, Anton's Swords. They're pirates. They will never be my friends. All the same, I get this quest, an IMMENSE BUILDING. Built it, protect it, and we give you good stuff. So i took it, why not. I'm about 2/3-3/4 done with it, and I get a raid. Sappers, of course(are there any other kind of raiders? They're not raiders if they don't grenade most of your base), and they're from who else? ANTON'S SWORDS! So I fight them off with relatively few casualties, set everyone to haul and clean to recover from it, only to be informed that the quest IMMENSE BUILDING from ANTON'S SWORDS failed because I ran out of time. Because ANTON'S SWORDS decided to raid me.

There's just no making some people happy.


For sure the new mod throws in a lot more chaos... I love your example though.

In my case I was hosting the emperor (part of the endgame) and I restricted the diet of his guards and one legit went berzerk and plasma sword murdered my Baron.

I save scummed, I'm ashamed to say, but I do have a story to tell about an imperidal guard murdering the local lord hosting him because he did not find the food to be lavish enough.


At least they didn't demand you protect it for 30 days, then show up and mortar their own monument.


Typical pirate/sadistic leader thing.
They give you a quest to give you hope for peace/rewards, so you waste your time and material on that quest.
And right before you maybe made it to complete the quest they just notice they don't have your reward anymore and raid you so you fail the quest ! :-)


What Canute describes is basically Lucy and the football from Charlie Brown.