Solid Game and Solid Community

Started by hardbrocklife, October 31, 2021, 01:27:43 PM

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First time I have ever seen the debug log. I think most people would see this and feel a sense of dread, because now they have to fix things to play their game. I personally am happy to see it in the way it has been formatted. It literally tells me what what is wrong. It has a copy to clipboard function!? Im accustomed to situations where I have gone to load up some sort of game where it threw errors(looking at you, Ark) and the error makes no sense, I cant copy and paste the error because of the dialog box its rendered in, etc...making it miserable to figure out what the issue is. This is beautiful. It even has messages posted by mod authors where the original mod was updated and the temp mod author wants you to download the original.

I was instructed on exactly what to do to solve one of my issues. Secondly, in this specific instance, a modder updated a mod after a game update to continue to provide it to the community, and take pressure of the original mod author to update that mod(because some people feel entitled), and now that the original author of that mod has updated it they want to make sure the OP gets the credit for their work.

Rimworld is one of the few game communities where decent people seem to outweigh the toxic. Honestly, I think the price of the DLCs is not proportional to content you get, but it is proportional to big picture quality of the Rimworld experience. Tynan tries to update the game with the modding community in mind and user experience in mind, and the modding community compounds the potential game experience for other users. Ive come to understand that accessibility is what largely what I am paying for with each update.

Out of all of the games I play, the Rimworld community definitely seems built different.


My errors have sharpened edges, don't try to catch them.


you only see the debug window when you got an critical error or when you enable developer mode (which i recomment when you play with mods).
What you can't copy&paste the error text is very curious. You got on top "Copy to clipboard", you can select just error and then should appear a button to copy.
You use hugslib mod and got the "Share logs" button, which upload the modlist,patches and log and create a link to share with other (recommend way when you play with mods).
Ohh you maybe mean you don't got a button to copy the marked text ? But the standard global keybind strg-c should work.

And btw. yellow text is a warning not an error, normaly it don't have any influence at the game.
Just red text are error's and should be avoided (maybe read the of my signature).