Vanishing frozen caravan meat

Started by Injured Muffalo, January 21, 2018, 05:44:39 AM

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Injured Muffalo

I was having food issues. So, I sent a caravan to a nearby village to buy some food. They had meat; I bought about 700. Now, at home the temperature is far below freezing. These villages are north of where we live, and not far away either. So I thought the meat would be fine; the game didn't say the meat would spoil at some time as it does in the caravan creation dialog.

I don't even think we were 3 days away (since snow doesn't seem to count for caravans). 1.5 days is what the map says. But anyway the meat should have been frozen!

The only downside I see is the potentially expensive concept of keeping track of travel temperature, or temperature everywhere (that seems wrong). Or maybe travel temperature should just always be whatever the average is on that hexagon.

Anyway, as the title says, my meat of two...
A muffalo encountered a vimp near a patch of sweet vegetables. A struggle ensued. The muffalo gored the vimp with its horns. The vimp bit the muffalo with its beak. Finally, the vimp was bested, sending large chunks of its flesh in every direction. But the muffalo was injured. It shed a single tear.


Did you looked at the inventory of your pawn's and caravan animals ?
Maybe they forget to unload the stuff.


Injured Muffalo

A muffalo encountered a vimp near a patch of sweet vegetables. A struggle ensued. The muffalo gored the vimp with its horns. The vimp bit the muffalo with its beak. Finally, the vimp was bested, sending large chunks of its flesh in every direction. But the muffalo was injured. It shed a single tear.