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Messages - souless

Any hope of making windowed walls to allow daytime light into rooms?
Perhaps there could be just holed walls, counts as indoors, but matches outdoor temp (like Vents do), then after Crafting I, allow building windowed walls and windowed conduit walls (each use 1 glass).

And perhaps, after Crafting II and Agriculture II allow walls made entirely of Glass, for that Greenhouse look ;-)
Is there a way to set a group of Hydroponics Bays to grow the same thing, rather than having to click them one by one?
Outdated / Re: [Mod](A10) Fast Floors V1.2
April 26, 2015, 01:11:52 AM
Could you make it so we can place Smooth Stone floors over concrete? I have this small bit where I had a wood floor for my bedroom, but I turned that bedroom into hallway (for more bedrooms), now it looks odd
Quote from: Ninefinger on April 26, 2015, 01:04:26 AM
smooth stone is technically not a floor type its just smoothing the floor if its already bare stone, and since the floors aren't "Stuff" you cant deconstruct them, the best you can do is to make the hallway some sort of stone tile. eg, granite tile.

My bad, I think the Smooth Stone floor I'm talking about comes from Fast Floors mod, which your mod is over-writing.. I think I'll have to make Fast Floors load after Superior Crafting.
Could you make it so we can place Smooth Stone floors over concrete? I have this small bit where I had a wood floor for my bedroom, but I turned that bedroom into hallway (for more bedrooms), now it looks odd.