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Messages - uly

I looked into the save file, and it looks like at least some of the departed animals stay in the save record.

I had a herd of wild elephant that came in as manhunters. I downed them without killing them, and they had been hanging around my map since. When they left in winter, I was hoping that they'd come back again in spring. But so far still no elephants in sight...

I should add that I'm playing in a temperate forest map -- not the natural habitat of elephants.
I had thought that wild animals usually starved/froze to death or simply disappeared in winter. Just realised that they, in fact, leave the map voluntarily.

But where do they go? Do the same animals come back after winter?
Thanks for the good work EdB!
This is the single most important mod in making RW fun for me!

I'd like to make one request/suggestion:
A16 seems to support at least 7 traits per pawn. It'd be great if Prepare Carefully could also let you set 7 traits instead of only 3.

Anyway, keep up the good work!
Mods / Re: A16 updates; what happened to CCL?
December 25, 2016, 09:36:55 AM
Yeah I found the thread, but thought it stopped at A14.

Thanks for the heads up. Any idea how one can go about making custom backstories in A16?

ps. Awesome mod list.
Mods / A16 updates; what happened to CCL?
December 25, 2016, 09:27:46 AM
I've been away from RW since A12. Looks like a lot has changed in the mods world, and some of my favourite mods seems to have gone out of date.

Specifically, I just found out that BackstoriesCore has been merged into the CCL. But what's happened to the CCL? It's also discontinued?
Mods / Re: Nominate a mod to be included in RimWorld!
December 25, 2016, 09:05:48 AM
Haven't looked through this thread, but I'm sure
EdB Prepare Carefully must has been mentioned hundreds of times. It's probably the most "should have been in core" mod ever.

I also think the custom BackstoriesCore mod should have been core long time ago. In fact it strikes me as quite strange that the backstories isn't easily moddable out of the box.
General Discussion / Giving up and leaving
April 23, 2016, 06:24:05 AM
I was looking at the RW Wiki page for Mood. In the list of mental breakdowns, the first is "Giving up and leaving".

I've had many mental breakdowns in RimWorld so far. (Um, my colonists; I'm feeling pretty okay.) But I've never witnessed the give up and leave reaction. Has anyone seen this?
Thanks for the great mods!

I'd like to make a small request:
Could you please add "Animals" to the medical info filters? It's something that's always bugged me about the vanilla game.

Thanks again and keep up the great creations!
Mods / [Mod Request] Target indicator
April 17, 2016, 04:06:55 AM
I was looking at a screenshot from Rikiki's M&Co. here:

I'm not sure if he's using some weapons mod or it was photoshopped, but I rather like the laser lines coming out from the pawns' guns.

So, I'd like to request a basic UI mod that draws a targt line like that, simply as a visual feedback for the pawn's current target. This would make large battles a lot easier to manage.

After thinking about it a bit more, I think the root problem is how "rotting" and "item health" are handled.

Currently, item health and rotting/dessication are completely separate attributes. This is why you have weird phenomenon like having a dessicated skeleton with 100% health. As well as having frozen items that says "won't spoil" and then becoming rotten anyway.

Perhaps a better way to handle this is to simply merge item health and rotting into one attribute. For example, any item that falls below 50% health could be considered to have begun to rot. Any further rotting would reduce the meat yield from butchering, as well as increasing the chance of meat being infectious.

This would make more sense and solve the need for a separate "rotting" flag altogether.
Ideas / Battle station!
April 15, 2016, 09:47:13 AM
It would be great to have an option to call for battle station, which makes all the colonists execute the following:

1. Equip appropriate gears.
2. Pre-designated power devices are switched on or off.
3. Run to pre-defined positions, including manning turrets/mortars.
4. Animals are assigned to master or no-master according to user-definition.
5. All pawns are auto-drafted and standby for further commands.

This would save a lot of routine battle preparation.
Currently, you can set the crematorium to accept corpses that are rotting. I find this to be rather a strange: instead of this inclusive "also cremate rotting corpses" option, it'd be much more useful to have an exclusive "only cremate rotting corpses" option. This would make sure that no fresh corpses are wasted when they can still be butchered.
Ideas / Reverse designation on hives
April 14, 2016, 07:19:07 PM
A simple UI tweak: add an "destroy hive" designation on the hives, so one would have to manually draft someone and manual-attack in order to destroy hives.
Ideas / Assign "secure zone"
April 14, 2016, 07:17:18 PM
A family of bears wonder into my cave, in a sort of reverse Goldilocks scenario. But I'm quite partial to bears and they're not causing any fuss, so why not have these cuddly guests around? So I leave them hanging about.

And a few days later they eat my pet dog.

This has happened to me multiple times. Once they even succeeded in murdering a colonist.

To remedy this, and much more, I'd suggest adding a new feature: a secure zone.

This would be an area that you could create, much like the existing animal area. But within this area, any intruder would be treated as a hostile and reacted as such. For example, a wondering bear would be attacked on sight by a pawn in the "attack" reaction mode. A pawn in the "flee" mode would flee from any intruder within the secure zone.

Of course, you don't want to accidentally start a war by shooting up the visitors, so it'd be important to be able to set different level of security. Eg: secure from everything, where anything that move is shot; secure from animals, where all non-human is shot; secure from predators, where only predatorial animals are shot; no security, basically an "off" mode.

Alternatively, instead of a new zone, this could also be a new attribute to an existing zone.

One potential extended use for this zone could be for pest control:
If bug hives are treated as hostile objects within this zone, then one could draw a secure zone around a hive, but leaving 1 or 2 hives outside the secure zone. Any new hive that spawns would trigger a hostile reaction from the colonists, who would rush to destroy the hive, thus automatically maintaining the desired amount of hive spawns.
Sorry: I only thought about reporting the bug after the I already lost the save. This did happen to me twice, though. But I also cannot recreate it now that I tried.

What could have happened was that "Carry X to cryptosleep casket" is one of the options that shows up on a downed enemy. And when there are a number of downed enemies stacked together, the right-click options gets long and I tend to skim only the first few letters. So I might have confused "Carry X to..." with "Capture X..."

A suggestion I'd have is to change the wording from "Carry to cryptosleep" to something like "Freeze in cryptosleep". This is more on the level of UX, but since cryptosleep is such a rare action that I think it merits a more unique wording.

What I have noticed is that the option to cryptosleep an enemy is only available if she's downed -- you cannot cryptosleep a conscious prisoner. Sure you can knock them out first, but that feels like unnecessary brutality.