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Messages - Serina

Releases / Re: [1.0] Zetrith's Multiplayer
January 31, 2019, 10:11:13 PM
Quote from: Milso on January 31, 2019, 06:53:27 PM
Are 2 people able to be in different settlements at the same time?
Say player A is in main base and Player 2 is building an outpost?

Ideally it would be nice if players work on bootstrap base then run off to create there own base and trade/support each other

Yes, this is how my bf and I are playing together using the multiplayer mod.
Just make sure you set maximum number of colonies to more than 1 under Gameplay Options.

His base is the one on the road while mine's a bit off road.
I play permadeath, mostly on x2 speed. I'd be lying if I said I never used alt f4 in my b18 saves, although used mainly when my favorite animal/pawn died. After I alt f4, I usually start a new save because I felt like I was cheating. lol.
Proud to say I have taken all the losses and rng in my 1.0 playthroughs thus far and it has been a lot more challenging with NB starts since I'm used to the default 3 colonists starter pack with goodies.
That being said, I've never built the ship nor have I ever wanted to. However, hearing people talk about the final challenge before launch intrigues me so I might build my first ship once 1.0 stable is released.

Odd behavior from "predator" pets. Midnight was hungry so she decided to go out and hunt an ibex. Ibex becomes maddened and strikes back, Midnight flees (?) instead of finishing off her meal. The ibex are now manhunter status and heads towards the colony. I found it a bit odd/funny that predators flee from their prey after it gives them a couple of bruises. lol.

Also, I've already mentioned this twice before but never got a response. My last raid was day 157, it's now day 311. I've continued to play this save in hopes that I'd eventually get a raid with the new updates, but so far no luck. I can understand the friendly/neutral factions not attacking, but there's no reason the pirates haven't come to pillage my booty after 154 days. Imo, this should be looked into because it's quite game breaking for raids from pirates to cease after you've become friendly/neutral with the other factions. This save file feels so stagnant and boring now, knowing I don't have to worry about raids. I've started several other save files since I've started having issues but I continue to come back and check on this colony after every patch just to see if the raids were "fixed". I have no idea if it's broken, but it sure feels like it to me.
Quote from: Boboid on July 09, 2018, 03:21:00 AM
The resurrector serum says "Outcomes are better when the mechanites are administered to a fresher body. Well-preserved bodies can be resurrected , even long after death".
You can resurrect bodies so long as they're merely Rotten, not Dessicated.

Depending on the environment that the corpse is left in it can last a surprising amount of time in the Rotten state. And they won't rot at all if frozen.
I'm not totally sure what would happen if you buried someone in a sarcophagus in a freezer, I -think- the game handles it correctly and the corpse is preserved but I haven't tested it personally. I have vague memories of digging up graves in polar environments and discovering they were still fresh.

Geez, this thread moves so quickly. Anyway, thank you for the clarification. After reading about Sapper, I tried to revive an old colonist but unfortunately she was already desiccated. Next time I will try the sarcophagus in a freezer and see if it works.
Quote from: robno on July 09, 2018, 12:35:33 AM
I like how you always name one of the pawns after yourself!

:D I try to name all the new recruits myself as well, rarely do they keep the names they spawned with. It helps me feel more attached to my colony so losses are a bit more devastating.

Quote from: Grimelord82 on July 09, 2018, 01:03:56 AM
I have resurrected a pawn 33 days after sarcophagus burial. He was rotting and missing the top half of his head due to Lancer fire. He rezzed in perfect health, minus total blindness. I agree the interface for that and the healing serum is weird, but I like the items a lot.
Sapper the Resurrected now has two bionic eyes.

I've never used a resurrector mech serum and thought you couldn't use it on rotting corpses, only fresh ones, according to the description. That's pretty cool Sapper was able to revive with his head intact. I wonder if the serum is working as intended.

Quote from: Sirsir on July 08, 2018, 10:34:29 PM
Did Thrumbos get an armor buff recently? Last fight like half the shots bounced off of them...

I'm not sure, I only remember reading about increased speed on thrumbos.

New game on phoebe extra hard NB with two pawns.
Lasted only 8 days because I decided to test out the new thrumbo speed buff (5.5 c/s).
Became manhunter after the first shot. Tried to use the usual technique of kiting over chunks, didn't work out so well.
Before the speed buff, I was able to hunt thrumbos using only short bows + kite technique throughout my 1.0 playthroughs.
I personally like this change because it felt like the thrumbos were way too easy to hunt and made the first month on NB much easier after you kill the first one.
Thrumbo fur parka + silver for the meat and horn pretty much set me up for the first winter in my other playthroughs. Lesson learned though. Early game thrumbos are scary once again.
Quote from: Tynan on July 07, 2018, 02:50:49 AM

More apparel covers the neck.
When a predator is hunting a colonist we now send a letter.
Needs tab is now hidden for wild animals.
Predators can now hunt humanlikes at medium difficulty or above.
Adjust some biome animal densities.

Well done. I was going to post about wildlife density in tundra biome last night but something came up irl so I couldn't. Anyway, I'm glad this was adjusted. The wildlife in tundra felt a bit excessive. I could feed my colonists, animals, power 10 chemfuel generators and still have this much meat stockpiled:

I aggressively hunt wildlife on the map, excluding bunnies. Mainly to help train my shooters and whatever I can fit in the freezer goes in. However, it got to the point where I've had numerous animal corpses on the ground because my freezer was overflowing with bodies. Had so much meat didn't bother to grow potatoes for a long time and just fed everyone with simple meals since I needed to grow cotton for carpet.

I'm glad more apparel covers the neck. It's hard to equip everyone with power armor just for the neck cover in colder biomes because it doesn't give much insulation. The return of decrease movespeed when wearing armor doesn't bother me much as I tend to favor bionics over natural bodies. I'm glad parka doesn't decrease movespeed anymore like in b18. Hopefully that doesn't get reverted :)

Edit: Sorry, plate armor. Not power armor.

Also, not sure if this has been brought to attention yet but my last raid was day 157. I'm now on day 294 and still waiting.

I did get a psychic ship 15th of Septober 5504 but that's about it. Someone else said they haven't been getting raids since they became allies/neutral with the other factions as well. I understand the other factions not raiding, but where are all the pirates? I don't even remember which faction raided me last, but I don't think it was pirates either.
Psychic ship with two centipedes, two lancers and two scythers.

I made a pretty big mistake that caused the deaths of my animals which could have probably been avoided.
I released them too soon before the mechs were stunned by emp. I kind of panicked and hit release on the animals as soon as the centipedes started spraying, which was a huge mistake on my part.
I need more melee pawns w/ shield belt + power armor. Friendly fire was more of an issue for Beth (my only melee pawn w/ shield belt) since she mostly sustained bruises and a crack from the centipede's weapon.

Edit: I personally have never had a problem with thrumbo hunting (without cheese). I use two pawns with short bows, max range from the thrumbo and attack at the same time. When the thrumbo becomes manhunter, I use one pawn to kite the thrumbo around stone chunks while the other pawn is continuously shooting. Worked for me every time even on NB. You can do the same with two thrumbos but it requires more pawns.

I've also tried the "cheese" tactic of hiding behind doors, but found it actually wasted more time than necessary. For me, it was much more efficient to kite the thrumbo around. I have had some really close calls where the thrumbo was literally right behind my pawn, but managed to snag it on to some chunks which helped to slow its movement. I feel as though thrumbos are much easier to hunt now than in b18 because sometimes they flee while you're shooting them, which allows you to deal more damage, in turn affecting the thrumbo's overall movespeed for when it does turn manhunter.
Quote from: Dargaron on July 05, 2018, 05:27:06 PM
Wouldn't that potentially cause problems with the Resurrection Serum, since an animal can (IIRC), only be bonded to one individual?

Ah, didn't even think about Resurrection Serums and how it would affect multiple bonds. I've never seen an animal bond to more than one person, was just wondering if it was possible at all.
Quote from: Tass237 on July 05, 2018, 04:50:36 PM

If they don't hunt human-likes, maybe they should automatically trigger manhunter at a certain hunger/malnutrition level to cover desperation? It would give an alert like any other manhunter event, but would add realism without dangerous surprises.

I like that idea. It's better than completely disabling predators from hunting humans.

On a side note:
I've had two polar bears and a cougar bond to the doctors tending their wounds but haven't had any large animals bond to their handlers.
I specifically try to assign certain pawns to handling in hopes of establishing bond between the animal/handler but so far the doctors have had more luck.

Also, are animals able to bond to someone else once their previously bonded pawn has died? Whiskers the cougar bonded to Elsie while she was tending to his wounds but she died last month after bravely tanking 5 wargs during a manhunter event.
Quote from: Call me Arty on July 05, 2018, 04:02:53 PM
Finally, I miss the old, round silver. Now I'm just getting a snotty-tissue/forgotten-popcorn-under-the-couch vibe. The old round design kinda made it seem more refined, valuable. The silver we have now looks like it's begging to be made into a weapon or loaded into a cannon, not set as a global currency.

Snotty-tissue... lol! I'd have to agree with you and the many others that posted about silver so far. Old round design is definitely more pleasing to the eyes.
At first I thought the doors were stuck, but they closed after a few seconds. ^.^

I'm glad someone else is experiencing this lack of raids other than me. Makes sense you get less raids if you're friendly/neutral with more factions but I have to admit I feel like I'm playing on base builder now. I was afraid something broke in my save but don't want to start a fresh one because I really want to test the new sniper turret.

Last raid was around day 157, I am now on day 265. Something is definitely wrong here. I've been playing this save since 1.0.1952 or something along those lines and just loading the newest unstable version as the game is updated. I'm friendly/neutral with all the other factions aside from pirates. Difficulty: Hard - Phoebe. Phoebe chillax is really living up to her name  ;)

I see the doors got a buff in hp. My steel doors were at 150 last night, now at 180 (colonists running to repair them lol). I also noticed they take a bit longer to close after a pawn/animal walks through them. As far as heat transfer, I haven't noticed much of a difference that changes gameplay for me. Looking forward to using plasteel autodoors :D
Quote from: Tynan on July 05, 2018, 01:40:23 PM
Build is up!


Predators no longer hunt humanlikes.

:( I've had multiple colonists die to predators in my past saves but I actually liked that because it meant I had to pay better attention to the wild animals around the area. The addition of the wild life tab allowed me to quickly check and aggressively hunt everything on the map excluding the hares. I'm a bit sad that predators no longer hunt humans since I personally enjoyed that part of the game.
Not sure what's going on in my current save file, but I don't think I've had a "raid" event in the last two years. I've had three manhunter events that consisted of two lynx and a warg pack, each event roughly threw around 13~15 animals at me. Meat and leather at my doorstep is great but just wondering what all the raiders are doing.  :P

Also, I'm up to 98k colony wealth but have only encountered two ancient ship events so far. In the previous versions, I got my first two ancient ships before I even hit 60k colony wealth. I appreciate all the downtime for base upgrades but I'm kind of afraid of what will be thrown at me next because it has been fairly quiet for a while.

My message log as far as it can go back to:
Phoebe - Hard - Tundra - Flat

Edit: I have no mods installed. Started Naked Brutality, but with two pawns.
Wanderer joins event disabled and starting colonists age range between 20~30.