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Topics - EnricoDandolo

Im trying to get a colony of 3+1 (Came on their own.) to survive in an Extreme Desert, and so far its not working.
By day 5 we're out of food, and our crops need like 1-3-4 more days to mature euough to the point of where we have any chance of getting food from them. We captured someone who is a really good miner (15) and im interested in using him, but I don't want to turn to cannibalism.
How do I do this?
I'm about to start a tribal game in the jungle with this cool mod that adds giant cezo-era creatures like huge centipedes and wargs on steroids.
Im interested in how animals are effective in combat against other enemies.
Heres the scenario.
Tribal planet, no guns (At least I hope so), only bows and javelins (To be clear NOONE has guns. No guns.)
Which animals would be good to train? Im looking for animals that can do melee combat and can maybe take a hit or two, these animals should also be sustainable, so no boom rats as those seem to kick the bucket really fast and start synchronized explosions.
General Discussion / How to deal with Scythers?
July 17, 2017, 01:31:25 AM
I run Psychology, CE, CEW (Common era weapons), EPOE, Aparello
Recently after a devastating 2-scyther raid I decided that I'd ask for help.
Heres how it went
The scythers (despite saying in their description that they DON'T use cover) took cover behind a large clump of rocks in front of my sorta kill-box?
They started firing, and over the cource of two days despite me calling friendlies (And watching them get slaughtered), they stayed alive with my people suffering wounds,
and half my colony needing the "pocket pacifist medic" to hunker down in front of them with his ballistic shield and drag them to safety.
Eventually we started having to go back to the ammunition closet, grab ammo, and go back.

Imagine trench warfare, that was literary what this was like. It was a battle of 7v2 and we were losing, none of us had given any ground and we were running out of ammo faster than they were, and they were way more accurate then we were, landing atleast 2-3 shots every 12-24 hours. After we called friendlies, they all died or fled without damaging the scythers because they were slow, and didn't use covers.

Eventually we got past it once my arty-dude started landing his HE shells (After 10-20 misses in a row depleting 3/4 of our shell supply) and for a while it was good.

20 days later here I am facing a Psychic Ship Crash, and having no idea what to do since this time im coming to them, rather then the other way around.
I had no idea that they contained scythers, so I was all like "Easy, I'll just send someone over there to punch it to death" and then watched my colony go from 7 to 6 when the scythers popped out.

Any suggestions how to deal with them?
We have an AA-12 with 5 emp slugs, An LMG (not sure which), 1 anti-material rifle, 1 pacifist medic with a plasteel shield, 1 SKS rifleman.
General Discussion / Does this count as a bug?
July 17, 2017, 12:03:12 AM
So my new colony (103 days) just got visted by a combat supplier caravan from a friendly faction.
I thought it'd be be normal, I let them stick around for a day after buying an excellent AA-12, but then in a day I start noticing odd things.
I start getting the FIRE popup every hour, and I check it and I see no reason for there to be any fires.
Then, I saw it, one of the traders was lighting fires in my base, my walled-off no-fire-protection base with it's interior made completely out of wood.
The trader was a woman who had the pyromanic trait.
Should I report this as a bug or what?
I don't think its fair to have to deal with people setting your base on fire, who you can't control in any way without starting a war.
I'm only a little curious about everyone's favorite WEAPONS.
Recently I've started a new colony using CombatExtended, EPOE, and Apparello.
Im at day 65, so im at the phase of the game where I can start producing armour, tools, and what not. I recently lost a colonist that could've been saved had he had better protection, so now im wondering about loadouts. These are the catergories im interested in.
Combat Medic - Pacifist, I want them to be able to dive into the thick of battle, drag or heal people on the spot, preform rescues, and preform operations or provide cover for reloading colonists during battle.
Supression / Door Gunner - Their job is to fire down a wide area and scatter/hunker down the enemies, providing cover for colonists and allowing them to toss grenades at hunker'd / supressed enemies.
Frontline - Im thinking of someone who can shoot down a large area, doing the job of a Door Gunner, but also doing tons of damage while having cheaper ammo to produce.
Backline - Colonists who'se main job is to fire at long ranges, and take out key targets, such as, grenadiers, artys, and say people under (or behind) cover.
Battle Engineer - I need this person for off-home attacks where we need to construct forts in enemy territory. Should I bring turrets? Mortars? How many resources?

Also feel free to suggest any mods that would add good guns (Modern and ect)
Mods / Mod Request Shooting Rebalance
April 10, 2017, 08:58:40 PM
So theres a mod called Melee Rebalance which lets your colonists use three modes for deciding methods of attack
1- Capture - Incapacitate them, don't kill them.
2- Disarm - Making them drop their weapon
3- Kill - Focus on killing them.
How about a shooting mod similar to this?
1 - Kill - Aim for head/brain, or vital organs
2 - Capture - Aim for legs/feet
3 - Disarm - Shoot their sword/gun out of their hand.
General Discussion / Surgery Failures
March 17, 2017, 11:53:58 PM
Okay so your telling me my level 12 "Very Strong Expert" Doctor Erika, who is a physicist can fuck up a surgery that badly?
Lemmle just show you my frustration.
Yury was supposed to get a bionic arm, and Erika as my best doctor was sent to install it. She used a glitter world med to do it, but guess what? She somehow manages to stab him IN THE CHEST so badly that he bleeds out in a day. Not only that, but she completely destroys the bionic arm. I really don't understand how that happened.
If my colonist is operating on a patient's arm, they shouldn't "Accidentally" impale them.
Bugs / Warden delievering food glitch
March 11, 2017, 05:57:59 PM
If a prisoner does not have a bed the warden will deliver them food. However if the prisoner is in a stockpile the warden will drop the food, pick it up, drop it, pick it up, in an endless cycle.
Because I am playing on Permadeath mode, I cannot upload a save file (I would if I could)
I'll give some more detail on it though
So the prisoner (INSERT NAME) was removed from her bed inside a stockpile zone. A warden came to deliver her food, but because of how that works he just dropped it near her, which was on a stockpile. I believe that the problem is that the AI of the colonist is confused because he thinks that he didn't deliver it, so he takes it from the stockpile which is where the prisoner is at, only to place it again in the stockpile resulting in a loop.
Stories / The Valleymere Decree
March 11, 2017, 05:53:48 PM
Winter 7th 5500
The towns of Valleymere, and Togetherness hereby declare War on the town of Luxembourg. Luxembourg will be invaded on Winter 10th, if Luxembourg fails to surrender to us we will be forced to use brute force on them.
Our conditions for surrender are that our caravans be allowed to pass, and be allowed to take all the food and supplies they need on the way to their destination and back.
We hope that you comply to our demands.
Stories / The Valleymere Gathering
March 11, 2017, 05:51:42 PM
Winter 2th 5500
In response to the Luxembourg Decree, a far-way town known only as Valleymere discusses a cource of action to deal with the city-state's decree.
Valleymere is also visted by the worried mayor of Togetherness Stream
Mayor Lorne, Councilman Alex, Councilwoman Emily, Councilman Eric, Mayor Gerador
*The tables are lined up in a pentagonal shape, each pointing inwards, one chair made of pure silver rests behind each, prompting everyone to stare at each other.*
*Silence fills the atmosphere until eventually Mayor Lorne speaks.*
"Gentlemen and Women, today I have called you to discuss a rather pressing matter in today's history."
"As we all know, Luxembourg has made a questionable statement on how it will treat all further vistors."
"Additionally they refuse to accept communications from us, which is why Mayor Gerador is here."
*Mayor Gerador looks nervous, his usually smug face driven into a state of dismay by the series of events.*
*Mayor Lorne beckons Gerador to speak*
"Hello, I am Mayor Gerador of Togetherness Stream." "I am the mayor of the town right next to the border of Luxembourg. We are aware of what has happened and we have managed to scout some information. However, I might be obliged to share that information if someone were to promise protection incase of a war."
*Gerador looks around the room, and everyone nods in agreement.*
"Its settled then, we're all in alliance?"
*Further Agreement is represented in the form of nods from the seminar pentagon.*
"Now, as we know my town is a half-way point between your profitable trade routes. We could alter the trade-route to take a path through the Hills, but this would double the time spent and half your profits. We simply cannot afford that."
*Lorne speaks up*
"There is a pirate outpost near the hills, any caravans sent there will be attacked, any caravans sent through the rain forest will also have to deal with the other pirate outpost. For all we know Luxembourg could be working with the pirate outposts, we'll just have to prepare for war."
*Although noone wants to say it, everyone silently agrees that war is inevitable. The small town of Luxembourg will be destroyed*.
Stories / The Decree Of Luxembourg
March 11, 2017, 05:32:09 PM
Winter 1th 5500
We, the people of Luxembourg are tired of the treatment we have received.
Despite our numerous attempts at peace, we are still treated as children. Everyday caravans march through here, raiding our storehouses, taking all they can and leaving us with nothing. No longer will we suffer through this torment, from this day foward
We, The People of Luxembourg, Decree that All Non-Luxembourgian Citizens within our borders, will never leave our borders.
Ideas / Racism and Prejudice
March 11, 2017, 03:04:46 PM
Just hear me out for a moment. I feel like some Colonists should be slightly RACIST or have Prejudice.
For example.
One colonist might have tons of prejudice towards a recruited pirate or hostile tribalist since their faction killed his wife.
One colonist might just hate black people.
It adds a new layer of story-telling to the game
General Discussion / Whats your favorite colony?
March 11, 2017, 02:39:49 PM
While the colonists of Luxembourg are harvesting their potatos, Im just going to ask you guys a question.
Whats your favorite colony?
My favorite colony is a place called Narama, Narama of the Trade Federation. It was a really nice colony, peaceful place, really easily defensible. I got really lucky with the WORLD, and spawned right next to an outlander union, and a friendly tribe. I can't remember the seed off the top of my head though, but it was fun having trade-routes.
General Discussion / Lets Discuss Inconsistency
March 11, 2017, 02:31:05 PM
So recently I've been playing Rimworld. I've noticed some rather strange things. So I'll share some of mine, and you'll share some of yours.
First, lets just talk about this.

A single log of wood 0.40 KG does 8 blunt damage, at a 2.20 second cool down. 0.40 KG is about 0.88 pounds which is basically a stick. Not even a big stick either, its like a stick the size of a bigger-than-usual slingshot.
Now, the thing here is that a wooden club does something like 4 damage. The club is made of 35 wood. 35x0.88=24+2.4+4+0.4=30.8 pounds. That club weighs 30.8 pounds, and does 4 damage. A person's fist does more damage then a 30 pound club, a SPIKED CLUB.
Hang on, hang on. I just checked. A person's fist does 6 damage. That means that if im correct, someone's punch has 1.5x the force of a 30.8 pound club swinging down on someone.
What the fuck?

Also, clearly we see that the CLUB is SPIKED. A steel club with steel spikes should inflict stab-wounds not blunt wounds, a MACE would inflict blunt wounds, not a spiked club. Yet, the Club, despite being spiked, does not stab someone's eye out, instead smashing their head in.

Anyone else want to add to this?

General Discussion / How do you start your colonies?
March 11, 2017, 02:05:17 PM
Im interested in knowing how people start their colonies off.
I always start them off using a concept, I don't really plan ahead that much, but I've seen people who have planned their whole base from day one.

Some of my concepts are
Outdoor Complex
Self-Sustaining Fortress
Underground City
So how do you guys start your play-through/Colonies?