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Messages - Anxarcule

You can also just make a single tile of concrete around your base.  1 steel a piece and you are fire-proof.

My exploits:
1.  No need to deal with poison/psychic ships - place 15-20 IED mines around them, shoot the ship, and you have a ton of dead centipedes.  No hassle and lots of platsteel/steel from disassembly at the cost of silver/ai core/ scyther corpses being potentially destroyed in the blast.

Suggestion - any movement in a 2-tile radius of the ship will cause the robots to come out.  This will still allow you set up defenses but get too close and you better be ready...

2.  Popping in and out of doors to deal with manhunters.  They will attack the door but give up after awhile and just wander.  Stronger animals can destroy the doors (even platsteel)

Suggestion - Have animals try to break in a little bit longer each attempt.  If they attack now for 15 seconds after you go in they should attack for 30 seconds.  Won't 100% solve this, but will make it more annoying and less viable to do the pop-in/pop-out strategy.
General Discussion / Re: Post a cool tip you know about!
February 14, 2017, 09:44:30 AM
To avoid big explosions from batteries/stored power, wait for a battery to be fully charged and move/store it in another location making sure it isn't attached to any power line. 
Related to the above (and something I'll be setting up tonight), have a separate room full of batteries with a power switch so when the batteries are fully charged flip the power switch to remove the possibility of a surge.  Then when needed, you can flip the switch back on

Get an animal trainer to 16+ (training/taming wild boards) and try to train elephants - they are relatively easy to tame/train(75% wildness), can be trained to haul and are quite powerful in melee.

For psychic/poison ships, plant ~15 IED mines around them, get a safe distance away and shoot the ship... BOOM!  You should be left with a handful of weakened centipedes.  Be warned though, the blast will likely destroy some of the scyther corpses as well as the AI Core (less of an issue with poison ships)

If you want to harvest a prisoner's organs without the debuff, install a synthetic kidney (which will remove their real kidney), and then remove the synthetic kidney.  This might be the Expanded Prosthetics mod though

If you have a manhunter animal (e.g. thrumbo) wandering nearby NPC traders, shoot  the thrumbo and kite them to the NPCs - it will aggro them which may leave you with some items afterwards (and probably an angry, albeit weakened thrumbo).  Be sure to set you guys to hold fire so you don't shoot the NPCs by mistake causing them to go hostile

For infestations, if you can isolate them into an enclosed area (no matter how big or small) shoot an incendiery launcher / molotov cocktail so get some fires going and close the doors.  If they don't manage to put the fires out, the temperature will increase dramatically causing them to all to pass out from heatstroke, eventually getting hot enough for the hives (and insect jelly...) to combust.

Instead of cremating, set a dump stockpile outside your base for all your enemy corpses.  If not in a desert area, make the floor concrete beforehand in the surrounding area (and remove home area) and send in a colonist with molotov cocktails to burn everything.  Easy disposal!
I had this happen to me as well, but it somehow resolved itself.  After giving silver when trying to contact the faction the pawn would move up the comm console with nothing happening (no pop-up).  I was still able to call pirates and interact with trade ships.

If it helps:
1)  I was playing the tribal start, Cassandra Extreme permadeath
2)  I am running a number of mods
3)  At some point yesterday I quit and I noticed a small update downloaded - it was very quick but I'm 95% sure it wasn't the game synching.  After that update I was able to contact them normally (~3 seasons has passed with this bug affecting me).
I love this mod!  Quick question though - is there another mod that drastically reduces the surgery fail rate?  It seems that in A16 the success rate is abysmal.. I've started save-scumming through surgeries due to sheer frustration
General Discussion / Re: Restrict Animals from food
December 20, 2016, 06:18:30 AM
Why not put your chickens and huskies in separate zones?  This way the chickens won't lay eggs near the huskies.  Be sure that the zones don't overlap so the huskies won't wander in and eat the eggs.  It sounds like you may have defined a zone but not restricted them to it.
Releases / Re: [A15] Mending
December 20, 2016, 02:18:10 AM
A little bummed that I only saw this now - will definitely be picking this mod up for my upcoming A16 playthrough.  I made a suggestion a few days ago about mending (and repairing structures as well), that I thought I'd run by you as this mod seems like the perfect addition to the base game.  Not sure how much work would go into something like this, but I think it would be cool and keep things more balanced

For armor/apparel/weapon the repair cost should vary based on quality.  It should be a % of the initial cost but based on quality.  A steel sword costing 120 steel that is damaged to 75% and of normal quality should cost 30 steel to repair, while a legendary steel sword costing 120 steel that is damaged to 75% would have that cost increased by x%.  The logic behind this is that such a quality piece of equipment would require more delicate care/wasted resources to mend to 100%, which would make maintaining legendary gear in top shape have a steeper cost involved.  Off the top of my head I would estimate that legendary should cost 3x material to mend than normal, masterwork 1.8x, excellent 1.4x, superior 1.2x, and anything normal or below 1x.  This would make repairing that legendary steel sword form 75% to 100% cost 90 steel - almost as much as making a brand new one would cost.  I would further add a minimum crafting skill to repair high quality equipment (legendary: 18+, masterwork 16+, etc).
Ideas / Re: Armor Deterioration
December 19, 2016, 09:44:48 AM
Didn't see this thread, but I just made a thread with my suggestion for repairing armor/weapons/apparel and structure's in general, in what I believe would be balanced -
Currently in the game you can repair a granite wall at 5% to full health without replacing any of it with more granite blocks.  The same goes for beds, power generators, etc.  While this nice, it isn't terribly realistic.

Weapons/Armor/Apparel cannot be repaired at all, and because accuracy/protection decreases with each quality percentage point lost it makes getting legendary gear a double edged sword - you want to use it because it's awesome, but you don't want it to decay.  I propose the following:

For structure's that have suffered damage, every 10% of damage would require 10% of the initial cost to repair.  Maybe some exceptions should be made to walls/doors, although introducing this might discourage the pop-in/pop-out exploit with manhunting packs as they destroy your doors and this would make keeping them in top shape more difficult.  It could still be done, but you would need to keep a stockpile of the wall/door materials nearby, so it is still doable.  For an object that requires 100 steel and 2 components for example, repairing from 80% would cost 20 steel, while repairing from 50% would cost 50 steel and 1 component

For armor/apparel/weapon the repair cost should vary based on quality.  Similar to the above, it should be a % of the initial cost but based on quality.  A steel sword costing 120 steel that is damaged to 75% and of normal quality should cost 30 steel to repair, while a legendary steel sword costing 120 steel that is damaged to 75% would have that cost increased by x%.  The logic behind this is that such a quality piece of equipment would require more delicate care to mend to 100%, which would make maintaining legendary gear in top shape have a steeper cost involved.  Off the top of my head I would estimate that legendary should cost 3x material to mend than normal, masterwork 1.8x, excellent 1.4x, superior 1.2x, and anything normal or below 1x.  This would make repairing that legendary steel sword form 75% to 100% cost 90 steel - almost as much as making a brand new one would cost.  I would further add a minimum crafting skill to repair high quality equipment (legendary: 18+, masterwork 16+, etc).

I bring this up because I've noticed in the endgame I have a ton of resources and make item after item hoping for a lucky roll of legendary which I then never use for fear of item degradation - it would be a good resource sink.  Also logically if a crafter can make a piece of clothing or smelt a piece of armor surely they would be able to repair it.
Just wanted to pop in and give my support - progress you've made looks/sounds very promising!  Excited to see this in the steam workshop :)
Ideas / Additional global variable at colony start
December 08, 2016, 02:12:47 AM
I've been playing/trying to win with a number of tribal colonies and managed to get one to the 1/3rd point as far as the research tree until I stupidly attacked a siege without proper planning losing 4 of my tribe of 8...  I was really kicking myself because I could have called in assistance, as I did earlier with a manhunter pack of wargs.  But I digress..

The tribal start causes a significant increase in research time, and I think that is a fantastic global variable to be able to start the game with (based off the colony's tech level).  In addition to this, I think it would be interesting to add the following as options as well:

  • No/Low/Standard/High Morality - this would add a multiplier of 0x, 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x for any immoral act relating to prisoners such as selling them into slavery, harvesting organs, and executing. 
  • Dynamic tech levels - this would increase the colony's tech level based on the number of tasks researched.  For example, neolithic projects are worth 1, medieval 2, industrial 3, etc.  Once you reach a certain amount of points you would become a new tech level.  This could be coupled with a rebalanced research cost so you can try and research a spacer project for 20000 as a medieval but it might make more sense to wait until you are industrial and research it for 10000.  In my mind, this would also affect recruiting (i.e. tribals would no longer be as keen to join if you improve from neolithic to medieval)
  • Basic / Advanced / Standard weapon aptitude - this would cause a 75%/125% penalty/bonus for using weaponry outside of the colony norm.  For example, setting to basic and using a charge rifle would invoke the penalty, while using a SMG would cause a bonus.  Now that I type this, this might make more sense a trait, although we already have 2 shooting traits 

Ideas / Re: Suggestion: Cap on late game manhunter packs
November 28, 2016, 07:59:33 AM
Fair enough - I did try hiding but they were breaking through my doors fairly quickly.  I guess it makes sense to have a dedicated repairman in those cases and build some granite doors.... I can't wait to play my next game with permadeath enabled :)  Let those wargs come at me again
Ideas / Suggestion: Cap on late game manhunter packs
November 28, 2016, 03:31:30 AM
I just finished my first colony, somewhat save-scummed so I can learn the mechanics and absolutely love the game.  I played on Cassandra on Rough (one below Extreme) and was faced with plenty of challenging scenarios but the only I think that were a little over the top were the excessive manhunter packs I faced towards the end of the game.

Manhunter pack #1 - pack of 40-50 wargs (!!).  I had a pretty solid killbox consisting of 10 gun turrets, 20 steel traps, 4 shooters (charge rifles) and 2 melee colonists both in quality power armor.  I managed to kill about half of them before my colonists were overwhelmed.  I loaded that game :)

Manhunter pack #2 - pack of 40-50 wild board stormed my base, about half through my killbox and the rest through a long hallway/like side entrance to my base (previously broken through by sappers/pirates).  I managed to defeat them all with a few downed colonists.

My feedback:

  • Put some kind of cap on each manhunter pack per animal type based on their DPS, health, speed, etc.  The warg scenario seemed slightly unfair and even when I tried to hide indoors they broke through very quickly. 
  • Limit the amount of animals that can push past each other when walking down a narrow hallway.  I had two strong melee fighters stationed by the exit leaving a single space open for my shooters - while I was able to stop a few and force them to fight a massive amount of them just surged past.  Logically, there is no way 10 wargs could rush past that space so quickly  so it might make more sense to limit the amount of characters that can occupy the same space (corpses should not affect this limit, but should slow walk speed as they do already) so you can effectively make a chokepoint.  In this case, this would still allow the wargs to move past the wargs engaged in melee with my colonists, but they would trickle through instead of burst through.

I haven't had this much fun with a game in a long time - keep up the good work!

I managed to kill a caravan in my previous game, and two caravans at the same time my current game.

Previous game - I had a thrumbo running around my base and an NPC caravan of 5 or so wandering too.  I waited until the caravan got in between the thrumbo and myself and shot at the mighty beast.  It went manhunter and attacked the nearest NPC.  4 of them were taken out and the last one fled (with the thrumbo chasing).  After the NPC left the map it came back to my base and walked into a hail of bullets.

Current game - I called in 2 bulk traders that showed up at the same time and hung around my killbox area when I was raided by a group of 20 or so pirates.  Lucky for me they were also on the side of my base that let them path into my killbox.  The magic happened when a few of the caravan people were wandering in and out of the killbox (entry was via a door) and were attacked outside the killbox by the pirates, causing the rest of them to rush outside to assist.  I netted 100 components, assorted food, and a good amount of silver from that fight.
I captured a few tribals on a raid and delayed capturing the 3rd pawn for a bit, so when I got around to capturing them they must have died from blood loss while being carried.  I could see the body on the floor but couldn't interact with it (couldn't consume, strip, etc).  One of my pawns was set to cremate and tried to cremate this corpse but he (the pawn) wasn't moving - I could see he was pathed to corpse but he was stationary.

Saving the game and loading the game fixed the issue - upon loading the corpse simply disappeared.