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Messages - Ark

Support / Re: running rimworld in steam/linux mint
January 18, 2017, 11:50:47 PM
Greetings. Frankly, with all the grief Steam is giving to RimWorld, you should get a refund from Steam, and buy it directly from instead. You can get the Steam key anyway if you buy the drm-free version.
I have never touched Steam on Linux, but it looks like Steam is trying to run a 32-bit version of RimWorld instead of 64-bit for some reason.
I am glad you have abandoned your pirate ways, welcome to the colony.
Bugs / Re: offer to ransom: 'not enough silver'
January 16, 2017, 11:43:28 PM
You don't have any orbital trade beacons. Built one, moved all the silver on it, executed incident RansomDemand, accapted, pawn arrived in a drop pod.
I'd say it is working as designed. That said, the event could be more informative (no trade beacons), possibly including "call me again tomorrow" option, or an option for the colony to call the pirates about the colonist they hold for ransom.
And now that we live on a planet (A16), an option to go raiding and launch a rescue mission.
Bugs / Re: offer to ransom: 'not enough silver'
January 16, 2017, 01:03:38 AM
Is the silver at an orbital trade beacon?

Save not attached. Maximum size is 600kB.
It's very helpful to include a savegame, especially when you have trouble reproducing the bug. Find it by clicking the 'open save games folder' button in the in-game Options menu.  If the .rws file is too big (it likely is), you can zip the with with a compression program such as 7-Zip or you can upload it to Google Drive / One Drive / Dropbox / etc and post the link in your bug report.
Bugs / Re: Is this... a bug?
January 16, 2017, 12:54:05 AM
Is he wearing a tuque and a parka? Strip him.
After viewing I decided to have another look at this bug.
And since that thread got locked, here's some thread necromancy.

0.16.1393 rev546 Linux 64bit drm-free, no mods. First spotted in 0.14.1241.

Predators sometimes get stuck attacking their already dead prey. This is because they vomit while eating the corpse, and then resume hunting.

-spawn a bear and a hare close to each other, any predator and prey will work
-make the bear hungry
-wait untill the bear has killed the hare and is eating it
-force the bear to vomit
-bear now keeps beating on the dead corpse
Works for me. Does he have a bionic leg to offset the bad back?
Unable to repro with 0.16.1393 rev546 and 0.15.1284 rev904 Linux 64bit DRM-free.
I don't have 0.16.1388 rev870 to try with.
Loaded the save with 0.16.1393 rev546, and it works with a whole bunch of "Could not find think node with key xxx" messages in the log.
Turtle can be taken to the room with 6 beds as expected.
Either I am missing something, or the bug is no more.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Bugs / Re: Cannot treat crash pod survivor
January 09, 2017, 01:06:19 PM
Confirmed. Spacer refugees come to your hospital to die without player interaction.

0.16.1393 rev546, Linux 64, bit no mods.

A spacer refugee arriving in a drop pod will sometimes get up on his own, and head straight to your hospital bed, where he can not be tended or fed.
There is no option for doctoring in the right-click context menu, propably because they are not your colonists, rescued, or captured.

-Make a hospital with beds
-Shower map with refugee pods
-Wait. About 10-20% of refugees get up and head for nearest hospital bed.
-Select a doctor, try to prioritize tending to them, there is no option for that.
-Make the refugee hungry with dev tools, he cannot be fed, either.

Maybe they could plead to serve your colony in exchange for medical care and food?

Save attached, just wait and "Happy" will get up and come bleed all over the medical bed.

Related thread:

Could someone plug this into Mantis, please?

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Support / Re: choice/restriction of OS at download?
January 07, 2017, 12:53:43 PM
Greetings. Purchasing the DRM-free version directly from Ludeon Studios, you will receive a download link for Windows, Linux, and Mac versions, plus the prototype pack.
Each link will work 7 times. The download counters will reset every time RimWorld updates.
If you need more downloads for some reason, you can contact support at [email protected]
You are not tied to any specific OS.
Save files are compatible across systems.

Purchasing directly from Ludeon instead of Steam is recommended, as the DRM-free version can be registered to Steam, but you cannot not get the DRM-free version through Steam.
I eyeballed this as well. As far as I can tell, working as designed.
Colonists can start a new gun if the old one is forbidden, not in allowed area, reserved by a hauler etc. They will ignore ingredient radius for fetching the unfinished gun.
They can continue working on the same gun at another table, too, if the original table is reserved by someone else, and the job bill is appropriate.
Only one colonist may work at a bill at one time however, even if it is 10 guns, and the smith has gone to bed, no-one may start making the second gun of the bill before the first one is finished. Need two separate bills for two workers on the same table, if there are pending unfinished works.

Seems to work quite well, apart from times when the master smith gets slightly killed, and no-one dares to put the last screw in the almost finished charge rifle.
A knee-jerk reaction is that electric smithy should come with electricity, but this seems more like a suggestion / design choice.
IMO the whole electric smithy makes no sense, and smithy products should be included in the machining table.
0.16.1393 rev546 Linux 64bit, no mods.
I can confirm this.
Easily checked by building a large U-shaped building, put a colonist in the other end, and bunch of human corpses in the other.
Pawns can "see" corpses if they are in the same room with them, even when there is no line of sight.
Sensible people put a door to their morgue, but perhaps there should be a LOS check.
Maybe a check for sleeping as well, they see dead people while asleep, too.

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Everything seems to work? If you are trying to force Pearl to wear the synththread pants near her, the game does, however, create an illusion that she immediately discards them, because she is already wearing nearly identical synththread pants. She needs to put on a shirt or something to get rid of the naked mood debuff.
Help / Re: Workshop upload problem?
January 02, 2017, 12:15:29 AM
Hello Varenvel. I know next to nothing about Steam, but your log shows version 0.15.1284 rev139,
and the image shows version 0.16.1393 rev536. That seems strange.
Bugs / Re: [A16] No diseases or infections?
January 01, 2017, 12:16:27 PM
Flu indeed has a hidden period. Check the dev options on the pawn's health tab.
After 73 days in a tropical map Randy hit me with malaria and sleeping sickness at the same time, diseases work.