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Messages - mangalores

Help / Re: Empty outposts / bases
September 15, 2017, 03:51:15 PM
thx. Weird thing is that raids seem also broken.

Had a refugee asking for help. That part triggered but the raid didn't...


seems something I did with my mods broke the save game. The debug console throws constant NullPointerExceptions on PawnSpawn and even the console commands for raids are broken.

Quite a shame. Going back a few save games at least the console commands still work but that is some progress back.
Help / Empty outposts / bases
September 13, 2017, 01:03:47 PM
Not sure if this can be caused by a mod but I recently did several outpost missions and attacked a base. In all instances it was really easy because after map generation they all were reported without a single enemy pawn. I also feel a distinct lack of raids in lategame.

Can mods like Dropships or Alien framework or some other mod cause this? What should I check in mod code / debug logs for the cause?
Quote from: Jibbles on September 13, 2017, 02:40:05 AM
QuoteIf you are suggesting an increasing challenge curve, try not to annoy those players by kicking over their sand castles.

It's constantly suggested because rimworld will benefit from it.  Players have options such as base building difficulty, able to change difficulty settings mid-game, scenario editor, etc.  I don't worry at all about increasing challenge since we have those options, but I do worry about overwhelming new players. It's why I usually don't approve of adding more resources/items that don't serve anything new to the game.

There is differences in what constitutes challenge however. There is already tons of repetitive RNG which imo is mainly annoying, not challenging because it screws with you in mundane ways while your control over affecting those events is zero. Constantly breaking machines are e.g. busywork, not a challenge.

Imo the same would be true for upkeep. It's busywork, not mechanically interesting or challenging.

A challenge would be a scenario emerging asking for you to come up with a strategy to solve it. It's the strategy thing which gets your brain and thus excitement firing. Something like a toxic fallout is interesting because you may have to come up with a way to make your colony able to survive it.

What Rimworld may need are more late game scenarios of some kind. E.g. maybe faction wars or something pushing you to pack up and relocate your base. Or maybe some late game mechanics of sorts.

I expanded your mod to also have vat grown limbs which essentially allow the replacement of lost body parts. Cheaper but with no boons like bionics but close to the originals (plan being 90-95 efficiency). Mainly meant to fix pawns that got badly hurt as a late game tech. Not sure about material costs though. Maybe adding limbs to your synthetic research branch would be equivalent.

I mainly wanted to be able to fix disabled pawns without going full cyborg but simply bringing them back to near full quality of life while keeping some note of their perils.
Quote from: Snafu_RW on September 03, 2017, 07:46:39 PM
...Altho I like SetUpCamp as an idea, I find it way too easy to exploit its handiness for resources etc so I try to force myself to use it as little as possible..

Hope this helps!

thx for the tips!

I get what you mean with the camping though I'd say as it usually comes with having emptied your home base I kind of feel the size of the map already limits the available resources. Maybe not allowing to camp in one tile more than once and you have to enter another tile to allow it or with higher limits than that it would feel less exploitable.

I mainly hate how you can get your pawns easily killed on trying to figure out how the feature works when it should be more straightforward and allow you some outs.
Quote from: asanbr on September 03, 2017, 10:40:07 AM

But how do you mean that mining bases are situational? I think the opposite. I have had a lot of steel shortage, same as you, but since I figured this out I don't see any upper limit.

I agree that it is a solution but imo tied into the settlement / caravan feature not fully balanced/realized. I think the game should do better at that front to either encourage this (currently the threat of making the tile unusable while entirely psychological does not sound like it is intended to clutter the map with abandoned mining outposts) or regulate it so it is balanced.

I posted this in the suggestion section mainly because I feel this is a game mechanics/ balance issue as yes, there are ways out but they do not feel really intended or encouraged.

I do maybe flatter maps with different biomes, sometimes more isolated which in the last game might have made this worse than usual. But up to now I felt there is always a kind of slump in that time of gameplay where it gets a tad drawn out as you essentially have run out of the normal way to get resources and while there are regenerative solutions for anything else you suddenly have no clear goal on how you should go about some of the stuff.
Quote from: asanbr on September 03, 2017, 10:32:04 AM
If you misjudge your food and people start starving, you should be able to make a settlement with them, shoot some animals and/or grow food and/or send some pods with food, then get going again.

Or are you at the 5 settlement limit already?


founding a settlement over that seems more like a stop gap than using the feature as designed. Went for transport pods by now. It just seems this feature currently inhibts itself a tad to much to play around with which you'd not want out of a feature,

Went for camp mod as well.
Quote from: historic_os on August 09, 2017, 02:49:41 PM
Quote from: christianmc1101 on July 25, 2017, 04:58:00 AM
Why I could not place the rollers on the normal ground, but on watertiles?

This is a bug with some mod conflict, its been mentioned a few times on the steam workshop page as well but no one managed to pin point what mod causes that so unfortunately theres nothing i can do about it.
you could try making a new game(so you wont break your save) and removing mods you suspect are modifying terrain to find out whats causing this.

Had the same problem. After plugging in and out a couple of mods it now works. I would guess it is "Water power" which makes sense as I could build rollers and some other mod's item on water supposedly, but nowhere else. It works with water power at the end of the mod list though.

All my other mods I plugged in and out would not have this level of terrain modification necessary.

edit: have some problems with some puillers, mainly a couple that have no rollers but are meant to push certain food from the fridge stockpile to the kitchen stockpile. The meals back do work so I'm not sure what I'm missing. One did work for a while and now seems to have stopped working. Can it get finnicky when I attach multiple pullers to the same stockpile?

I have similarily a problem with the puller which was supposed to keep a furniture stockpile full in the eating area so pawns don't need  to get meals from the fridge. Not sure if it is because the stockpile is a furniture?
my main issue is the food preparation and how much you need which makes it a chore. And more animals mean even more food necessary... not sure how those ai caravans are supposed to make any money or the released prisoners make it home alive...
Quote from: Jibbles on September 03, 2017, 05:49:37 AM
Are you building your walls out of steel or something? Building a bunch of turrets out of steel that gets destroyed? Of course I'll have times where I'm getting low, but it's not like I'm just waiting around for steel to drop by in order to progress, at least in most biomes.

No, my max turret count was five with a big base of 10 people or so which helped a lot of in several raids. I got low lateron but did not replace those turrets all the time. Currently running with none.

I had this steel crisis in several games now. Maybe I have to rush deep drill.

Your solutions are all good but very situational and not necessarily working as designed (e.g. not sure the game expects you to cover the map with mining bases). My current map has no ancient dangers which, yes, made it worse.

My point has more to do that steel is the one gateway resource for everything you can not really solve by any means. You have many food options, you can resort to herbal medicine, you have a plethora of materials for walls and clothing. But while it is imo okay that particular buildings need special resources like gold or plasteel, if you have trouble finding steel on a map, you have no options.

Even components you can build yourself in a pinch but you need steel for that as well.

Heck it would be already fixed if you could request a trade caravan to bring you specific goods for a worse price. At least you then have a solution ro work towards.
I tried caravans a few times now and the food stores I have to take with me kind of mean it is not worth to do any of it. Essentially your entire carry capacity seems to be reserved for food that it is not worthwhile.

The other thing is that without some camping mod it is far too risky as if you misjudge your food or something happens your colonists starve to death without you being able to do anything.

Do people stack on animals to carry goods? But they can be eating grass (muffalo, alpacas,...) but still will cut into your food as well so they actually make things worse concerning ability to travel far.

Is one expected to wait for transport pods for missions and when can/should one do caravans?

It seems pretty worthless to do normal atm given the risk/reward. Am I missing something?
Ideas / the midgame crisis of bore - resource balancing
September 03, 2017, 05:22:48 AM
I play rim world quite a while but I find it always hits a spot in midgame where you end up bored as you have to wait for long stretches of time to get the resources you need. The main issue being: Everything advanced needs steel. Everything even more advanced needs components.

While components can be kind of managed as you don't need it for as much there comes a point in mid to late game (just before hitting drilling) where steel is needed for everything you might want to build at the time. While you can manage other resources via strategy with steel you are left to unreliable traders and spaceships falling from the sky. I also get the impression in previous versions there were more drops of steel slags/spaceship parts to at least feed you a lifeline.

So all you are left to do is wait and manage raids which means your security which is mostly build of steel is also at risk (even worse if it is a potent manhunter pack capable to destroy turrets).

Overall to me the issue is you can hit a "no play" zone in the game where you are left with no progress to achieve and twiddle your thumbs until RNG comes to the rescue and the wait period for e.g. a trader with a steel coming along can be cringe worthily long (particularly in biomes where caravans need weeks to reach the next settlement and a month for a round trip).

I mainly feel there is either an intermediate step missing that allows you to make due with less steel (but then with maybe worse equipment) or get steel somehow till you get late tech. Heck, allowing to make a resource request like the missions by other settlements would be a gods end instead of hoping an expensive caravan request will give you what you need. As it is you can accidently dig yourself in a hole without nocticing and then while not being actual in danger of your base dying still having nowhere to actively progress to fix your problem.