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Messages - zamnath

Quote from: Yoonic on May 11, 2018, 07:52:21 PM
Thank you for your answering  :D

No problem! Lemme know if you run into any other issues. ^.^
Quote from: Yoonic on May 11, 2018, 12:13:27 AM
Hello, I'm a noob at modding. I got this error pop up everytime I open the game, hope you could help me with this. Here is my log:

The error:
XML error: Duplicate XML node name size in this XML block: <ThingDef ParentName="ArtableBedBase"><defName>WidowBed</defName><label>widow bed</label><description>A two person nest-bed. Clever use of widow-silk renders this bed luxuriantly comfortable for many different users.</description><graphicData><texPath>Things/Building/Furniture/Bed/WidowBed</texPath><graphicClass>Graphic_Multi</graphicClass><shaderType>CutoutComplex</shaderType><drawSize>(4,4)</drawSize><damageData><rect>(0,0.05,2,1.95)</rect></damageData></graphicData><uiIconPath>Things/Building/Furniture/Bed/WidowBed_Icon</uiIconPath><size>(1,1)</size><comps><li Class="CompProperties_AffectedByFacilities"><linkableFacilities><li>EndTable</li><li>Dresser</li></linkableFacilities></li></comps><statBases><MaxHitPoints>200</MaxHitPoints><Flammability>1.3</Flammability><WorkToBuild>4500</WorkToBuild><Mass>90</Mass><Beauty>15</Beauty><BedRestEffectiveness>1.15</BedRestEffectiveness><Comfort>1.20</Comfort><ImmunityGainSpeedFactor>1.1</ImmunityGainSpeedFactor><SurgerySuccessChanceFactor>1</SurgerySuccessChanceFactor></statBases><size>(2,2)</size><stuffCategories><li>Metallic</li><li>

It's a known issue. Should have no actual impact on your game (other than popping up in your error log from time to time). Essentially, I defined the size of the bed in two separate places to make it fit properly both in the game's build menu and when it's built in the world. The game detects the two separate definitions and, even though they actually do work fine, sends out an error message about them.

I am fiddling with ways to achieve the same effect with the Widow Bed without having that error pop up, but you shouldn't have to worry about it having any negative impact on your game until then.
Quote from: Coolphoton on May 07, 2018, 03:20:26 AM
Is there a chance that a non preganatcy version could be uploaded here?

Yup! Next version will have the pregnancy patch removed until I can get it working. Expect another week or so before I post it, though. Want to do some quality of life fixes and the like so I can update this version and the Steam version at the same time to bring them into parity.
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 29, 2018, 12:04:00 PM
Okay. I admit I forgot this mod until a couple days ago. But I think I found the problem. (Unfortunate that I can't do an error log like I did previously, will explain below)

I started a new game with a bunch of mods (30 total). An example of the list is "Hubslib, HAR, HAR Preg addon, Combat Extended, Black Widows, BW CE patch, Androids, Android CE patch". I don't list them all because I don't feel like typing them.

Anyway, I have done absolutely nothing to my mod list to have caused this. No mods were moved around, no mods added/taken away, etc etc. If I save (And I have three copies) and log out of Rimworld completely, load it up again and reload any of the saves, everything is fine. If I exit out of Rimworld and turn my computer off, it seems to happen every time. After that happened this time, I decided to load up a previous save. The screen popped up saying mods were out of order. And they were...Because everything was duplicated. Mod position to mod position was perfect. I looked through all 30 + Core. After my last mod, everything, all 30 mods + Core, was duplicated on the "Mods you are currently running" part...No wonder I couldn't load the bloody game! My computer was trying to load 62 things when it can't load 50 reliably! And I actually remember doing and seeing a similar thing last time I played around with this mod.

I am currently doing a bit more testing, but after I confirm that this is the problem I am probably going to drop this mod till next update. Not because I am angry, but because I want to take a break from it on a happy note. The note being that I finally found the bloody problem!!! (Meanwhile, I will make a base without this mod so I can use Faction Discovery to bring in all that involves this mod at a later date! My master plan of turning all the humans into slaves shall not be halted forever!...Did I say that out load?)

That is a very interesting issue. Wowzers lol. This mod will still be here (and hopefully developed and improved) when you come back.
Yeah, I'd be really surprised if Jecstools is what's causing you problems. I've used it in every test build of this mod outside the ones where I deliberately stripped all the unnecessary bits out.

After talking to folks over on the Race Mod discord, it sounds like your problem was likely one involving a save getting corrupted due to switching mods around mid-save, so hopefully you don't run into any new problems with this next try. Please let me know if you do/feel free to let me know how your new try goes even if it does work fine. I'd love to hear Widows play-through stories ^.^
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 16, 2018, 06:30:47 PM
...I think your mod hates me. And you know what? I hate that i want to play it so much that i am willing to spend a day trying to fix the problem and fail horribly.

Problem: Every time i try to load a save that has this mod, it failed for some reason that i quite frankly no longer have the braincells left to care about.

Just gonna...take a break from Rimworld till the next release comes out...Because i am pretty sure i might explode from blood pressure.

I'm sorry to hear my mod's caused you so much trouble. :(

Looking over your output log, I don't see anything that should be causing you to be unable to play saves. I've tested a mod load order that includes those specific mods and gotten around 15 hours in with a few different saves at this point. I'll post the log to some more experienced modders I know to see if they see something I don't.

Just to check: with that save, you aren't trying to load a save that had other mods loaded, are you? You can get all sorts of odd game breaking errors if you try to load an old save without the mods it was originally started with. 

Edit: Oh! And another thing I wonder: did you try to verify the integrity of your game cache after uninstalling those old mods of yours? Sometimes that can fix errors that show up when you uninstall a bunch of mods at once. You can try right clicking your game in your Steam library -> selecting "properties" -> selecting "local files" -> selecting verify integrity of game files. If it replaces anything, that indicates that there was corrupted/missing game files in your game.
Quote from: Canute on April 16, 2018, 03:24:59 AM
Just curious.
Does the shield protect their legs too, since they are outside of the bubble ? :-)
Yeah i know it does.
But could you maybe find a way to increase the bubble for the spiders if this is possible.?

I'd have to ask around to see if anyone's done something like that before, but I might be able to. For now, just imagine that the shields being too small is an optical illuuuuuuuusion~

>.>;; eh heh.

After posting the armored bodies up, the skinnyness of the legs bothered me. So I updated things again:

Updated the Widows one more time and some updated armor:

Still fiddling with the regular clothes (bottom-most armor) to get the bangles to match the legs again on rear view, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with how things turned out. Might keep tweaking the spider torso bits on the full armors to make them match the core bodies a bit better, but otherwise I think they're solid for the next release. Now to work on making the darned workbench look reasonable...
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 14, 2018, 07:56:25 PM
Quote from: zamnath on April 14, 2018, 05:06:24 PM
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 13, 2018, 11:39:05 PM
Right. Currently very tired and irritated due to spending today and a chunk of yesterday on this, so I'm going to make this quick to avoid problems.

Went all the way down to having just Hugs lib, EPOE, Alien Framework, the Pregnancy Addon, This mod, and it's EPOE patch. Same problem. Redownloaded all the above mods, same problem. Restarted my computer, no problem. Dunno wtf happened, don't care. Sorry for the (apparent) false alarm.

Now excuse me while I pass out and hopefully forget this ever happened.

Oof! That sucks. It's always annoying to try fixing a mod order only to never figure out what was going wrong with it. I've definitely been there. If it happens again, let me know and I'll spend some more time trying to replicate the issue on my end.
If I find a problem, I can guarantee I won't have 50+ mods. That should make it significantly easier to identify the problem.

Also, do you have any plans to make their bodies more..."Spider-like" than they are now? I don't mean look-wise. For example: They are listed as only having two legs, but clearly have more. Not sure how hard this would be, but it would be nice to have that.

I do indeed. I have an internal list of things I want to include, and that's on it. It's fairly low, though, as it feels like more of an immersion than gameplay thing to me and is fairly time intensive. It'll get done once I have the art assets where I want them, have made sure there aren't any particularly nasty bugs rolling around in the code, and have added a few new items to the mod. I'll set them up with six legs and four arms (each bit contributing an equal amount to the stats two arms/legs normally have) and maybe one or two additional spidery bits like pedipalps and spinnerets (though these last two probably won't do much other than exist, unfortunately).

Also: I've been tweaking the Widows' body outlines! Haven't changed their armor to fit yet, though, as I wanted to see what people thought. The new visuals:

The primary things I did, here, was lift the spider half's torso in side view, beef out those legs that felt too thin/pointy to me in all the views, and try to tweak the secondary arms to make it clearer what they were in front view. What do you guys think? Improved? Things I could tweak?
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 13, 2018, 11:39:05 PM
Right. Currently very tired and irritated due to spending today and a chunk of yesterday on this, so I'm going to make this quick to avoid problems.

Went all the way down to having just Hugs lib, EPOE, Alien Framework, the Pregnancy Addon, This mod, and it's EPOE patch. Same problem. Redownloaded all the above mods, same problem. Restarted my computer, no problem. Dunno wtf happened, don't care. Sorry for the (apparent) false alarm.

Now excuse me while I pass out and hopefully forget this ever happened.

Oof! That sucks. It's always annoying to try fixing a mod order only to never figure out what was going wrong with it. I've definitely been there. If it happens again, let me know and I'll spend some more time trying to replicate the issue on my end.
Alrighty! @Umbreon - I compared your Modslist to the one I use and these are the mods that you have and I don't:

Ni'Hal, Tiberium Rim, Tiberium Rim Factions, Misc. Objects, Misc. Training, Misc. Incidents, Smart Medicine, Research Tree, Hospitality, Soil Enhancement, Slave Outfits, Therapy, Refugee Stats, Room Food, Rimmu-Nation – Camping Stuff, RimFridge, Misc. MapGen Xtension (This one?), Military Furniture, Fluffy Breakdowns, Five Second Rule, ED-ShieldsBasic, ED-EnhancedOptions, Dubs Skylights, Blueprints, Armory Enhanced, [RF] Faction Control, [RF] Basic Bridges, The Birds and the Bees, Avoid Friendly Fire

Of those mods, Misc. MapGen Xtension and Tiberium Rim Factions are the mods that stick out to me as most likely to lead to the kind of error you described. Could you please try disabling those mods and seeing if the error still occurs? If it does, I'm afraid you're going to have to whittle things down some by using the 1/2 method (basically disable 1/2 of the mods on the above list; test to see if the error happens still; if it does -> try the other 1/2; once it doesn't, enable 1/2 of your currently disabled mods and try again; repeat until you've narrowed things down to 1 mod).

Once you've found which of your mods is in conflict, I'll update the "conflicts" page and try to figure out if there's a workaround/method to patch things.
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 11, 2018, 03:02:01 PM
Right. Only just started out with this mod, but here are two things I instantly noticed.

1: The Milk mod for the Orassans causes the map creation screen to go black whenever this mod is loaded, regardless of what I do. (Will test further, I currently have around 50 mods active. Will give more information sometime tomorrow)

2: The shield bar for the "Dudou" doesn't fill completely, even though it says "10/10". Haven't tested if it fully protects (Will test tomorrow as well), but this is probably just a visual bug.

For #1: That's not good. I'd definitely love some info on your mod list and the like, as that's not an issue I'm currently able to replicate.

For #2: that's an unfortunate necessity of the way I established the mod (as far as I've been able to determine). Essentially, to balance the ready access to early shield belt effects, I decreased the total shield amount. Black Widows gear will generally give one solid shielded hit, but no more. Since shields were designed to resist potentially multiple hits, the Black Widows gear's lower shield amounts can look a bit odd. If you're finding that damage is bleeding through, let me know. Otherwise, though it might be a bit underpowered as currently implemented and look a bit odd, it's currently operating as intended.
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 10, 2018, 09:21:56 PM
Quote from: zamnath on April 10, 2018, 07:41:38 PM
  Most of the references I could find avoided 1/2 profiles apparently with the explicit idea of avoiding having to show how the centaurs come together. Thank you for the recommendation, though!
No prob. As for the problem shown above: Maybe this will help? Don't remember exactly what the waists of the centaur and dryad look like, but maybe it could give you ideas.

Oh yeah, I've seen these before! I'll give 'em a look.
Quote from: Call me Arty on April 10, 2018, 02:42:06 PM
Quote from: Umbreon117 on April 10, 2018, 02:03:17 PM
Bit of a random suggestion, but I do recommend watching Monster Musume. Or at least Rachnera. Rach is spider girl, and may help you out at getting Dimensions.

(Mandatory warning for Lewdness)

I'd call her trash-tier, but that would mean that the internet would have proof that I prefer either a snake-lady that crushes people, a horse, a fish, or a feathery child (amongst other notable examples).

12 beast > Monster Musume.

Actually did use Rachnera as a reference when designing the spiders. She's a well rendered version of a drider, and a great reference, but follows a slightly different approach than I wanted to go. Basically, Okayado drew her more like a woman sitting on a spider than the traditional DnD top half human/bottom half spider centaur look. It's a cool look, and works particularly well with Monster Musume's ecchi aesthetic, but it felt too "human" compared to the monstery feel that I wanted. That said, I'm still not fully satisfied with the transition between the two sides in the Widows.  Most of the references I could find avoided 1/2 profiles apparently with the explicit idea of avoiding having to show how the centaurs come together. Thank you for the recommendation, though!

@Arty: I like those suggestions. ^.^ Will probably have to wait until the weekend to work on texture updates, but I'll see what I can do. Hadn't even thought about how low the spider part's rear torso hangs, but now it's bugging (eheh) me lol. At the moment, I think I'm still going to leave the arms mostly unchanged. I went back and forth a lot with how to render them, changing their positions and poses and degree of outlining, and this was the best neutral (read: rimworldy) pose I could find that was still mostly readable. I'll try thinning out the front view's blacked out outlines some, though, and see if that helps.

Part of me thinks the biggest issue might be the way the bellies look like they're an extension of the spider torso, from the front, rather than a separate piece. It's pretty clear, in my opinion, in the Widows' standard clothes and when they're naked, but the armor sets do seem to cause the separate bits on the model to bleed into each other due to how they're designed. Will have to think on that.
@Call me Arty:

Ah! Those are armors, not bodies. The Widows actually have a traditional "naked" (no detail) body and a series of armors that they can equip over them. Fiona's wearing the late game heavy armor equivalent, so I put more jagged bits and details in to try to create equivalency with some of the armor mods floating around on Steam. It sounds like it's coming across as more busy than detailed, though, so I'll see what I can do about making it clearer.

It's actually pretty funny to to hear you describe the Widows as thin. A (slightly out of date) shot with side and back views:

They're actually meant to combine the "black widow" theme with caricatured maternal figures. I had never even considered that their bellies would look like hips from the front (especially when wearing clothing). I'll have to ponder that one. What do you think, seeing them from all angles? Is the general outline clearer? Any suggestions?

No worries about stepping out of line. I can be stubborn when I decide I like a thing, but I'm always happy to hear suggestions. All you've done so far is give me extra perspective to help me improve on a creative work I'm doing for fun. Thank you very much for you help ^.^