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Messages - Grimelord82

I also like the idea of making chocolate part of a lavish meal. Or beer!
With hunting being the only meat source, even a well to do colony is hard to keep in Fine Meals. So yeah, I've never made Lavish except to check the buff. Reducing cost of a lavish meal would also make me consider it more. Maybe .8 total nutrition ingredients?

Normally, if a pawn is quite upset, it's from a stack of things like tired+hungry+psychic drone. Another +5 mood going from fine to lavish doesn't help if it means I have to make simple meals the next day.
General Discussion / Re: question about farming
July 09, 2018, 11:55:59 AM
The plants will have to hit the ~66% grown mark for this to be an option.
I have resurrected a pawn 33 days after sarcophagus burial. He was rotting and missing the top half of his head due to Lancer fire. He rezzed in perfect health, minus total blindness. I agree the interface for that and the healing serum is weird, but I like the items a lot.
Sapper the Resurrected now has two bionic eyes.

Great story, Cactus. Mech ships don't tolerate anything within about 6 tiles of them.
Ideas / Re: "Do not reap" option for fields
July 08, 2018, 01:53:03 PM
Rice fields tend to yield 4-6 nutrition on harvest, and it seems like animals still want to eat them at about 66% grown (.18 nutrition or so). Given all the extra work in making kibble or pemmican (taking up table time to do so), keeping rice planted with a bunch of no skill growers every couple days is trivial for small herds.

Having run a boreal colony for multiple years, a muffalo self sustains on ~1/4 a Sunlamp's worth of rice without much trouble and eventually staggers the grow zone so only 3 spots need planting per day. They're always hungry, but they never have malnutrition.

Since both kibble and pemmican take meat, and humans will eat kibble because they're dumb, I started making pemmican exclusively for caravans after a while. Hay isn't worth it, but I'm still trying to figure out how to make it so. Bumping its in ground nutrition would be one way to help.
Cassandra rough \ Mountainous \ 20/60 Boreal that gets down to -20F \ River + dirt road.

I'm also going to chime in on leathers and duster/parka vs flak jackets - It's not just bears that are elite leather. Megatherium and Thrumbo are even better! I've only had 7 thrumbo show up in 4 years, but that's enough to outfit a colony of 10-12 in 100% sharp resist dusters or parkas. I have 9 thrumbo parkas and 12 heavy fur dusters above normal grade right now, for 13 colonists.
Then you get the occasional man-hunting event. I've had both sloths and bears come knocking in 10+ packs so far. Even without manhunter packs, I harvest 3-4 bear and sloth a year. Elite leather isn't rare, with those rates.

The flak pants and vests are great, but the jackets need a niche.

Now that my first crop of Devilstrand finally came in, everyone is dressed like Stone.

Stone is the wall upon which Scyther hordes break. He and his Warg Gracie can usually take out 3-4 if they come at him one by one. Tough is an even better trait than Brawler, for getting into things, it seems.

Edit Build 1958 is out. New build, time for a new unmodded colony. Will report back!

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Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 06, 2018, 03:16:02 PM
Two things:
I'd enjoy seeing a larger variation in Body size for critters, and closer to real life.
Right now Muffalo and Polar Bears are just double human size, for example. But a real polar bear weighs between 350-1000lbs (so split the average at ~700lb/350kg), 5x the size of a human.

Muffalo could be somewhere about the same, for a useful carrying capacity.

We already have separate numbers for BaseHunger and BaseHealthScale, so those can be left alone or tweaked if more balance is needed on a per animal basis. Health scale seems to presume 30hp at 1x, so bears are 75 at 2.5x for their legs. This already feels reasonable to me, since raiders have a hard time taking mine down.

Realistic weights in general might be a good thing to look at for more items. Steel, Gold and Uranium should all have different weights per unit.
Steel is iron, at 55 grams per mole (a convenient 5 cm on a side ). Gold at 196. Uranium at 238.
Latest build will have issues if you had a drug lab with an active Psychite Pekoe brewing job: see attached.

ReBUILD drug lab/creating new lab and those won't have the issue. Moving the lab and reinstalling did not fix the issue. Removing all production bills did not fix the issue.

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General Discussion / Re: The balancing process
July 05, 2018, 02:07:06 PM
I appreciate both replies. I listed the problem with a very narrow scope, and those are both good suggestions for JUST that issue.

I've never really tried pistols, but have some laying around.

Half the save scumming is due to what pops out of the ship. Centipedes of any variety make close engagements impossible until they are plinked down to being useless. As do scythers, but at least traps work on them.

I don't really have enough steel for sacrificial turrets right now. Or maybe I do and I just need to build a few of the damn things and stop hoarding.
Dangit, my original picture was too large, so my long post got deleted with it. :(

Cassandra Rough | Boreal 20/60 | River + Dirt Road | Mountainous

Welcome to Secret River, home of the Northwestern Notswaba faction on the world of cards (30%)

1) I've managed 3-4 Muffallows + calves by growing rice under Sunlamp on standard soil. 50 rice spots per muffalow + kibble for treats/training keeps them from starving (3 years and going so far). Wool IS nerfed a bit, but it's also the only thing to make tuques/sock-hats from.
2) Food in general is a huge issue. I'm finally comfortable and making surplus for caravans with 250 corn spots for 13 colonists + hunting everything bigger than rats all year around. 100 hay spots for kibble. I had 4000+ meat worth of megatherium knock down my doors this winter. Butchers are sharpening their knives in antici...pation.
I also have a pack of 5 huskies + pups, the same in Wargs, and a couple bears. Bears are OP. Richard the Raid Destroying bear, R.I.P. Bears and Huskies seem to eat whatever is in front of them when they get hungry.
3) 150 herbal medicine summer field + 60 spot rotating medicine/beer/psychoid field is STILL not adequate for medicine/recreation.
4) I would have literally no steel due to power requirements without using Bulk Cooking and Dub's Skylights. I only have 800 as is, and it's always in flux from making more flak armors/guns/filling caravan requests. I have literally no turrets.
5) I haven't raided any bandit camps yet. Maybe after winter.

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General Discussion / Re: The balancing process
July 05, 2018, 12:34:04 PM
Food poisoning is nasty, but there's multiple ways to mitigate it, so I don't see it as a problem.
I've been playing 1.0 unstable since the .1950 build, and a lvl 5-8 starting cook and here's what I've had to do.
1) Build 1950-51 or so. Ignored the problem, with my kitchen out in my growing/workshed area within 2 spaces of butcher table and dirt. Some poisoning, but still not very common. Just really bad when it happens but only ever 1 pawn at a time.
2) Put tiles down to improve walk speed, never got 1 space under the stove tiled for some reason. Still not an issue, just every once in a while.
3) Build 1953-Current. Woah! Big change or just RNG smacking me. Multiple days of "Food poisoning: dirty kitchen" and "Incompetent cook" despite them all being over lvl 10. I let that go on for a few days and figure it won't stop.
4) Build 1954+. Set up a hospital like room. Sterile floors, new isolated room without any stockpiles, butcher table still elsewhere. Food poisoning disappears from the colony.

What I want to know is how to fight freaking lancers if you don't have shields+maces. I've had multiple instances of Flak jacket+pants+vest+simple helmet, behind sandbag+wall having appendages blown clean off from single shots. If it's an arm/leg it disintegrates and they go down. Torso/head usually kill them flat out. "Sapper crumpled due to lack of a head"

It's a very all or nothing mechanic right now. Armor doesn't help (I check the combat logs after lancer fights, and can't find any reflections like I see for other arms fire). Pets don't help (can't breed huskies/wargs fast enough so I can sacrifice two for every lancer I need to kill to get an un-shielded melee in range).
Can't turtle in the base, because that poison is killing half my crops or psychic ship is driving everyone I save-scum until every sniper fight goes perfect. Overwhelming firepower and lucky shots work for me as well as they do the lancers.
I guess that explains why I can't harvest anything from mechanoids...but my doctor kinda enjoyed ripping out that bionic spine with her bonesaw and a painstopper with a large coring I've got that going for me.
Thanks for the mod!
Stories / Jennifer, the Raid Worthy
July 04, 2018, 11:44:53 PM
Edit - Cassandra|Rough|Mountainous|Boreal 60F to -20F|Dirt Road + River

HI THERE! I'm Jennifer, just a hum drum art teach that got stuck in cryosleep for 80+ years.
I don't drink and I'm not mean to ANYONE, so I don't understand why all these raiders want a piece of me. Maybe they just like to watch me run?

I fell down a ravine and ended up washing down a canyon river. Just my luck, there was s settlement ahead! I radioed them but couldn't tell them anything because the raiders were right on my heels, those go-juice high jocks!

I could hear them yelling in the compound as I sprinted up. Shotguns cocking, wargs howling...bears roaring?! Omigawd.
Cross posting a bit - Time to look at the Raid chases that refugees have coming after them? I've played this game since A13 or so, and it seems like Refugee raids have nearly double the points of standard raids for all that time.
I'm at about 13k wealth, and my last standard raid had 1 shield guy, some decent rifles, about 8-10 pawns. Two pawns had Painstoppers installed in their heads, fun. My two snipers softened them and then I mauled them with my Polar Bear Pair (TM) and Warg pack. I kill 5 and definitely saw 3 retreat.

Then refugee raid shows up a day later, and looks like this:
1) 5 shield guys, with an assortment of clubs.
2) 4 folks high on go juice
3) 4 bionic parts in the party.
4) 18 pawns.

This makes it really dangerous to take refugees. It's literally the most dangerous thing that can happen, and that's odd.

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I like this idea as well.
In addition, it might be time to look at the Raid chases that refugees have coming after them. I've played this game since A13 or so, and it seems like Refugee raids have nearly double the points of standard raids for all that time.
I'm at about 13k wealth, and my last standard raid had 1 shield guy, some decent rifles, about 8-10 pawns. Two the pawns had Painstoppers installed in their heads. My two snipers softened them and then I mauled them with my Polar Bear Pair (TM) and Warg pack. I kill 5 and definitely saw 3 retreat.

Then refugee raid shows up a day later, and looks like this:
1) 5 shield guys, with an assortment of clubs.
2) 4 folks high on go juice
3) 4 bionic parts in the party.
4) 18 pawns.

This makes it really dangerous to take refugees. It's literally the most dangerous thing that can happen, and that's odd.

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So, this just happened...Bjornson is fairly skilled, pretty but also lazy mountain of a woman that snores (creepy breathing). Kees is a trim, really handsome/kind artistic intellectual.

Kees "Brr, it's getting cold outside"
Bjornson "I've got a fur coat you can slip under"
Kees *raises eyebrow*

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Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
June 27, 2018, 10:52:46 AM
Tynan (and modders), thank you for 800+ hours of amazingness.

You know what I've never seen? Re-balance some/all growing plants so that their in ground nutrition is scaled to their harvested nutrition.
Right now in the base game the best way to feed all herbivores with the least work is planting vast fields of rice. I have to actively keep them out of my hay so I can make kibble or store it. That's easy enough, but it would be really cool if I could just let my alpaca and muffalo graze the hay too.

1) Rice is the baseline. In ground nutrition peaks at .2 while harvested nutrition can yield anywhere between .2 and .3 total (4-6 rice). This is fine for anything with body size .5 or below, like chickens. One chicken eats one rice patch, and it's a bit lossy on nutrition. Anything larger is CONSTANTLY half full or less.
2) Corn in ground nutrition is the same as Rice, but it harvests for .7-.8 (14-16) and takes "7" days to grow. Bump in ground nutrition up to .5, and it almost makes sense to let animals graze on it.
3) Hay in ground nutrition is the same as Rice/grass, but harvests for 1.15-1.25 (23-25). A patch of Hay takes "11" days to grow and should fill up animals that are sizable even if you don't have time to harvest it.

This change would give the crops utility while still in the ground, if all my growers are incapacitated and I have animals to feed.

I know it's already done with mods, but pretty, plantable grass would be nice in game as well.

P.S. I just realized I could use a Nutrient Dispenser as a winter deer feeder, or to fill the above requirements somewhat.