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Messages - ZestyLemons

Bugs / Re: Incapable of violence balance issue
August 06, 2014, 12:33:11 AM
This should probably be under suggestions rather than bugs, but sort of agree that the AI should recognize non-violent colonists in the early game.

Still though, you could make up for lost firepower with some turrets.
Quote from: PunisheR007 on August 04, 2014, 12:06:12 PM
That sounds pretty cool jaxxa, i look forward to giving it a test. I havn't tried out hoppers since alpha 4, so i will do some testing over the next couple of days and see if i can get hoppers working from xml.

Using hoppers for ammo storage is one of the most brilliant things I've ever heard, whoa.
Ideas / Re: Viruses
August 04, 2014, 02:49:41 PM
I like this idea solely for the idea that I could fling raider bodies at enemy siegers.

But yeah, some sort of sickness or disease caused by bodies would be a nice incentive to keep people out and keep your base clean.
Help / Re: Using sustained sounds for a weapon.
August 04, 2014, 06:17:32 AM
Quote from: Bog on August 02, 2014, 01:28:41 PM
Quote from: Cyst on August 02, 2014, 07:43:17 AM
Quote from: mrofa on August 02, 2014, 06:37:43 AM
Bullet texture is set to 64x64 size and it wont change unless you do that in dll.

So much for my super mega deathstructor 9001 ultra lazor annihilator... It'd have been beautiful...

Yeah, it'd be nice is somebody came up with a good beam weapon mod and let everybody use it's coding for new guns.

When working on project armoury I can think of a lot of weapons that would use it, but so far I have the shelve them for the time being.

Edit: By the way, does anybody know how to make fire-explosions not make a sound? I made a Falarica (Basically a javelin wrapped in tow, soaked in fuel, lit then thrown) but I'd like it to just start a fire where it hits, not make the loud sound that Molotov cocktails have. (I can already make it spawn a fuel pool where it hits even when just a normal bullet thanks to some previous work by mrofa)

Take a look at the T9 incendiary rifle. Has a chance to spawn fire, minus the boom.
Not sure how a completely transparent pixel not being transparent isn't a bug. Are Tynan's sprites done the same way with 1% background opacity/matte?
Found a slightly nicer solution, added a black matte in Photoshop when I save the texture.

Thanks for the advice though, I'll try those too and see if it's any better. Maybe I should bug report this?
Help / Modded Graphics have white lines around them
August 03, 2014, 11:26:28 PM
Here's the gun I drew and modded in:

It has awful white lines around the stock, trigger guard, and sight. I can't get rid of them. It's 64x64, and its a transparent .PNG

Here's the default shotgun for reference:

When I used the exact same graphic and replaced my modded shotgun with that one, it also had white lines:

Some notes:
- There are no white pixels in my photoshop file.
- Drawing anything has these white lines appear. Giant black sphere? White lines. Massive expletive text? White lines again.
- I'm using Photoshop CS5 currently.
- All three graphics are 64 by 64 pixels
- The two I tried to mod are .PNGs

What am I doing wrong?
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 03, 2014, 02:21:18 PM
Two ideas:

A grenade launcher. It launches grenades.
A flamethrower. It throws flames.

That is all.
Bugs / Re: settlers did not obey craft
August 02, 2014, 09:18:08 PM
Quote from: bobucles on August 02, 2014, 08:46:38 PM
The interface does not tell you if a station has the materials required for a bill. If the materials are not available the task will just sit there... waiting... and you won't know why.

Simple meals use 10 of anything. They do not require any meat, so be sure to disable this in the bill's options or they'll waste meat.
Fancy meals use 5 veggies and 5 meat.
Lavish meals use 10 veggies and 10 meat.

Meat is a limited resource in vanilla, and human meat is a HUGE psych penalty so don't even think about it. You have to purchase TONS of meat regularly from traders to keep the high quality meals flowing.

Oh, this makes a lot of sense. Really should be a warning or little pop-up graphic on the stove (or other crafting buildings) if they don't have any materials.
Help / Re: Firing multiple projectiles from weapons?
August 02, 2014, 01:33:51 AM
Quote from: Cyst on August 01, 2014, 06:14:08 PM
I was just about to ask for the same kind of help, but hearing of this C# is kinda destroyed the mood, I know nothing of it, I can hardly mod an xml. (ಥ﹏ಥ)
This mod thing, "Special Caerbannog Pistol can be spawned with creative tools, that gun will shot 30 projectiles in narrow cone.", where could I find it?

Yeah, I was also kinda bummed that the .xml isn't very powerful modding wise. It's kind of annoying having to relaunch/reload Rimworld everytime I wanna tweak some assembly.
General Discussion / Re: Stuff System?
August 02, 2014, 12:26:23 AM
Quote from: UrbanBourbon on August 01, 2014, 05:14:43 AM
While Tynan draws semi-circles on the ground with his shoe tip, while looking down, with his hands behind his back, and mumbling "Stuff system", we have the obligation to pressure details out of him or at least speculate outside his presence. In 2013 Tynan promised us RimWorld. In 2014 we still have RimWorld. What is Tynan trying to hide from us? (Is it candy?)

Whatever it is, it has to be incomprehensibly elaborate, since the descrption "stuff system" is so nondescript that Tynan just seemingly gave up trying to describe it. It will only lead to madness, I'm sure. (Oh my, I'm going to go mad, what ever am I going to do now!)

I dunno, if you've ever looked at Tynan's code you'd know that things in Rimworld are literally called "Things".

I'm guessing he's a fan of really generic titles for "stuff" and "things" and stuff, ha.
Help / Re: Firing multiple projectiles from weapons?
August 01, 2014, 03:39:21 PM
Thanks! Luckily I know a little C#, hopefully I can learn a little about the Rimworld assembly too.


Results! Thanks so much for the example code.
Here's a screenie with low bullet speed/low warm up to demonstrate the shotgun spread:

Took a little messing around to get shotgun spread working, but it works pretty well.
Thanks again.
Help / Firing multiple projectiles from weapons?
August 01, 2014, 05:16:08 AM
Hi, just started to get into a little modding. I thought a fun and easy first project would be a modding the shotgun to actually fire several projectiles, instead of one giant one. I tried for a while, but I couldn't find any modding material on getting a weapon to fire 2+ projectiles in the same tick.

Here's what I tried (damage/warmup/etc values are no where near balanced, was just messing around):

<ThingDef ParentName="BaseGun">
<label>12G Shotgun</label>
<description>A 12 gauge shotgun, perfect for putting several nasty holes through its target.

I thought using burstshots tag with 0 ticks would give me a cheaty way to fire many projectiles at once, but it seems to clamp it to one tick/not work the way I want. Burst shots also makes the shotgun sound play several times in a row, which makes the gun sound really odd when it fires.

Is there a way to get weapons that fire multiple projectiles?
Mods / Re: {Idea/Request} Lighting+
August 01, 2014, 04:06:35 AM
I don't think directional lights are possible in Rimworld yet, which kinda sucks.

At least, I can't find anything in the files/documentation for it. After reading this blog post ( ), it actually just might be a limitation of the 'lighting' system in Rimworld, though I have no idea if that's changed. You'd probably have to ask for him to add in support for directional lights first.
Bugs / Re: settlers did not obey craft
July 30, 2014, 09:02:12 PM
A little more information on this:

I made a cooking stove, set it up to cook simple meals at, and it worked fine.
Later, I made a second stove, also cooking simple meals. Still worked fine, people cooked at either stove, but when I made a third one and made them make different meals (one simple meal, one fine meal, and one lavish meal), but they would only use the stove with a bill to cook simple meals. They'd do this whether or not there were other jobs to do, every single colonist could be idle and still prefer to not cook, even if I used manual priorities and maxed their cooking priority.