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Messages - BoogieMan

Quote from: Vlad0mi3r on December 17, 2017, 05:50:45 PM
I would like to see skill caps for certain tasks. So yeah have stone cutting increase your crafting skill but only to a certain point. So say you can stone cut up to level 6 crafting after that you get no more bonus from doing it.

Very much this. Getting zero crafting experience from it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it capping off does. Other than representing the learning process of a person more accurately you could also say they are at least becoming familiar with tools and materials.
General Discussion / Re: Should Predators Ignore Gunshots
December 17, 2017, 10:07:52 PM
Was it presently being shot while eating the colonist, or had recently been shot? I'm guessing recently shot since I don't recall seeing a predator attack a person who wasn't alone. Could just be chance on my part though.

In RL predators will typically flee if they get seriously injured during a fight or encounter stiff resistance. A meal isn't worth serious injury. Since it's a game I could see that not apply, however.

Now if it was being shot while this was occurring it would probably be better behavior to either flee or go after the current attacker.
A Dog Said...
This allows cybernetic implants for vanilla animals.

[KV] RimFridge - B18
Let's you build refrigerators.

Adds more mental bonuses and penalties as well as ways to treat them, etc. Blends pretty well into the vanilla game.

Animal Logic
Makes managing and dealing with animals much more efficient. Most importantly it allows you to see bonded/pregnant in the trade and caravan screen so you don't sell someone's pet on accident.

Allows counselors of sorts to talk to unhappy colonists and help them deal with thier problems.

Medical Tab
Adds a tab that allows you to view the health of everyone at a glance to see who may need prosthetics, etc.

JTReplaceWalls [B18]
A life saver for cave bases. Allows you to set walls to be built over existing ones, your people will mine the wall then build the wall in the spot. Otherwise, you can't even designate the wall to be there until it's already been mined out.

I find it boggling that this doesn't already exist in the base game.

"The opposite of the 'Allow non-dead man's apparel' filter for stockpiles and workbenches. Vanilla gives you the option for stockpiles and workbenches, to exclude apparel which hasn´t been worn by dead man with the filter option 'Allow non-dead man´s apparel' But you are unable to exclude apparel which has been worn by dead man. This mod adds a filter for it so you can exclude apparel which has been worn by dead man in stockpiles and workbenches."
General Discussion / Re: Post your best tips
December 16, 2017, 02:21:54 PM
Quote from: dkmoo on December 16, 2017, 02:14:42 PM
Quote from: BoogieMan on December 16, 2017, 01:08:52 PM
You can light 18 Hydroponic planters with one sunlamp if you correctly arrange them.

Nope, you can do 24

No need to make room for walkways.

Oh, nice. I didn't think they could walk on top of them. Thanks.
General Discussion / Re: Post your best tips
December 16, 2017, 01:08:52 PM
Put chairs at workstation access points to increase comfort of the worker

Line exterior walls and air conditioning tunnels with unneeded stone chunk stockpiles to slow down/discourage attackers from taking certain paths.

You can light 18 Hydroponic planters with one sunlamp if you correctly arrange them.

Ceilings, both artificial and natural will collapse unless there is a support wall within 6 tiles.

If bugs/enemies are trapped behind enough doors and in an enclosed space, a few fires from incendiary launchers or molotovs will eventually kill everything in the room since the heat will continue to build up. Just quickly open the doors and retreat to let it cool down afterwards. This will also probably destroy most or everything in the room. But it's useful if you don't have the means to kill the infestation with conventional means.

Keep your butcher tables out of the same room of your kitchens, as their tendency to causes blood splatters everywhere will lower the cleanliness rating of the room.

Make sure your freezers do not allow through traffic. You only want people going in there when it's required.

It can be useful to have a secondary smaller freezer for prepared meals, so you can lock the main freezer in the event of power outage so it doesn't warm up as quickly from the doors being opened.

Administering smokeleaf to prisoners can help keep them in better moods, so long as they aren't a teetotaler.

Set up a nutrient paste dispenser for prisoners and they will feed themselves if they can walk. If food spoilage is an issue, you can enclose the back half of it in a cold room and have the access point be in the prison without the cool air escaping. This not only saves your better food for citizens, it saves your warden's time.

Do not replace prisoner's missing body parts until they are recruited so they are less effective during a break out.

Have multiple separate medicine stockpiles in your hospital. When a doctor is going to pick up medicine it reserves the stack until they do, which can make other doctors behave as if no medicine is available and go grab herbal medicine instead.

Doctors with bionic arms will provide better care. Not sure about eyes.

Rimworld's startup time is increased for every mod you have, even deactivated mods.
Quote from: cyberian on December 15, 2017, 09:51:53 AM
Quote from: BoogieMan on December 15, 2017, 09:25:22 AM
I usually bump it up one time from the default.

This isn't exactly to scale since I made it in paint in a few minutes. More of an example of a layout than actual sizes of each room, though I do make the work rooms pretty big.
KK THX, I always made everything in multiples of 5x5 so like 5x11 for recroom, dining and freezer. But I think its better if I actually keep workshops bigger.
Do you know if there is any disadvantage if I basically have one giant room with all of the workshops inside? Except Butcher, Cooking and Research I would make extra rooms for those.

I would avoid giant rooms because of bug infestations. They would be able to stall all production in the room, be more difficult to contain, and would put more citizens at risk when they tunnel in.

I usually always have a minimum of two exits for a room as well so there is less a chance of someone getting trapped. My hallways are usually 3 tiles wide, every 15-20 tiles I'll put 2 walls and door in the middle as a sort of airlock to help keep critters from spreading, once troops are assembled and lined up, open the door so they have to tightly funnel through to attack which makes them easy targets.

I line the outside edges rooms with work stations and put toolboxes and raw materials in the center of the room, and produced goods in an adjacent storeroom. Pop a chair on the workstation access point for comfort and they're good to go.
Quote from: cyberian on December 15, 2017, 02:37:19 AM
Quote from: BoogieMan on December 14, 2017, 11:07:45 AM
Quote from: cyberian on December 14, 2017, 04:47:44 AM
Quote from: BoogieMan on December 13, 2017, 01:47:10 PM
I almost always utilize mountain colonies.

Starting off with a quick outdoor setup to get by early, I tunnel inwards and end up with a design more or less based on the concept in the attached screenshot. There may be better layouts, but it works well for me on max difficulty and is easy to set up. It can also easily be repeated to increase the size while keeping a smooth symmetry.
Looks nice, what are those tiny rooms for?

The small rooms are bedrooms. Usually 5x5 or 6x6. I try to assign people to rooms near the side of the base that they work on to help reduce time spent walking.
Ah k initially thought that but then your other rooms are massive.
Which map size is this?

I usually bump it up one time from the default.

This isn't exactly to scale since I made it in paint in a few minutes. More of an example of a layout than actual sizes of each room, though I do make the work rooms pretty big.
Quote from: cyberian on December 14, 2017, 04:47:44 AM
Quote from: BoogieMan on December 13, 2017, 01:47:10 PM
I almost always utilize mountain colonies.

Starting off with a quick outdoor setup to get by early, I tunnel inwards and end up with a design more or less based on the concept in the attached screenshot. There may be better layouts, but it works well for me on max difficulty and is easy to set up. It can also easily be repeated to increase the size while keeping a smooth symmetry.
Looks nice, what are those tiny rooms for?

The small rooms are bedrooms. Usually 5x5 or 6x6. I try to assign people to rooms near the side of the base that they work on to help reduce time spent walking.
Quick question..

"Shoot frenzy (3 days): Shooting hit chance improved as though the pawn is 10 skill levels higher."

How does this affect those that already have very high shooting skill? If for example someone with 20 had this effect will it allow them to shoot better despite already being at the skill cap?
I almost always utilize mountain colonies.

Starting off with a quick outdoor setup to get by early, I tunnel inwards and end up with a design more or less based on the concept in the attached screenshot. There may be better layouts, but it works well for me on max difficulty and is easy to set up. It can also easily be repeated to increase the size while keeping a smooth symmetry.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Quote from: Morak on December 13, 2017, 08:27:05 AM
I have eaten without a table and it has not bothered me. What would bother me is if I had to eat without a place to sit down.

I think that the debuff is just named poorly.  Perhaps it should be renamed to "Had to eat standing up".

Eating standing up is more annoying than eating without a table, but why wouldn't they be able to sit down most of the time?
General Discussion / Re: Dealing With Blight is Dumb
December 13, 2017, 08:32:21 AM
I haven't played with this version of blight yet, but it still sounds better than the old blight where most of your plants, everywhere, instantly vanished into nothingness.
I see why it's there, but I think it should be reduced until the colony advances to the point where having a table to use is a more realistic expectation.

You're wasting your time.

In my experience, Bozobub is an antagonistic contrarian who misuses their intelligence and grammatical skills being sarcastic, insulting, and generally just going full effort to disagree with people and tell them their opinions are wrong in ways that are not constructive.

They are literally the only person I have ever ignored on any forum, ever, and I've been online since 2400 baud modems. A shame really, because I do enjoy reading posts by people who (usually) write so well.

Engaging this person will only waste your time and derail the thread. Better to just move on.

On topic, I don't use a centralized stockpile any more. Well, only for stuff that isn't needed at a workstation. Better to have a stockpile by/in each workroom with only the materials that workroom needs. The less time they spend going out and grabbing everything they need, the better and it gives you more freedom in base layout.

I'll make the main stockpile set on the second to highest priority, and make a few 1 tile stockpiles right next to the workstation's chair on max priority. They don't even have to move that way. Let haulers do the majority of the footwork instead of skilled crafters.

If you haven't, try the mod I linked above. It should help a lot with your issue.
I kind of see where the OP is coming. But on the other hand, I don't seem to think it's quite as bad - at least in my experience.

I understand the pressure to make an efficient base over one that looks nice or is less tedious to build. The extent that effects the player is probably highly variable from one person to the next. But I firmly believe the more you see the positive effects and know how the achieve them, the harder they are to ignore. Having a very efficient layout for each workroom can lead to downright massive improvements in productivity. So much so that I can't really ignore the benefits. Although I feel I've learned to blend both their efficiency, aesthetics, and time investment fairly well over time. Then again, improving how I approach anything is something I experience quite a bit of enjoyment in refining as I play any game.

I think a large amount of this issue would be resolved with some improvements to the pathfinding AI, if A18 didn't already do so. I haven't played since A17. For example, I had pawns set to tame or hunt that seemed to completely disregard how long it would take to get out to where they needed to go. If the path was long and/or covered in snow and other movement obstructions they would stroll off even though they would have to go to bed or get hungry long before they could have ever arrived at their destination and end up wasting most of their day.

Lastly, the Hand Me That Brick mod should seriously be integrated into the main game. Don't play without it. I cannot stress that enough. It lets haulers deliver resources to constructions even if they can't or aren't the ones actively building it.

I suppose the game days could be slightly longer too. I guess my point is I believe this could be largely resolved by further improvements to the game.

Just like Dwarf Fortress, I personally consider hauling to be one of biggest annoyances in the game. Doubly so if you build a mountain base. Too many hauling jobs needs and not enough time or manpower. Stack limits are too small..