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Messages - code99xx

Releases / Re: [A15] AllowTool (1.5) Easily unforbid items
September 13, 2016, 12:03:36 AM
Quote from: Arnold Rimmer on September 12, 2016, 11:59:54 PM
Hello there, UnlimitedHugs,
I feel exceptionally silly for bringing this up; after reading all the posts in this thread,
none of them mentions/suggests a "Disallow"-extension to your tool.
The second i saw this mod in action i thought
"Uhm... Why can i ONLY allow stuff with this and not do the other thing too?"
Is there some technical reason for that disability maybe?

Im wondering this too, i actually just needed this feature myself and came here to see if there is such a thing, somewhere ...
Outdated / Re: [A14] Community Core Library v0.14.3.1
September 13, 2016, 12:02:32 AM
No offence intended but thats just bollocks ... 90% if not more of the players here use mods. I would not even play his version of the game (vanilla) if it werent for the mods.

Dont get me wrong, its a good game mods or not but with mods it becomes a great game. As I see it, its in his best interest to help out in times like this :)

Mods / Re: Restric rooms?
September 12, 2016, 05:55:13 AM
Ah yes, thats how it was called!

Yeah, ive seen the deal with CCL ... sad news, here's hoping they will figure CCL out ...
Mods / Re: Role in the colony
September 12, 2016, 02:17:03 AM
I would give anything for a mod like this!
Mods / Restric rooms?
September 12, 2016, 01:59:59 AM
Hi,  long story short, I want to restrict bedrooms, make them private, especially when my colonists are sleeping so other colonists dont just barge in and disturb their beauty sleep!

Any mod out there that can do something like this? I remember there was a mod once ... cant recall how it was called!
In response to OP...

What I do is create several battery rooms (rooms with lots of batteries in them) scattered around my base (not too close to each other, in case there is a fire or a short circuit only one room is lost) and put a switch at the entrance of each room.

When batteries are fully charged I flip the switch and disconnect the battery room from the network, thus keeping power saved up for later when needed and in case of short circuits that dont happen in that room, those batteries are safe from discharge.

Its much easier to flip a switch than picking up an uninstalled battery and installing it somewhere (in the middle of a battle you might not have the time to do that anyway or it would be too late by the time you do it).

Ofc short circuits can happen in one of the battery rooms even if they are disconnected from the network but thats why I have several such rooms.

Worth mentioning, I also have a mod that adds fuses which help with short circuits (they dont prevent them all the time, you would need a HELL OF A LOT of fuses to prevent the more nastier short circuits events but in those cases they help reduce the strenght of it). I build such fuses in every battery rooms and around my colony. It helps.

Anyway I find this approach is really useful when solar flare hits or you have some huge raid that you must fight for days or have every single gun turned on. Just turn on the battery rooms as needed.

Also, one battery room is always active at any given time, the rest are turned off until needed.

Hope this helps someone :D

Some of you people have bases that can only be described as "HOLY F**K" :)

Im not so good at building bases like that (i blame my lack of imagination) however here is my attempt at a base.
I've been playing since Alpha 8 (i skipped a version or two since tho and only recently returned for A12).

My game is also heavily modded so keep that in mind ... and Im not THAT good at the game anyway :D

This is my "largest" colony in alpha 12 that I havent really played in the last few days (its still quite early in its days) playing on Phoebe Extreme, Mountain, largest map (just bellow ludicrous size).

^ This is an overview of the outside of my base just after an attack. The base is still under construction and my defences are rather basic having to be rebuilt after every attack.

^ This is an overview of the inside of my base. Pretty small and not so impressive but gets the job done. My hospital is equipped with a Dermal Regenerator and a few basic beds. I will add some proper hospital beds with vital analyzers soon™. Just bellow my hospital room, I can craft various prosthetics and bionic limbs if i need to.
The various stockpiles that you can see have advanced quantum storage platforms able to store a lot of items/resources in a single tile.

The bottom of my base you can see a hydroponics room thats still under construction, so is the room above my hospital, meant to grow medical plants and such, still under construction. (power was an issue)

This is my colony backup power in cases of eclipses and long lasting sieges. Each battery room has a switch at the entrance that allows me to cut said rooms from the rest of the network and keep the power stored there for emergencies. Each room also has a few fuses that help lower the risk of short circuits that can occur (more fuses are scattered throughout the base).
At the moment all battery rooms are active since I had a rather difficult attack ...

This is my failed attempt to create a room with geothermal energy to solve all my power problems but sadly because I failed to properly calculate the distance from each fissure, I couldnt fit all the geothermal plants and now it just looks dumb :D

No deaths in this colony so far.

This is my latest colony, just started so only a couple of weeks have passed. This is my very first attempt at a base thats not inside a mountain and so far im having problems with designing my base, as it stands it looks a bit dull ...

This is a more RP game than usual (RP=Role Play). I usually play my games with some story behind it with created characters via prepare carefully and so on. (first colony i showed above is also RP type of colony)
This colony in particular is sort of a followup to the colony i showed above. Long story short, this colony is made by a rescue team sent to investigate the disapearance of the above colony people (they were on a ship on their way someplace far far away when something happened etc etc, when the rescue team arrived they succumbed to the same fate, their ship got destroyed in orbit for some reason and only a few managed to reach the escape pods).
Essentially these guys are military, Alpha Squad, some of the best soldiers from the Novalith Corporation sent to investigate the whereabouts of the people in the other colony.

They however crashed on this planet ill equipped, most of the weapons and other equipment and the other people got destroyed in their ship. They only have a few standard issue combat rifles ...

(obviously my story is far more complicated than what I've written so far, dont want to bore you to death with it :D. I was thinking in making an AAR (After action report) or whatever you call em but dunno if thats a thing anymore.

Playing on Cassandra Extreme, largest of the large map size, small hills. None of the created colonists that I've started with are any good at growing or cooking (since they are just soldiers part of a quick response force. They are also rather poor at constructing anything too complicated, research and mining. Luckly tho, my first few colonists that I managed to "acquire" are good at mining, growing and constructing)

Overview of the base.

Closeup of the base, as you can see its still under construction, dirty and this is also just after a pretty large raid in which 3 parties had to fight it out. My team, some friendlies from a nearby town and some pirates.

Just the food source in form of fieds of rice, potatoes, strawberries and some medical plants.

There you have it, my attempt at this thread. Let me know if you want to see more or hear more of the story behind it.
So, uhm ... not sure if someone reported this already but here it goes:

In every game I'm having this issue after a bit since I start the game, its always related to my dog that I bring into the game at the beginning.
I've removed the dog via dev console and spawned a new one, the issue seems to go away for a while, when it starts again. I don't know what causes this:

EDIT: Oh and on another note, i do agree with the rest of the folks here that the economy needs some tweaking at the very least... i dont mind things being harder but some of the stuff here are just silly ...
General Discussion / Been a while ... help?
October 25, 2015, 05:06:36 AM

Ive had a break from Rimworld for a while now (rather, had a break from computer games in general) and now i noticed a new version is up and about with some new cool features!

However, I do have some questions about one in particular. Schedules.

How do you setup them properly? When to work, how much to work/rest/joy/etc ... ? Ill be experimenting obviously and see whats what but I would still like a bit of insight from people that already have some experience with this :)

General Discussion / Re: Time Tables
March 25, 2015, 02:31:41 PM
Quote from: Boboid on March 25, 2015, 02:01:57 PM
Timetables become more useful when you factor in the Fun system.

In reality you need a method to control colonists who aren't getting their dose of Mandatory Fun naturally through their standard work.

I doubt there are many applications beyond that.

Right, the fun thing. Yeah i can see timetables being a thing for that but beyond it, no real use.
Ideas / Re: Z levels possible?
March 25, 2015, 02:30:08 PM
Quote from: EscapeZeppelin on March 25, 2015, 01:39:56 PM
There are no z levels possible without major work on the engine and none are planned.

Ok, well thats a pitty, would certanly be nice to have em ...
Ideas / Z levels possible?
March 25, 2015, 01:30:45 PM
I know this has probably been asked before and I bet there are threads about this somewhere on these forums but i couldnt find them.

Only thing i found was someone mentioning that Z levels are not possible with the current engine ... is that true?

Whats the official say on this? Will there be different levels later on?
General Discussion / Re: Time Tables
March 25, 2015, 01:06:20 PM
Are timetables really necessary? I dont really see a reason to use them.

In all my games so far I always ended up with colonists doing jobs full time. I need food so i have cooks that cook 24-7. If i need something hauled, i have haulers just for that and so on. I really dont see an use for timetables.
Early in the game, maybe, when i dont have that many colonists for every job that i need but later on when you get new colonists, timetables become pointless imo.

This is not a prison, its a colony. Every colonists can decide for himself/herself when and if they want to eat, unwind, have some beer, sleep and so on.

Quote from: baekdal on March 25, 2015, 10:23:42 AM
Sieges are fairly easy to deal with. Equip a group of really good shooters with sniper rifles, and just take them out from a distance.

But I do agree with the long hallways with sandbags. Great for defense, terrible for logistics. But currently, raiders will take the path of least resistance (relatively), so if you create a 'side entrance' that is strong enough, they won't ever try to attack it. Like this:

Ah I see. Ok then, question:

Whats to prevent the colonists to use the main entrance?
Im not entirely sure how pathfinder works for colonists but do they consider the resistance of the ground they are gonna walk on when deciding how to reach a certain spot?

I mean, if its shorter to get outside through the main entrance but its slower to walk through all the sand bags and chunks, will the colonist choose the alternative exit which is farther away but doesnt have all the crap on the ground that slows they walking speed?

Or do you have to micromanage every colonist?
Or maybe use some locked doors in the main entrance ??? (thinking while typing, if you place a disposable door at the main entrance, say made of wood, and lock it, the colonists will obviously go through the secondary entrance. When attacks happen, they will destroy the wooden door and proceed as normal and after the attack you rebuild the door ...)

How do you guys do it anyway?
One thing i dont understand about some of the defense ideas posted here.

There are several defenses that make it very hard to get in the base but how about get out of it?

What i mean is, I've seen long hallways/corridors filled with either chunks or sandbags to slow down the attackers and maybe even dark so they go nuts or something. But how do your colonists get out of the base?
Unless you are self sufficient inside your base (doubtful you can achieve that without mods) you need to go out to hunt, farm, mine and so on.

Having alternative entries/exits doesnt work because sometimes the enemies just ignore your main fortified entry and go for the other one.

And, what about sieges? How do you deal with them?