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Messages - Kagemusha12

Quote from: Varnhagen on August 09, 2016, 03:28:24 PM

We've seen the addition of new events to which the only adequate response is: build a mountain-base.
Manhunters, toxic fallout, sieges, volcanic winter.

Actually I have to disagree ...
a mountain base isn't necessary to combat these events.
Having your base in one or multiple buildings actually is enough.
(if in multiple buiildings, then ideally  connected via roofed walkways, to not be affected even a little bit by toxic fallout while moving between the buildings .. also, ideally with double walls in order to be better insulated against heat/cold)

The only real advantages of mountain bases are, that the parts directly under the mountain are protected from mortar fire. And that, by digging out rooms, you also have a chance for getting ores and stones (whereas a base in free terrain has to cover distances (to the next hill/mountain) in order to dig for steel (and digging for steel and building rooms are separate tasks)
Sounds like a good idea ... it makes sense and, in contrast to drinking water mechanics, doesn't add too much micromanagement or development burden
Quote from: Blastoderm on August 09, 2016, 09:18:39 AM
It's about nature of the game, where vast majority of colony deaths comes from not walling fast enough. Why bother with open colony when only chance to survival is AI behaviour exploits?

It also comes down to the AI storyteller and difficulty level one chooses.
If one chooses the highest difficulty, one shouldn't wonder that things only can be solved via exploiting the AI
(the reason why I  prefer to stay at medium difficulty ... nice balance of building and events (although, I dislike the scarcity of trading ships and caravans that came with the last update))
Quote from: hwfanatic on August 09, 2016, 05:21:44 AM
Quote from: keylocke on August 01, 2016, 04:39:30 AM
countering a siege is possible if you manage to burn their ammunition early.
Unfortunately, they seem to have an endless supply from space. I once stole their whole batch while they were sleeping and apart from acquiring free ammo, it didn't do much to stop the bombardment.

Perhaps you should also have used the chance and planted an IED-Trap next to their mortars :D
Ideas / Timed electrical switches
August 09, 2016, 05:05:55 AM
I.e. electrical switches for which you can create a schedule (similar to the schedule for colonists workdays) when the switch should be switched on or off.

This way you could, for example, create a separate electrical circuit (connected by such a timed switch) in which all Lamps and/or workshops in the common area are switched off during the night (when all colonists are asleep) ... so that the power for the workshops and lamps is saved during the time when they are not used and solar panels aren't active.

Of course, if you change the schedule for such a timed switch, a colonist would have to go to the switch and enter it (in order to prevent exploiting of such a switch as a "normal switch" that can just, at a whim, be switched on/off without colonist interaction)
Quote from: Boston on August 08, 2016, 07:44:48 PM
If you read the description for all of the "leathers" in the game, you will come to the realization that they have all been scraped, tanned and dried. With the hair removed, all leather is pretty much the same.

I wish there was two "main" types of animalhides for use in crafting: "Leather", which is what all hides get turned into when they get dried, scraped and tanned, and "fur", which can then be differentiated between different types. Leather would be the "standard" clothing material, while different furs would provide different degrees of warmth.

Sounds like a good idea ...
fur could be best at keeping warm,
while tanned leather could have some protective advantages.

Tanning would also be a good explanation what the colonists do with all the urine they produce every day :D
If you want something to keep warm, use wool.
AFAIK it is the best material for cold weather clothes
Perhaps the game should check events for exclusivity.

I had a solar flare at the same time as a solar eclipse.
IMHO it is strange to have EM radiation of a solar flare affecting the colony, when there is a whole moon blocking out the sun
Bugs / Re: Tribals rolling non-tribal backstories
August 07, 2016, 02:03:08 PM
Maybe they were also stranded on Rimworld and then became part of the tribal clan
... or were part of a pirate band and were, at one time, captured and converted to the tribals
... or were released from some cryptosleep caskets and the first people they encountered were these tribals

I guess there are many ways for someone who spent his life inan advanced world, to become part of the tribals ...
after all the tribals don't löive in total seclusion (and also know about the advanced pirate bands around them)
Ideas / Re: Maximum amount per stack in stockpile
August 07, 2016, 12:25:52 PM
Quote from: Louisthebadassrimworlder on August 07, 2016, 12:16:34 PM
This would be useful, but the only problem is that you could then abuse this and have a single 1x1 stockpile containing 1000 simple meals and cheat the game to save colony space. The only way around this is to find a sensible limit at which to stop the stockpile, but this would probably be around the same as it is now so...

The maximum amount you could store per stack, would of course still be the stacksize limit (i.e. 75 per item (x20 for valuable ores)
Ideas / Maximum amount per stack in stockpile
August 07, 2016, 11:57:26 AM
It would be nice if (for stackable items) we could control the maximum amount of items ... either per stockpile or per stack in the stockpile.

I have a single prisoner with an extreme infection in the prison cell (which I want to keep alive)
but I also have a few normal colonists in the hopspital, and I am running low on medkits.

Therefore I want to put a stockpile with just a single medkit next to the prison cell.

Currently it seems like this isn't possible, as neither sharing the items between stockpiles is in the game nor (I guess easier to program) a slider that allows you to determine the maximum amount of items per stack in a stockpile.
Quote from: milon on August 01, 2016, 03:49:25 PM
I want to add to this: when a prisoner is released, they walk extremely slowed and are still in restraints.  I know that's WAD, but it seems very strange that a released prisoner is still restrained.  I would expect that releasing a prisoner also removes the restraints.

I agree ...
I understand that letting them count as prisoners till exiting the map is done, in order to prevent exploiting this by being able to kill prisoners without penalty ...
but they should either get their shackles removed upon release, or be escorted to the maps edge by the warden
Quote from: Gennadios on August 06, 2016, 04:30:01 PM
Quote from: Kagemusha12 on August 05, 2016, 09:15:52 AM
From my experience on the Paradox-Forums it always includes the danger, that revenge ratings make the system more or less meaningless
(i.e. Poster A gives a posting of Poster B a negative/low rating ... Poster B reacts immature and, as a "revenge", seeks out Postings of Poster A to give them a negative/low rating)
(on the other hands this depends on the poster seeing which person/s positively/negatively rated his posting (which is the case on the Paradox forums))

My first thought when reading the OP were the Paradox forums. I'm not active enough there to really know the social dynamics and revenge ratings (they're anonymous, you have to be pretty loud and stupid to get into a downvote war.)

That's actually not true (just checked into my Paradox account to verify that this hasn't changed) ... you even get alerts when someone rates your posting (together with the info about who rated and what rating he gave).
See screenshots below (Names and Avatars of the Raters, as well as Threads and Postings that got rated are blacked out, of course, for sake of anonymity)

But I agree, anonymity of raters as well as being able to only give out positive ratings would do a lot in order to prevent revenge ratings

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Bugs / Re: Colonists choose obviously sub-optimal food
August 07, 2016, 06:36:29 AM
Quote from: Wex on August 05, 2016, 09:33:25 PM
What about insect jelly?
The colonists still prefer it over fine meals.
I almost can't use it as ingredient, they keep on eating it raw.

No surprise IMHO ... it seems to be the best food you can find out there
General Discussion / Re: Medieval in space game?
August 07, 2016, 06:29:32 AM
To elaborate further:
Those Rimworlds are full of failed civilizations (and maybe stranded travellers) who, over the centuries, lost their technological level (for example because the equipment broke down and noone was there to repair) and therefore recessed to a lifestyle that would be primitive enough to be sustainable with the natural resources of the planet.

Remember, Rimworld has only sublight travel ... that means, even travel to a nearby star system may take decades or a century (spent in Cryptosleep) ... therefore there is no way to just send a ship full of resources and a repair team, when on a colony in a neighboring star system something goes wrong.
(and colonization by these means seems to have been going on for around 3 millenia (I once encountered someone in a cryptosleep casket in the ruins, who was almost 2.9 millenia old ... unfortunately he didn't survive the shootout :( ))