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Messages - Kadian

Stories / Re: Reincarnation is a %^@#%
September 25, 2017, 05:37:12 PM
Or maybe he uploaded his Mind into an AI core. body might be dead, but his mind lives on :P isn't him, it's his biggest fan trying to BE him!
Off-Topic / Re: Corrupt-A-Wish
September 24, 2017, 06:56:36 PM
That IS easy. Wish Granted.
Now everytime you come even close to traffic lights they turn green for the mode of transportation you're using at the time. It does not turn the light for the >other< people to red(or 'do not pass') though, leading to car accidents, crashes and people getting run over by vehicles.
Of course, sooner or later, the people realize that you seem to be the sole cause for those catastrophic events, so you will be arrested and convicted.
Congratulations, you will now live a lifetime in a remote prison with no traffic lights close to you - in addition, there will be researcher coming over every once in a while, just to figure out how the hell you did what you did - I'm not an expert, but the resulting experiments might hurt. Who knows!

I wish...Humanity would be able to finally find a way to colonize far away earth-like planets without the need of hundreds - or thousands - of years travelling to those planets.
(Now, this could be interesting, I wonder what you make with this.)
Quote from: Duftmand on September 21, 2017, 10:59:34 PM
Was the ability to get hay from cutting tall grass removed? or is there a specific research you need to do before it becomes possible? i recall i did it in my last playthrough. How do you get hay other than haygrass now?
Cutting grass to get hay is still a thing and should work fine.
It's definitely the main mod of HcSK, the Core SK, I know that for a fact. Which is a huge Issue, because that thing merged most dlls into one big one. That thing is nearly 700kb big, it's huge compared to any other assemblies file.

Well, thanks for your help anyways :) Considering that they work on HcSK all the time and update it with stuff, adding and removing mods as they go along, it's entirely possible that they have something a bit older in their mod or they added something to the mix that causes the issue. I just hoped you might know something more specific.
I guess I'm going to play without stuffing for the time being.
The floors you see in my screen are always in HcSK, with or without stuffed :)

and stuffed floors does work, actually, as I said in my first post. It generates all the floors, with all the materials, even from other mods like cupros stones/alloys. The problem is that the grouping doesn't work - when I open the floors tab with stuffed floors active I get a screen full with different floors, every floor on its own, filling the whole screen.
People actually reported  a similar problem on steam, where a mech-shutdown mod apparently somehow interfered with the grouping.
I'd give you a screen, but I'm currently not on my computer with rimworld, so there's that.
Quote from: Canute on September 20, 2017, 03:23:26 AM
If you just want more colours, just exchange some textures from HCSK floors with the ones from stuffed.
Don't edit the XMLs just rename and copy the textures itself.
What you're saying does not make any sense. The textures from stuffed are basically colourless and need different materials to get their colour. Issue with that is that the HcSK floors don't accept any other materials besides the basic ones. Let me put it in screens for you to understand:

This is the basic HcSK setup, with the addition of Cupros Alloys & Cupros Stones, in godmode so I have access to everything. As you can see, the HcSK floors, for some bizarre reason, are made in a way that they won't accept any 'third party materials' for a lack of a better term. That's where stuffed floors would come in and fill the gap, as they take every kind of material and make fitting floors. And I know the mods are working correctly, because I can build walls in all available materials, as seen here (picture linked, because I felt it would make the post a bit large in total.)
Exchanging any textures won't do a thing, basically.

Quote from: Fluffy (l2032) on September 20, 2017, 04:14:57 AM
@Kadian; It's probably not the floors, but another mod adding a designator that does so in an old-fashioned and destructive way, basically resetting all the designators.

I've had some issues with this in the past with other mods, should have been resolved though. Are you sure you're on the latest version?
I'm using both ArchitectSense and Stuffed Floors from Steam, so by definition they should be the newest version available, because Steam updates mods automatically. HcSk doesn't have a Steam-download, for obvious reasons, but I made sure to get the newest version available.
So...the Issue is probably in the enormous merged dll and whatnot from HcSK, and I have to give up on my dream of a more colourful base?
It's not conflicting with the HcSK floors or how they are in subcategories. That was one of my first Ideas too and I tested this theory out by deleting the TerrainDefs of HcSK when possible (only leaving natural floors/water, since they are necessary for mods - I did delete all the manufactured floors though) and changed the subcategories of HcSK as well.
Also, I might not be a wizard with modding, but I don't see how any kind of floor added by other mods could possibly interfere with Stuffed Floors. The Mod simply has framework floors which gets a colour, based upon the material you're using it, and ArchitectSense is supposed to stack them to nice Sub-categories when every material has a fitting floor. The worst case scenario would be that certain floors could show up twice, because StuffedFloors didn't delete them, but that's about it, as far as I understand the mod.

Also, I'm fully aware of the amount of floors in HcSK, thing is, they are all limited to the base materials and colour schemes, which is...well, boring. I want some colour in my bases, and putting carpet everywhere is just stupid, especially in working areas.
Hey Fluffy,
I was trying to get stuffed floors work together with Hardcore SK (mainly because I was also using some of cupros mods for a bit of variety in materials), but I kinda ran into the Issue that, while the floors do appear, they don't get any subcategories, making the whole floor menu a total mess.
I was looking through this topic, the HSK topic as well as the steam page of stuffed floors, but I couldn't quite find anything that would cause this issue to happen. Any Ideas? Also, I'm assuming that Architect Sense is actually compatible to at least some extend since its .dll file is in the Core SK mod, although very slightly smaller apparently.
Hey all, I got a small question about a compatibility issue I have. First of all, I know that Hardcore SK isn't really build to run with any other mods, because it can cause problems and usually breaks the way this overhaul is meant to be played.
Still, I am currently trying to figure out a way to get stuffed floors to work with hardcore SK, and I'm failing quite hard. The main Issue I'm having is that the floors added by stuffed floors don't want to be in a dropdown menu and therefore basically filling up most - if not all - of the screen when I open the floors menu.
Looking around, I couldn't really find a solution, and I'm currently assuming the issue persists due to Hardcore SK's tendency to put 'similar' floors into dropdown menus, which most likely breaks the ability of stuffed floors to put them in dropdown menus itself.

Any Idea how one could change that? Or make them compatible with each other in some way? I do imagine I might not be the only one who would like to add stuff like Stone Painting, Cupro's Stones/alloys with fitting floors.

edit: playing around with the defs of Hardcore SK, the subcategories are not the cause of this problem. At this point I'm slightly out of ideas.
General Discussion / Re: Is polygamy a thing?
September 20, 2016, 08:21:31 AM
Quote from: RandomGirl on September 19, 2016, 05:15:13 PM
Meanwhile the cybernetic jill-of-all-trades has been working overtime to get stuff done since they're all busy screwing around.

Mr. Cyborg might want to look into the Misc. Robot/MAI mod! Basically, let him build a robot army, because nobody helps him doing stuff xD
I remember one pretty useless person from my past.
Her name was Kay. In her Childhood, she lived as a Convent Child with Nuns, in a medieval world, disabling Hunting(aka fighting), several crafting options and researching for her.
Then, in her Adulthood, she somehow became an Assassin, which basically disables everything else.
In the end, she had like...1 or 2 skills she could actually use - Artistic stuff and Animalkeeping, and she sucked at both. Luckily, she was never a part of my colony, she simply wandered through my territory.

Up to this day I do not know if this combination was just random 'bad luck' for Kay, or if a mod somehow intervened. It does feel kinda odd that there are combinations which can limit a character to a lifetime of herding sheep while casually carving wooden dolls for their children.
General Discussion / Re: Cave in?
September 17, 2016, 03:44:49 PM
Roofs can be up to 6 tiles away from a wall/support. The biggest room without supports is therefore a 12x12, or 14x14, if you count the walls.
At least those are the numbers I'm familiar with.
General Discussion / Re: Efficient Base Layout
September 17, 2016, 02:14:30 PM
I usually have a big stockpile/warehouse where all my stuff gets stored, sorted into several rooms for specific ressources (clothes, weapons, wood, stone, metals, processed goods, art...) ; Usually this is also the place where I have most of my working areas, or at least in a house/room near it.
I'm also used to have a centralized kitchen/Freezer, which is my main food stockpile, but I usually also keep some small food stashes in other places, for emergencies and/or when someone is very hungry and i don't want him to run to the main dining area. Of course this needs a little bit more micromanaging, because you have to forbid/unforbid stuff, if you don't want them to just take from whatever food they can find.

If you're in a snowy biome, don't forget to keep all the roads clean, or even better, make some roofs above your roadways.
General Discussion / Re: Is polygamy a thing?
September 17, 2016, 02:06:57 PM
Quote from: DariusWolfe on September 17, 2016, 12:55:28 PM
I'm pretty sure you'd get the "shared bedroom" debuff and the "want to sleep with x" debuff for whichever partner is sleeping alone.

You don't get the "shared bedroom" debuff when you have 2 lovers with single beds in the same room, if I'm right. So that shouldn't trigger either way.
I'm tempted to start a small test colony with 3 lovers, just to test it out - the worst case scenario is that all 3 will always have a debuff because they can't sleep with all their lovers and/or they will be envious of the others...i wonder if that could stack to hilarious amounts...
General Discussion / Re: Is polygamy a thing?
September 17, 2016, 10:55:33 AM
Well, I was thinking about the following:
There are 3 different colonists named A, B and C.

A is in love with B and C
B is in love with A and C
and C is, for obvious reasons, in love with A and B.

It is possible with the Prepare Carefully mod. And from what you told me, I guess 1 room with 2 double beds would work just fine, those 3 would regularly jump beds then I guess, in order to have sex with someone else. I'm just wondering if A would be annoyed if B and C are with each other, even though they are in a polygamous relationship, and would the benefit of all 3 being with each other outweigh the problems/Envy?