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Messages - ( Tchey )


I didn't try it, but still the idea of it is amazing.

Coin !
Quote from: userfredle on July 16, 2016, 07:45:42 AM
"To be clear - we might end development soon, or we might continue it for years. Please buy the game only if you want to play it as it exists now - not based on what it might some day become."

Source ?

I've read this different times since i bought the game. It was Alpha 1 then.
Whenever i reach such a level in game pace, i feel i win, and i simply start over. It's like this in all colony games i know. It "has to happen", sometime late game, it simply means i manage to understand the game and use all the tool to reach my goals.

I like to start over with my own goals, for example, a specific shape for the colony ( a big circle, only outside, only undercave...).
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
December 13, 2015, 09:53:43 AM

I searched the word "linux" in all 23 pages, found nothing.

Is it possible to install this mod on Linux ?

You don't have to prove anything with your document ! Even if you simply "quit Rimworld", you can. I allow you.
Quote from: Tynan on August 10, 2014, 10:26:45 PM
Quote from: StorymasterQ on August 10, 2014, 09:29:05 PM
I love UI Mods. Ty, you ought to have plans of integrating this into the vanilla game.

+1 internetz to you, Mr. EdB.

Unfortunately the base game sets the standard minimum res of 1024x768, while this mod requires 900px tall. Otherwise the base game would probably look more like this.

Any advancement from this first page quote ?
Great one ! Maybe you can work with EdB to make an even Better Better UI ? And then give all your hard work to Tynan so we don't have to mod it, only to play it ?
The plans for advanced crafting, and alpha 11, are still plans, or not anymore ?
I'm looking for a mod like this for my next play with Alpha 11. Hope this will be updated soon enough !
Nice one, i will try this mod in my next play. Thanks.
Didn't play since Alpha 7. I used to play with TechTreeMinami or this one, depending on my mood. I did a quick try on Alpha 11 but without these mods it's not the same taste !
I've skiped Alpha 7 to enjoy more content (i play 1/2 or 1/3 of the releases in most indi "alpha" games).
Only TTM is missing now, before i come back to Rimworld !

Thanks for continuously updating your mods, Minami.
Imagine, after one, two, five, ten... jumps on the same world, you come back to the previous colonies, to find it's occupied by something, or someone, else. And you can try to deal with it to recover the colony. A bit like Dwarf Fortress when you want to capture back a previous fortress. So you would have no colony on this old-new map, but you would have a pack of highly trained and well equipped colonists.

Would be cool, for me.
I play with EdB Interface mod, and it's going good with my two colonies. One is TTMinami, the other is SuperiorCrafting. I suppose you should have no trouble to play with it too. About zombie i don't know, i don't like zombie anymore, too many of them these past few years.
I want to enjoy the mod but i don't. 

My toons keep firing after the target is dead or uncouncious (and so they kill it), even when moving. The classic pattern is when there is a crazy squirrel, my guard shoot at it, the animal dies, my guard moves but continues to fire,, and sometimes hurts another colonist walking around, like an hauler to carry the body to the cooker.

It's like this even with the gun, Glock## something.

The log says nothing about an error, and i don't think i have any mods in conflict.

SuperiorCrafting 2.1
Miscellanous MAI
Rug animal skins
EdB interface
Traps (i'm certain this mod is harmless because i've installed it after i start the colony, with already the guns problem).