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Messages - wooaa

This is amazing! I have been playing rimworld back before we had stockpiles. This game is an absolute masterpiece  and you are a genius programmer.
Quote from: ChaosChronicler on December 23, 2016, 10:21:15 AM
It both scares and amuses me the things people here come up with these things.

Well, considering how most of us are avid Dwarf Fortress players, it should come as no surprise.
General Discussion / Re: EULA and forums
April 08, 2016, 10:39:02 AM
While this is the first time I have seen an EULA explicitly connect use of forums and use of product ( and I do my best to read EULA for most things), I am not too worried. Tynan has shown to be a good person. He is active in the community, keeps in touch with the player base,  and made a good effort to make the EULA one of the clearest I have ever seen. As he said on the first page of this thread, he would only use it if you are constantly being abusive, and even then if all other methods had fail. It is unlikely that he will use this power for minor mess ups of if you say something critical of this fantastic game.
Furthermore, if Tynan  abused it, he would probably kill Rimworld. If people were getting their licenses revoked for minor things word of it would quickly spread. Any time someone googled rimwold, it would be a the first thing you saw. Youtube lets plays would be full of outrage. No one would buy the game.
Now, if a company that is less moral were to have this feature *coughEAcoughcough*, I would be concerned and would probably try to ask for a refund of some sort. But Ludeon is good, so its not a problem.

TL:DR, Tynan  wont abuse it and it would make to economic sense to.

General Discussion / Re: Development Stopped?
September 27, 2015, 11:11:42 AM
He has done a lot of amazing work recently. He deserves a break.
In the early game there is not much you can do about it. However, once you have a cotton farm and a pawn you can spare to use as a tailor, you can find a solution. First, set outfit min quality to 45 or so. That way pawns will discard clothing that will start to give them the mood debuff. You can set it lower if recourses are tight. Then, set your tailor bench to produce untill stock is 2 of all the basic clothes, such as a shirt, pants etc. once this is set up, your pawns will discard worn clothing, and try to keep a few sets of new cloths on hand. You can build an incinerator to burn the excess clothing, or try to sell it for a few pennies. Hope this helps.

Live long and prosper.
I admit I was a bit worried that sappers would be no fun, but I was quickly proven wrong. My colony shall sing songs of the epic firefight of the meat locker for generations.

Serves me right for doubting tynan
Good job. some nice tips for those starting out.
Like it has been said, it will be done when it is done, witch may be a while. That being said, I have had so much fun with the game that Tynan could call the game done tomorrow and I would feel like i got my moneys worth.
In the last update, which added temperature and heating, there was a scramble to figure out how to weaponized central heating. Many designs were created and many raiders died, proving that gamers will find a way to turn anything into a weapon. Now, with the joy update well and mature, has any one found a way to kill with joy? The closest I got was when I put down a prison riot with a molotov by accident, setting the chess table on fire and incinerating my prisoners. so, has anyone found out how to kill with joy?
I think  the superior crafting mod has a way to fix a bad back with an artificial bone.
Hmm. I have done a lot of evil things in the game. Declaring war, child labor ,participating in an interstellar slave trade,  prison conditions that make guantanamo look like the four seasons ( one time I had a prisoner starve because I forgot to feed her), killing people who surrender, having a fridge full of corpses to use as emergency rations ( nicknamed the lovecraft room before the viewed corpse bug was fixed) , using said emergency rations. However, those things are par for the course in video games.

yet, there are still a few things I did in the game, that after doing them, I thought were a bit cold. One of my original 3 colonists suffered a brain injury. After he nearly starved multiple times because he was to slow to get to the kitchen I decided I would need to put him down. however, in an effort to be as "green" as possible, I recycled his parts. I took out as many organs as possible before he died, then promptly sewed them into my other colonists.

And there was that time where a had a colonist who was very good at shooting, but could do nothing else. since I was in a very cold biome, food was scarce and I thought I might need to recycle him. Then I finished researching cyro pods and decided to go the Eversor route. I gave him bionics that cost an arm and a leg, and then stuck him in the pod. When the raiders come, I thaw him out and point him in the general direction of my foes. when the blood settles, its back in the fridge. From his perspective, his life is nothing but shooting and being shot.

And dont get me started on Dwarf fortress.
General Discussion / My colony is a college dorm.
March 15, 2015, 07:02:30 PM
Everyone wares ratty clothing, has skills and interests ranging from amazing to useless ,there is dirt everywhere, no one knows how to cook,we have brutal initiation rituals, their is blood and vomit all over the floor, and everyone goes on a bender about once a week.
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 9 this week???????!!!!??
February 16, 2015, 08:54:31 AM
It seems like we are closer to the release than the beginning of the update, but it may be a few weeks more.
General Discussion / Re: Tactics
February 16, 2015, 08:53:28 AM
You dont need to give people large bedrooms. Just make the room big enough for the bed and it will work out fine. They will be cramped an unhappy about the dark when they are asleep, but that ends when they go outside. Using this method i can house 15 pawns with no trouble at all.
thanks, I will look into that as most of those games are my favorites.