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Messages - MAKAIROSI

Something else i hated was that whenever i rescued someone, if they wanted to be in my colony they would just join and i never got the option to not let them.
Ideas / Re: Environmental hazard suit.
December 26, 2016, 07:01:05 AM
Whenever i had a toxic fallout (apart from the very first time i encountered it) it was quite easy although i had to slaughter many of my animals. You build roofs everywhere except your solar panels and i think my crops didn't die, but even then you can build a sun lamp at a small patch of potato crops. Also, you start hunting the big animals and the only sickness your colonists get is toxic buildup:initial that leaves eventually. I think i had initial malnutrition when the fallout left and when the first animals showed up i could just hunt everything and i was fine.

Hazard suits could be glitterworld. Like, you can't make them but you can buy them from tradeships. Oxygen masks on the other hand should be perfectly fine to make yourself - i mean you can make power armor and charge rifles. Then again, power armor is more complicated than a hazard suit so why not make that also. Maybe make power armors able to negate toxic fallout?
Ideas / Re: Some ideas on improving coastal maps.
December 26, 2016, 06:38:57 AM
Fishing is something that desperately needs to be implemented. And i've no idea why it hasn't, it seems simple enough to add an animal with these traits:

1. fish are small: hunting it with ranged weapons greatly reduce their accuracy
2. new item: fishing pole, only used to hunt fish, great accuracy (let's say it's affected by the "animals" skill). It's made at the crafting spot. Costs wood or metal + component.
3. new floor: (i don't remember its name in English but it's the one usually made of wood that extends towards the sea. Pier?) So it can be made of wood or concrete or something.
4. I would say "boat" but at the moment we don't really have any means of transportation in general so that would be pushing it.

That's really simple to add and gives a whole new feeling (and reason to play) to the coastline maps. Then you could add:

1. Sharks/manhunter sharks/landsharks: Many said that above and it's a great idea.
2. Boat raids: Again, people said that above. Although that would imply that we too can build boats.
3. Some sort of mid-late game structure that auto-fishes (like building nets and catching fish inside?)
4. High-tide/tsunami disaster? Maybe when it "thunderstorm" rains the water's level rises, turns the normal ground to mud and destroys your structures (if they're close). Well apart from the fishing structure. Tsunami damages walls but can't enter them (unless it destroys them). Actually the tsunami disaster would be a bit hard to implement since it would need adding a specific "power" to the water, that lowers each time it hits a wall, and damages the next one it encounters less.

Anyway, some thoughts. But the first ones are really easy to implement.
Ideas / Re: forced prostitution
December 26, 2016, 06:20:17 AM
Quote from: mumblemumble on December 25, 2016, 05:53:38 PM


This might make sense, except
1 : lore says humans are unaffected by evolutionary pressures, so this is EXTREMELY unlikely
2 : as stated before, rape doesn't "just" come down to someone having evil "in their genes". Its a complex formation of sexual attraction, stress, faultering morality, and other factors. If someone could have the callousness to become a murderer / raider, and had a sex drive, they can be a rapist. To say you can remove the "rapist trait" through genetic engineering 1 implies rape is a behavior which is genetic, and not a human problem in nature, and 2, implies you can completely remove the ability while keeping free will

you need to consider this : If a colonist likes someone else, wants them, and the desire is not reciprocated, the only things preventing rape is 1 : a morality preventing horrible behavior or 2 : fear of punishment

If both of those are removed, rape is extremely likely. And genetic engineering wouldn't cure that, but not cure murder, sadism, and other flaws...its just silly, and borderline trying to rewrite the lore  :-\

I stand corrected! I just wanted to find a simple way to make rape non-canon. But you are right, genetic engineering is indeed not the way. And i obviously don't want to be "borderline trying to rewrite the lore". Anyway the idea was that rape is impossible in this universe, so we don't stay here any longer. And i personally don't even care why is it impossible. I mean you have sci-fi novels or movies stating things that can't be possible but they go with "let's just say it is" and you humour their (im)possibility to enjoy whatever else the movie or novel has to offer.

Anyway, i feel like we have to move forward instead of continuing this. My attempt to make this impossible was indeed a sad one, but if noone can make it impossible, let's just forget anyone even mentioned it and move on.
Ideas / Re: forced prostitution
December 25, 2016, 01:30:34 PM
Someone said that the notion that rape has been eradicated (in this game) is silly. I don't know how many people said that, but i was one of them so i will answer.

I didn't say "in the near future rape will be eradicated in the entire galaxy" as you seem to reply to. I said "it's the future, let's just say there's no more rape and get on with it" (or something like that). Rimworld is supposed to be taking place in the far future. There's genetic modification, there's "glitterworlds" etc. It's fair to say that maybe people have genetically modified everyone at birth (at some point in the future) to not have that trait. Or even if not everyone, they surely could make that trait extremely rare. (I don't know if i'm using the word "trait" correctly here as English is not my native language. I mean a "negative aspect of someone's character" ? Maybe that's wrong too. Anyway, i mean the desire to do such a thing.)

And i'm not even saying this as if that's the most certain thing that will be done in the future. I'm saying it to get over this suggestion. Maybe you're right and it will never be eradicated. But for now, and for this game, let's say that in the far future it *is* eradicated, at least for your colonists. Why is that a bad idea? It's eliminating something that none of us wants in the game, and it does so in a plausible manner, and then we can move to more productive discussions.
Something else i wanted to add was about love relationships. When i started a new game, it wasn't long until i had the two of the colonists forming a love relationship. That felt a bit strange, at least for me, because i thought "dude, you just got here" or something along those lines. Then, after a long story, someone's wife died and he was devastated. When i went to his needs to see how long that would last i also saw he was rebuffed by two other women (that means he expressed his desire for them and they rejected him right?) i literally said "your wife just died!" to my screen. I think it would be more plausible to "fix" those mechanics by, say, a person who just got here or a person who just got out of a relationship can't form a love relationship for some time and make that "time" invisible. I understand that in many cases, in real life, people do jump in another relationship after they break up, but i think the "normal" thing to do is to first get over the previous relationship, right? So it should either be a trait (like "can't stand being without a relationship" or something) or it should be just the same for everyone (meaning, get over the previous relationship first) or maybe except people who don't care.

Especially for the latter example, jumping to a new relationship would be impossible. His wife just died and he was indeed devastated according to his needs tab. This means he did care about his wife's death and even so tried to jump to a new relationship.

Coming to think of it, maybe that "time" won't be so invisible after all. The "devastation" already has a time limit, so when that's over, they can form a relationship again.

Food for thought?
Ideas / Re: forced prostitution
December 24, 2016, 10:11:19 AM
Quote from: Thirite on December 23, 2016, 03:12:32 PM
Quote from: MAKAIROSI on December 23, 2016, 09:18:07 AM
...And the reason why they put lovers in the game is just because it's natural. Rape isn't.
Hardly. Rape happens literally ALL the time in the animal kingdom. Lice have to physically stab through the female's carapace to impregnate them. Slugs (who are hermaphrodites) have actual rape-fights trying to forcibly impregnate the other first.

When i said "naturally" i didn't mean "happens in nature" but "happens naturally" (i don't know how else to put it). By that i meant that if you are in a colony it would be almost impossible to escape developing feelings for someone. It's not specifically about survival, but you can't escape it. Maybe i chose the wrong word?

I have actually been typing a lot only to delete it all because this whole thing about the animal kingdom and the human kingdom and their differences was not even my point. It's the future! Let's just say that rape has been erased and get on with it.
Ideas / Some thoughts and suggestions on the new release
December 23, 2016, 10:02:50 AM
First of all, i found something which i think is a bug. When one of your colonists goes on a, say, drugs binge and you arrest them, they become prisoners. If you release them they join the colony again, naturally. That's cool. However, if you select "chat and recruit" they will have some difficulty to be recruited. It took me many failed attempts to recruit one before i realised i could just release her and she would join back the colony.

Second. I would suggest not to make the rooms automatically created. I mean, i had a simple research table outdoors along with a butchering table and a table where they were eating and some crops here and there etc. However the "room" was supposed to be a laboratory according to the game (the items were Room: Laboratory). Of course that was because of the simple research table. However it ruined my immersion, since the item was next to the gathering table (where they all relaxed socially and eated). When i removed all those items and put them in separate rooms the room changed into "Rec room" because i had a chess table. So again, what i'm suggesting is that "outdoors" should be just outdoors. Actually i would go as far as to suggest to let us show the game where each room is via making an area (or zone) and selecting a precreated name. Selections could be "laboratory" or "rec room" or "bedroom(s)" etc, as they are now, but we show the game where each thing is. Although i suppose that would be needlessly tiring and complicated for the player. Anyway.

Third. I think forming caravans is not properly explained. I haven't tried it yet but i don't get what do i need to form a caravan beforehand.

Fourth. Foams (the things that pop when fire occurs) should be automatically replaced. It should leave a blueprint behind when it pops. Or at least we should be able to toggle that automatic process on and off (for those who don't want it).

Fifth. When you melee walls or doors without any melee items should cause you bruises on your arms or legs. A prisoner went to berserk (he was going through go-juice withdrawal) and started punching a marble door as i was continuously repairing it. So i naturally checked his health tab thinking his arms would break (he was a former colonist so i wanted to capture him before they broke) only to find that he was fine and could go on punching that *marble* without anything bad happening to his fists. I wouldn't even dream of punching marble in real life, let alone being able to destroy it with bare hands.

Sixth. I would love to be able to rip clothes to make new ones. I had a ton of tribalwear that i couldn't rip to get skins, nor could i sell them (they sell as exotic). I think it's only natural to add a bill "rip clothes". Then we could select the quality or hp and just rip and remake anything we don't like.

Seventh. Something else on clothes is those dreaded D ones. Right now the stockpile allows or doesn't allow "non-D", why? Why isn't that allow or don't "D"? I mean, i want the stockpile where my colonists get their clothes from NOT to include D clothes, and the stockpile where i put the ones i want to sell to include D. Why was non-D implemented instead? I'm honestly asking, as i thought the opposite was the more "natural" thing to implement.

Eighth. If we're getting a deep scanner, we might as well get a surface scanner. I'd like to see where all the mats are in my mountainous area, especially if i have the ability to see where they are underground.

Ninth. That's a bit harder to implement but here goes. I think that the bills should also check a target stockpile. So, for example, keep on making simple meals until "Food" stockpile can't hold any more items (if the stockpile has mixed items that's the more sensible approach). Actually i mostly thought of this for the dumping stockpiles. Like, keep on cutting rocks until target stockpile is empty. Or cut rocks forever but only from that stockpile. So basically the bills would have you select where will they get the mats from with "anywhere" being the default.

Tenth. Hunting, harvesting and woodcutting areas. I would love to be able to select an area where the colonists would always harvest berries (when they are ready for harvest) or cut trees (when they are fully grown) or hunt specific animals. So you can hunt for hares or rats just outside your colony automatically.

Eleventh. Can we move to an empty spot on the map and gather resources? I mean, next to me there's a mountain and i want to see if there's any machinery (for example). Can i go there and mine the mountain? I mean, without making a new colony. If not, then that's another suggestion.

Last but not least, something that isn't a suggestion, i read that you don't advise us to have two colonies at the same time but i don't understand why. Is it because it will make the game really easy?

Anyway, to close this, i'd like to say that this new release was amazing and actually something i never thought would happen because of how much work it would need. We now have a proper planet and we can actually move on it! Awesome work. Keep it up!
Ideas / Re: forced prostitution
December 23, 2016, 09:18:07 AM
No, just no. Organ harvesting is supposed to be done in humane ways. No matter how you do it, the game doesn't let you not use proper medicine. And concerning the ability to consume a corpse or make clothes from human leather, this is a survival game. If you could do nothing else to shelter yourself from the cold but butcher corpses for leather then you would do it. Similar to stories of people who had to eat each other to survive. And this word "survive" is what matters.

So no, sex (forced or consenting) would not be a survival matter since you can survive without it. But you cannot survive without clothes or food. And you can't survive with failing lungs and kidneys and heart etc. That's why there's human meat, human leather and organ harvesting. And the reason why they put lovers in the game is just because it's natural. Rape isn't.

Also, you said "so it's ok to butcher limbs and harvest organs for fun" or something along those lines. No, it's not ok to do it for fun. Again, this is a survival game. You do it because you need it. Even if you're going to sell it, you need the silver to buy other stuff like food, medicine, etc. And it's done "humanely". (I put this word in quotes because that's what supposedly happens - we don't get to see it, we just imagine it.) And since you get a ton of negative buffs if you harvest organs or sell the prisoners, or even just kill them, and positive buffs if you're good, then the game makes you (at least want to) think in a good way.

So think survival. And what would naturally happen. Both of these.
Outdated / Re: [A15] Mars (v2.1.3) Martian colony builder
December 13, 2016, 02:19:19 PM
So i started playing this and when the O2 in the rooms was ok i thought i'd remove the EVA suits and helmets. I did so, thinking they would put them on again if they want to go outside. They only put the suits on, not the helmets, and died of decompression.

Awesome challenge though, it's a must to all Rimworld fans!
Ideas / Re: Hauling suggestion.
December 13, 2016, 12:12:26 PM
That's all good for simple stuff like hauling and cleaning and chopping wood. But it would be a disaster for more advanced jobs like construction or doctoring. I put my best doctor operate on a patient, and let the other doctors handle the simple bandages. If what you say was at play, then my best doctor (who is at the other side of the map) would stop, and the operation would be done by someone who isn't as good. Disaster.
Ideas / Re: Major raid
December 13, 2016, 12:08:24 PM
The idea of specific raid "missions" is indeed very interesting. I have a place where i store all my silver and valuables (thrumbo horns, ai cores, jade and gold etc) and i built it really carefully but the ai would never want to go there anyway. It would be awesome if they specifically targetted that area and, if they got in, i would be screwed. Also, it would be awesome to care about such a possibility.

They could focus on cutting power cables so the turrets don't work, so you would have to have a backup battery to supply the treasury with power, etc.
Ideas / On mechanoids and robots
December 13, 2016, 12:01:05 PM
So i read somewhere in the forum that robots are supposed to be glitterworld tech. I have no idea why. If we can build a comms console and a tube television, programmable air conditioning and even solar panels (in the latest version we don't even need specific tools, they just have them already i suppose) then what's keeping us from creating a simple cleaning robot? Maybe it just cleans the room it's installed in, and the room has to be square or rectangle shaped. But tech-wise it's far from "glitterworld", we even have it now, we can even make it ourselves in our homes right now.

I think glitterworld techs are supposed to be nanotechnology and genetic engineering, but not robots. An exo-skeleton is not glitterworld, a cleaning robot isn't, not even a hauling robot (as long as it carries stuff on a straight line) isn't glitterworld. Or a robot that smelts steel bars or a robot that chips stone. There are a ton of really basic jobs that look silly when you can actually build a spaceship. We can build a functioning cryo-chamber but we can't build a cleaning robot or one that picks items from one place and puts them in another place.

Now mechanoids are different. They can move freely, target and fire weapons. Although targetting and firing have already been achieved (our improvised turrets are just that) moving freely on unexpected ground shapes is extremely difficult. That, to me, is glitterworld tech, yes. But a cleaning bot isn't. I'm thinking of buying one myself and i live on Earth, and we don't have cryochambers or spaceships able to hop from planet to planet yet!

Robots should be available as a tech and buildable before the spaceship. And they should replace really basic jobs but also be programmable (move 5 feet, turn left, move 3 feet, pickup, turn left, turn left, move 3 feet, turn right, move 5 feet, empty cargo). All this is simple to implement without ruining the immersion.
Ideas / Re: Psionics and Spice.
December 13, 2016, 11:43:15 AM
I'd simply say, a level 20 Psion is another way to win the game.
Building the ship = you left the planet,
level 20 Psion = you became the planet's God,
everyone became robotic = you started the matrix,
you study artifacts and tombs = you eventually become one with the planet (hello alpha centauri)


But psionics as gameplay is, i think, too much. We don't even have robots yet, which would be a lot simpler than "magic".
Ideas / Re: Do we really need rimkids?
December 13, 2016, 11:33:36 AM
Well, he's right however it's not like we got any other options. A newborn child would get to 16 in 16 in-game years without doing anything. Even if we say education is gained via a pill (not passion, passions could be gene-based) so we're done with classrooms etc, we still have the 16 years problem. I was waiting for an in-game year for my thrumbo to give birth and trust me, it was a LOT of time. They would have to add a TON of content to keep the player interested to even consider having new colonists that way. I'm not saying it's impossible, it's entirely possible, it's even possible to add "teacher" in jobs and add classroom buildings and playgrounds but that's what i said in my topic's title: do we really need it?

We could have artificial wombs, cloning devices and robo-suits to get our favorite chars immortal. But then again, that ruins the entire premise of the game: storytelling. I mean, when you have a favorite colonist and he/she grows old and withers, that's the entire point. He/she did so much for the colony and now has dementia and has to be constantly catered to.

By the way i would love to be able to transfer the mind of a colonist to a robot. But i'm just not sure if that's going a long way away from the point.

Also, another argument for artificial wombs would be, who says our real (far) future isn't like that. A pill for education and a fully developed body from day 1. Maybe we're so far into the future here that that's absolutely normal.