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Messages - alxddd

Bugs / Re: 19.1998 Error Loading Map
August 19, 2018, 10:11:25 PM
Update: I think it was caused by choosing tribal technology to start, but drop pod landing in the starting scenario settings. maybe this should be changed to automatically change when you change the other? or maybe that wasn't it at all, but it worked when I tried it again.
Bugs / 19.1998 Error Loading Map
August 19, 2018, 10:04:38 PM
I am using the Conduit Deconstruct mod, but I can't imagine it's related.

Starting a new game, Naked Brutality modified to Tribal tech. chose a place to land and a character but instead of generating a map it gave me an error message and took me back to the main menu.

Cass, Medium, Commitment
Seed - Pam, 100%, normal rain and temp, spot is 1.55N 83.28W. I did it in the exact same spot twice in a row and it happened each time. If I go one spot to the left, it happens there too.

There's no save game file since I couldn't start the game.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

    Log File
   RimWorld 0.19.1998 rev1362
Verse.Log:Message(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:49)
RimWorld.VersionControl:LogVersionNumber() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Utility\Version\VersionControl.cs:83)
Verse.Root:CheckGlobalInit() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root.cs:82)
Verse.Root:Start() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root.cs:38)
Verse.Root_Entry:Start() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root_Entry.cs:16)

Initializing new game with mods Core, 838336462
Verse.Log:Message(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:49)
Verse.Game:InitNewGame() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Game\Game.cs:279)
Verse.Root_Play:<Start>m__1() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root_Play.cs:60)
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread(Action) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:455)
Verse.LongEventHandler:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>m__1() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:367)

Error while generating pawn. Rethrowing. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorld.IncidentDef.TargetAllowed (IIncidentTarget target) [0x00008] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Defs\DefTypes\IncidentDef.cs:188
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker.CanFireNow (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms, Boolean forced) [0x00019] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Defs\DefTypes\IncidentDef.cs:203
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_Triggered.Notify_PawnEvent (Verse.Pawn p, AdaptationEvent ev, Nullable`1 dinfo) [0x000c7] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Game\Storyteller\StorytellerComps\StorytellerComp_Triggered.cs:49
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.Notify_PawnEvent (Verse.Pawn pawn, AdaptationEvent ev, Nullable`1 dinfo) [0x0002c] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Game\Storyteller\Storyteller.cs:192
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.MakeDowned (Nullable`1 dinfo, Verse.Hediff hediff) [0x00331] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Trackers\Pawn_HealthTracker.cs:568
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.CheckForStateChange (Nullable`1 dinfo, Verse.Hediff hediff) [0x0016d] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Trackers\Pawn_HealthTracker.cs:345
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.AddHediff (Verse.Hediff hediff, Verse.BodyPartRecord part, Nullable`1 dinfo, Verse.DamageResult result) [0x00020] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Trackers\Pawn_HealthTracker.cs:105
  at Verse.HediffGiverUtility.TryApply (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.HediffDef hediff, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 partsToAffect, Boolean canAffectAnyLivePart, Int32 countToAffect, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 outAddedHediffs) [0x00110] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Health\HediffGivers\HediffGiver.cs:82
  at Verse.HediffGiver.TryApply (Verse.Pawn pawn, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 outAddedHediffs) [0x0001b] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Health\HediffGivers\HediffGiver.cs:31
  at Verse.HediffGiver_Event.EventOccurred (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00015] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Health\HediffGivers\HediffGiver_Event.cs:16
  at RimWorld.PawnAddictionHediffsGenerator.GenerateAddictionsAndTolerancesFor (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x001d2] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnAddictionHediffsGenerator.cs:69
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateInitialHediffs (Verse.Pawn pawn, PawnGenerationRequest request) [0x0001c] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:593
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewPawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest& request, System.String& error, Boolean ignoreScenarioRequirements, Boolean ignoreValidator) [0x0025e] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:415
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewPawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest& request) [0x000a8] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:316
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateOrRedressPawnInternal (PawnGenerationRequest request) [0x001b5] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:169
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (PawnGenerationRequest request) [0x00003] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:63
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:78)
Verse.PawnGenerator:GeneratePawn(PawnGenerationRequest) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:95)
Verse.StartingPawnUtility:NewGeneratedStartingPawn() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\StartingPawnUtility.cs:90)
Verse.StartingPawnUtility:RegenerateStartingPawnInPlace(Int32) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\StartingPawnUtility.cs:70)
Verse.StartingPawnUtility:RandomizeInPlace(Pawn) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\StartingPawnUtility.cs:36)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:RandomizeCurPawn() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Entry\Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.cs:280)
RimWorld.CharacterCardUtility:DrawCharacterCard(Rect, Pawn, Action, Rect) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Dialogs\PortablePanes\CharacterCardUtility.cs:82)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DrawPortraitArea(Rect) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Entry\Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.cs:184)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents(Rect) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Entry\Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.cs:77)
Verse.<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0:<>m__0(Int32) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\UI\Windows\Window.cs:202)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\IMGUI\Managed\GUI.cs:1817)

There was an exception thrown by the PawnGenerator during generating a starting pawn. Trying one more time...
Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RimWorld.IncidentDef.TargetAllowed (IIncidentTarget target) [0x00008] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Defs\DefTypes\IncidentDef.cs:188
  at RimWorld.IncidentWorker.CanFireNow (RimWorld.IncidentParms parms, Boolean forced) [0x00019] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Defs\DefTypes\IncidentDef.cs:203
  at RimWorld.StorytellerComp_Triggered.Notify_PawnEvent (Verse.Pawn p, AdaptationEvent ev, Nullable`1 dinfo) [0x000c7] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Game\Storyteller\StorytellerComps\StorytellerComp_Triggered.cs:49
  at RimWorld.Storyteller.Notify_PawnEvent (Verse.Pawn pawn, AdaptationEvent ev, Nullable`1 dinfo) [0x0002c] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Game\Storyteller\Storyteller.cs:192
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.MakeDowned (Nullable`1 dinfo, Verse.Hediff hediff) [0x00331] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Trackers\Pawn_HealthTracker.cs:568
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.CheckForStateChange (Nullable`1 dinfo, Verse.Hediff hediff) [0x0016d] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Trackers\Pawn_HealthTracker.cs:345
  at Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.AddHediff (Verse.Hediff hediff, Verse.BodyPartRecord part, Nullable`1 dinfo, Verse.DamageResult result) [0x00020] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Trackers\Pawn_HealthTracker.cs:105
  at Verse.HediffGiverUtility.TryApply (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.HediffDef hediff, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 partsToAffect, Boolean canAffectAnyLivePart, Int32 countToAffect, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 outAddedHediffs) [0x00110] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Health\HediffGivers\HediffGiver.cs:82
  at Verse.HediffGiver.TryApply (Verse.Pawn pawn, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 outAddedHediffs) [0x0001b] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Health\HediffGivers\HediffGiver.cs:31
  at Verse.HediffGiver_Event.EventOccurred (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00015] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\Health\HediffGivers\HediffGiver_Event.cs:16
  at RimWorld.PawnAddictionHediffsGenerator.GenerateAddictionsAndTolerancesFor (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x001d2] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnAddictionHediffsGenerator.cs:69
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateInitialHediffs (Verse.Pawn pawn, PawnGenerationRequest request) [0x0001c] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:593
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.TryGenerateNewPawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest& request, System.String& error, Boolean ignoreScenarioRequirements, Boolean ignoreValidator) [0x0025e] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:415
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateNewPawnInternal (Verse.PawnGenerationRequest& request) [0x000a8] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:316
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GenerateOrRedressPawnInternal (PawnGenerationRequest request) [0x001b5] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:169
  at Verse.PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn (PawnGenerationRequest request) [0x00003] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Pawn\PawnGenerator\PawnGenerators.cs:63
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:78)
Verse.StartingPawnUtility:NewGeneratedStartingPawn() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\StartingPawnUtility.cs:94)
Verse.StartingPawnUtility:RegenerateStartingPawnInPlace(Int32) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\StartingPawnUtility.cs:70)
Verse.StartingPawnUtility:RandomizeInPlace(Pawn) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\StartingPawnUtility.cs:36)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:RandomizeCurPawn() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Entry\Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.cs:280)
RimWorld.CharacterCardUtility:DrawCharacterCard(Rect, Pawn, Action, Rect) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Dialogs\PortablePanes\CharacterCardUtility.cs:82)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DrawPortraitArea(Rect) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Entry\Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.cs:184)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents(Rect) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Entry\Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.cs:77)
Verse.<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0:<>m__0(Int32) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\UI\Windows\Window.cs:202)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\IMGUI\Managed\GUI.cs:1817)

Initializing new game with mods Core, 838336462
Verse.Log:Message(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:49)
Verse.Game:InitNewGame() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Game\Game.cs:279)
Verse.Root_Play:<Start>m__1() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root_Play.cs:60)
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread(Action) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:455)
Verse.LongEventHandler:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>m__1() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:367)

Exception from asynchronous event: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Verse.LoadedLanguage+KeyedReplacement].TryGetValue (System.String key, Verse.KeyedReplacement& value) [0x000ba] in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/Dictionary.cs:608
  at Verse.LoadedLanguage.TryGetTextFromKey (System.String key, System.String& translated) [0x0001b] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Localization\LoadedLanguage.cs:400
  at Verse.Translator.Translate (System.String key) [0x0001d] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Localization\Translator.cs:55
  at RimWorld.ScenPart_GameStartDialog.PostGameStart () [0x0003c] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Scenario\ScenParts\ScenPart_GameStartDialog.cs:41
  at RimWorld.Scenario.PostGameStart () [0x0001c] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\Scenario\Scenario.cs:270
  at Verse.Game.InitNewGame () [0x001de] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Game\Game.cs:362
  at Verse.Root_Play.<Start>m__1 () [0x00015] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root_Play.cs:60
  at Verse.LongEventHandler.RunEventFromAnotherThread (System.Action action) [0x0000e] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:455
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:78)
Verse.LongEventHandler:RunEventFromAnotherThread(Action) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:459)
Verse.LongEventHandler:<UpdateCurrentAsynchronousEvent>m__1() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\LongEventHandler.cs:367)

Memory leak detected: map (Map-0) is still live when it shouldn't be; this map will not be mentioned again. For more info set MemoryTrackerMarkup.enableMemoryTracker to true and use "Object Hold Paths"->Map debug option.
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:78)
Verse.Profile.MapLeakTracker:Update() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Profile\MapLeakTracker.cs:80)
Verse.Root:Update() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root.cs:136)
Verse.Root_Entry:Update() (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Global\Root\Root_Entry.cs:38)
Storyteller: Phoebe
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest/Mountainous
Commitment mode: Yes
Colony age (days): 781
Hours played in the last 2 days: 10
Complete mod list: Conduit Deconstruct


I wanted to start by talking about Bicarle a little bit. Bicarle was a crafter at heart. Right from his early days cutting stone, or refining chemfuel, to his slow but steady mastering of the tailoring bench, we knew he was destined for greatness with his hands. Together with his friend Lucy, they were the lifeblood of this colony. They ran the fabrication benches. Bicarle alone assembled almost every piece of clothing this colony wore. They build advanced components, all the bionics, every gun - everything - each with their own dedicated bench - never complaining about the long hours, or underground shelter. They just got it done, masterwork after masterwork. And that's why it was so difficult when an infestation from deep within the mountain and the biggest by far we'd ever seen (and right after the latest update) took his life. So we knew what we had to do - we had to bring him back.

We sent out two caravans. Now, I've sent caravans a lot in this now 781 day colony. But nothing like the search for the resurrection serum for Bicarle. We had a caravan of two out around the mountain range already fulfilling a caravan request, and so they starting walking in the other direction, moving from town to town. And we sent out another transport pod in the opposite direction doing the same. When both caravans started they journeys it was the very beginning of the spring, and they did not return home until winter. They visited almost 40 different towns, going probably more than double the transport pods' longest travel distance. But almost every town had the exact same things, and every town was missing the exact same thing. It wasn't until, while still on these long caravans around the globe, that we got an offer for the exact thing we needed in exchange for some measly thing like a few charge lances or marine armors. It was nothing to our booming colony, and just like that it was ours. The caravans began the long journey home, to get ready for space travel.

I have to say that while this journey was epic and entertaining, maybe in 40 towns you could have a little more variety, and maybe one of them might have a resurrection serum? I get you don't want them to be common, but when a player shows this kind of desperation, it's nice to be rewarded. I see that I was rewarded in the end (although it didn't pan out for us as you'll read), just in kind of a backhanded way. Also, when I say they all had the same things, I mean literally almost the exact same selection at every town, just different versions of the same things. I know we want to be able to depend on being able to buy certain things, but for immersiveness and fun, more variety would be better.


And so, we finally started the ship, and I took notes during the whole thing. They are a bit scattered maybe but all the details are there. Notes are followed by comments.

15 days to launch - colonists alive 17 - nothing happened
14 days to launch - colonists alive 17 - sapper raid, 29 people. trying to dig into a spot the have never tried before which doesn't really make any sense at the very edge of the map, a looooooong way from the base. mortars and some turrets and a uranium slug turrent took them out easily.
13 days to launch - colonists alive 17 - "several separate groups" land in pods, 29 scythers. took out my whole south side outer defence, but nobody wounded.
12 days to launch - colonists alive 17 - without enough time to rebuild, "several separate groups" of tribespeople come from three corners of the maps, 35 total. they all act like sappers which really throws me off. a few minor injuries but they were only from social fights that broke out during the raid. I was able to fight the two of the three with just mortors.
11 days to launch - colonists alive 17 - a group of mechanoids land right in my barn, 9 lancers. they kill almost all of my animals - luckily the only bonded animal, Ilarion, made it through with only a shredded heart and body (only! hahaha). I also had a colonist, Lucy, incapable of violence, caught in the crossfire and get an arm shot off. no bionics in stock, so that's just gonna have to be her life now. then with barely any time between, several separate groups of mechanoids are at the edge of the map ready to attack again. 4 inferno cannon centipedes, 7 heavy charge blaster centipedes, 2 scythers and 2 lancers. My south entrance is still decimated so at least they're only coming in from the east and north this time. my outer uranium slug turrents take care of the scythers and lancers, although I lose both in the process. these guys make a mess of things, destroying all kind of outer defences. this is the first attack i fear I might not fully recover from, if only for the damage they caused to my power grid and outer defences.
10 days to launch - colonists alive 17 - 9 centipedes, 9 lancers from the east. Kelly is in a daze in the field so I get Duster to try to sneak around and arrest her to avoid her getting killed. she went berserk when he tried it and she rad ran head on into the lancers. they downed her in the field. Joel is lit on fire from behind sandbags and he gets downed and Onesan gets killed trying to save him. Bicarle goes berserk because he's suffering from Resurrection Sickness. he attacks our Thrumbo and gets himself killed. Meanwhile the Thrumbo attacks the centipedes and gets downed in the field, only to die soonafter from her injuries. The rest of the colony retreats to the inner defences and a group of 49 Tribespeople come in from the south and are preparing to attack . Cristina goes to call for backup. The Eastern Verus Confederation sends 10 people in pods and they get downed by the mechs and flee almost immediately. Krystal is downed and Hurley is asked to rescue her but goes into a daze while carrying her to the hospital. Cristina waits for the Friendlies to get off the map so we can call for additional help (they won't come until the Friendlies are all gone because all our friends are enemies with each other) and then rescues Krystal herself while the rest of the colony tries to kill the rest of the mechanoids from behind sandbags. By now Duster is able to rescue Kelly except that he won't carry her back around the long way he came and the way he wants to go is through the remaining Lancers, who are out ranging and out shooting my colonists. Kelly dies in the fields. The 8 people West Mendos sends are more helpful and are able to go toe to toe with the Lancers and manage to take them out right as the tribespeople begin their assault. The tribespeople barely get through my already tattered defences and we are able to get a moment to breathe.
9 days to launch - colonists alive 14 - I'm just trying to rearm all my turrents, and repair and rebuild what can be rebuilt before the next attack. But then the Mental Breaks begin: Duster Goes Wild, Kaleun goes on a food binge, Joel goes on an alcohol binge, Hutch goes corpse obsession, Kit and Cam both go into a daze, Krystal and Bill both go catatonic, Hurley goes Slaughterer, and Trig literally GIVES UP and leaves the community (this one seems a little silly considering their days away from getting off the planet, but okay, I get it). I'm literally working them to death but it's the only way to get the defences back up.
8 days to launch - colonists alive 12 - But alas, a group of (only) 4 Scythers crash INTO MY HOSPITAL and start tearing things up. With only a few cuts we manage to take them down, although my only two meleers are dead or gone, so it does provide a special kind of challenge for the gunners. We get a caravan request. Bleh. I'm completely out of steel now so even the turrents I've managed to get back up an running, a lot of them are without any power.
7 days to launch - colonists alive 12 - I've been sending transport pods with everything I have left to give as gifts to my Allies to try to keep up the goodwill for when I need them, but since shit hit the fan a few days ago there's been no time to load them. I'm trying to dig enough granite to remake the traps and deep drill enough steel to be able to have some turrent defence. Cristina goes Berserk and gets shot in the kidney for it. I'm sure the dozens and dozens of dead bodies everywhere doesn't help, but there's no time to cremate them all. Another Mech raid, 10 Scythers from the south east. I call for backup immediately because we're still hurting. The help lands in my hospital and destroys the bed with Cristina in it. Not cool. The mechs are too fast to get to the mortars in time so we line up at the sandbags and wait. The Friendlies just barrel right into them - screw sandbag defences they say - but they manage to take all but two of them before fleeing, and before I lose 20 goodwill with them for "attacking Ellis" with my turrent. I manage to save Ellis though. One remaining Scyther chases one of their fleeing colonists all the way to the edge of the map and we have to wait for it to go all the way to the edge and back again. And while we're waiting, more mechanoids drop right on top of us - just 4 scythers this time. Our wealth hasn't dropped that much since the countdown began, but these smaller raids are definitely a welcomed "break."
6 days to launch - colonists alive 12 - Nina goes catatonic. We manage to at least get the dead colonists buried. We get an item stash quest. (maybe these should be disabled upon starting of the ship?) Raid - 3 Scythers land in different places in the fields. No problem. I just restrict everybody to the indoors and let the defences take care of it. I discover Wild Duster has been downed from food poisoning and so we rescue him. Lucy goes corpse obsession.
5 days to launch - colonists alive 12 - a group of 12 sappers are here, taking the barn entrance they seem to love so much. mortar time. with six mortars and 3 layers of granite wall for them to dig through I miss every shot except the last one. They make their way through the barn, across the river and continue digging into the hydro room. I move a couple of turrents there and wait. They are easily defeated and except for when I accidentally order three colonits to shoot Kaleun until she's downed it goes well. Hutch goes Slaughterer again, and I only have one Muffalo and my original Labrador Retriever, Ilarion, left. I planned on taking Ilarion with me and can't afford the bonded animal death at this point so I have Bill Anesthetize her and take her to a crytosleep casket to protect her from Hutch. As soon as I tell Bill to go through with the command (which says reserved by Hutch), Hutch changes which animal he's going to kill, which seems exploitable. theoretically couldn't you continue to interrupt his animal choice until he stopped his mental break? Anyway, I only realize now that Krystal has actually lost a leg days ago, so a peg leg is in order. Ellis, Duster and Kaleun are still in the hospital covered in slag metal and dirt from multiple pod crashes into it. Hurley is sad wandering still and starving.
4 days to launch - colonists alive 12 - Duster rises from his hospital bed, now stripped naked, and Kit is able to tame him with milk. Hurrah! Things are looking up! Kit falls into a Daze. Kaleun goes Wild. Damnit! Things are not looking up. We also can't leave with Kaleun and Bill, because they are the two original living colonists and they're married and despite Bill's shortcomings as a husband, they need to get off of this planet together. We're going to skip the taming and try to arrest her. She doesn't fight back! Duster goes into a Daze because he's still naked. I might have accidentally sent his clothes to an Ally for goodwill. Cristina is downed, I think because of a mangled scar on her brain. And Nina wakes up from her Catatonic State.
3 days to launch - colonists alive 12 - Raid, 23 tribepeople who will prepare for awhile. With only 2 days to go I'm going to use up all the goodwill I have. My tribe friends are unable to arrive in time due to being tribespeople (why is there an option to call them if they're never going to be able to come in time?) so I call West Mendos and they send 8 or so guys. They go straight for the tribespeople and get slaughtered but help thin the crowd a little. Taisia goes on a pyschite binge because she's recreation-deprived. Some cows join the colony. Ellis, the saved friendly, gets up from her hospital bed and leaves the map, but not before almost getting herself killed along the way. The tribespeople begin their assault but very quickly we kill a couple of them and they flee. We run to put out the fires that our Allies caused fighting the tribespeople in the corner of the map. Joel goes into a daze. And then the toxic fallout hits. We decide to arrest Joel and Duster to prevent them from getting toxic buildup. Joel doesn't put up a fight but Duster does so we just drag him straight to a hospital bed.
2 days to launch - colonists alive 11 - We release Joel and he immediately goes into another Daze. And the a Raid of two separate sets of 12 tribespeople each enter. But they're preparing and Joel doesn't resist his arrest again. I call for support again and another 10 colonists come landing to help, this time going straight for the north group and fending them off and then coming down to help with the Southern group's attack. Flawless execution. Once they all flee, the Friendlies stick around and wait for more raids, which I like. Hurley immediately goes slaughterer again, but it's only the recently joined cows that he has to kill since Ilarion is safe in the casket. I decide to try releasing Kaleun since we don't have time to recruit her. She runs off, still wild, and B-lines straight off the edge of the map, gone forever. Did not see that coming. We release Joel and he's fine, for now.
1 day to launch - colonists alive 12 - Cristine and Duster are still unable to walk, so we load them into the ship early. Everyone's got toxic buildup, but we need to be repairing. I don't know what the last day will bring. Bill goes on a Murderous Rage and tries to Kill Camgorar. My broken and bruised colonists go on a slow wild chase around the maze of our base trying to stop him. Once them catch him they can't knock him down through his marine armor. After he knocks down Joel and takes a real beating, he falls. they fix them both up. Bill doesn't look like he's going to be able to walk for a bit so we carry him to the ship. I've limited everyone to our Toxic Fallout area just in case, and have changed everyone's work schedule to Anything all the time so they can tend to their needs. But on the last day, there were no raids. So with 12 colonists mostly in tact, and one dog, they departed.


Honestly, that was really wild. I think I got a bit screwed by the install bionics wealth bump, because I never faced anything like some of those bigger raids for this whole game. I think the game could use some kind of Battle Won moodlet, or Adrenaline Rush moodlet, or even just a We're Going To Space moodlet - something to help with the mental breaks at these crucial times. They were unexpectedly the second hardest part of keeping up with everything over these 15 days, way unlike everything we'd had previously, and really impossible to keep up on the causes of them. The dead bodies alone would cause everyone to break during those days. The hardest part of all was all the Mechanoids - which I did not love. It felt like 3/4rds of the raids were mechs. Why so many? Why not more pirates? I was friends with 3 other factions, but now I'm thinking that's probably not worth the trade off of having more mechs at the end. The first couple I thought, "This is great, I can break them down and I'll have more steel to rebuild with!" But there's no time for that when you're getting pummeled like this. I'd much prefer to have larger numbers of raiders and tribespeople than more of these insanely powerful mechs. I'm thinking about doing a mech-free game next just to shake off that experience.

I hope this was overall helpful and not too long or rambly to be useful. Now to figure out how I'm going to traverse a 100% map to the AI ship in my next game!

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Quote from: spidermonk on August 18, 2018, 11:34:00 AM
Caravan loading works great for me, but sometimes you'll forget something. Normally you can right-click on the missed item and select "add to the caravan", but sometimes this button is greyed out even if there is still place.

Also, when planning a caravan on the "Form caravan" screen, sometimes you need to check something in your colony and you have to close that screen. All your planning gets lost after that, which is really frustrating.

Sometimes you need to add an item to the caravan after it has already left but still near the colony. You can't do it right now without reforming the caravan, which is kind of sad.

I would like to add that all of these frustrations happen with transport pods too and it'd be nice to see a fix.
Quote from: Tynan on August 18, 2018, 10:13:12 AM
For caravan loading, does simply putting the caravan loading spot adjacent to the stockpile help? If you're loading at a long distance it will indeed be harder.

Also, I'm looking for feedback on the cost of the ship. It's much less than B18, but how is it? Does it feel like it takes too long to build, too short, or okay?

Storyteller: Phoebe
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest/Mountaineous
Commitment mode: Yes
Colony age (days): 680 something
Hours played in the last 2 days: 2
Complete mod list: Conduit Deconstruct

For me the ship cost was definitely expensive and involved using the long-rang scanner, caravanning and trading to get all of the necessary supplies. It was at least a season's worth of work to get it done. That being said it felt balanced - not too hard considering it's likely the last big thing you'll have to build.

Caravan spot works fine I guess but I found making an animal zone more effective.

Also, I just wanted to add that I had an infestation last night after the most recent update, which I read now includes the value of your colonists bionic parts as part of colony wealth. I'm not much for the wealth metagame so many are obsessed with, but I just gotta say that I was very caught off guard by how big it was. Maybe it wouldn't have been so unexpected had that wealth been included all along, but it was seriously unexpected and felt overwhelming compared to anything I'd had to deal with so far in this campaign.
Storyteller: Phoebe
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest/Mountainous
Commitment mode: Yes
Current colony age (days): 683
Hours played in the last 2 days: 4-6
Complete mod list: Conduit Deconstruct

Just testing out the new transport loading. If I set a transport to load a human and then remove them from the items to load contents lists before they go into the pod, they still go into the pod anyway, every time, and the transport says it's completed the loading. Then I removed the human from the loaded items contents list and they exit but begin to wander aimlessly. While in this state they are not listed when trying to form a caravan. They do respond to drafting, but seem otherwise to be bound to wander forever. I had to go to the transport pod and cancel the load in order to snap them out of it.

seems like transport loads should be auto cancelled when all contents have been removed. not sure how else you might fix the wandering problem.
Storyteller: Phoebe
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest/Mountainous
Commitment mode: Yes
Current colony age (days): 683
Hours played in the last 2 days: 4-6
Complete mod list: Conduit Deconstruct

Just to add to this, I had a colonist shot dead by the Uranium Slug Turrent significantly inside its minimum range and was so surprised that was possible.

Quote from: Tynan on August 16, 2018, 05:47:53 PM
Quote from: dritter on August 16, 2018, 05:44:57 PM
Is it by intention that the the Autocannon turret can hit things within its dead zone?  Because when I was defending a raid, it fired off two volleys and, not even joking, in the first volley to took off one of my colonists arms at the shoulder, and then did the same in the 2nd volley to another colonist.  I had put sandbags in front of it with the intention that I would keep my colonists fairly close to the turret so when the enemies closed the gap and the turret wasn't able to aim at them anymore, I wouldn't be at risk of losing it since its fairly expensive.  I'm kind of disappointed that I can't actually put and people in front of it, even though, logically, it shouldn't be able to hit them within its dead zone.

No, that sounds like a problem, we'll look into it. I can see justifications either way but it seems intuitive it won't hit inside it's min radius.
I too had this happen and could not believe that my downed colonists were lost forever. This has to be something that is planned to be changed I imagine.

Quote from: Goldenpotatoes on August 14, 2018, 08:47:40 PM
I've done at least 4 of them by now with no issue, 5th one has a manhunter ambush with 12+ foxes vs 2 people. I'm thinking "fuck, they're probably gonna get downed." I start getting extra pods built to send in reinforcements with my melee dudes to rescue these two.

The caravan people go down, the scenario map is force-closed and I'm told that the caravan was lost.

This actually kinda pissed me off, because I just lost both my best builder and miner to something that could of been salvageable, but the game decided that scenario was done and therefore they're lost forever. It's not like they died from a mid-caravan ambush, they were downed in a static spot where I could of easily sent in reinforcements if it wasn't for the fact the game auto-closed it.

These scenario maps should not auto-close at all unless all colony pawns are dead or taken off-map. If I wasn't running commitment mode for this, I probably would of reverted to a previous save. If you want to push for commitment mode as the 'default' mode, these kinds of situations need looked at so the player doesn't feel like they were just cheated out of an interesting situation.
Storyteller: Phoebe
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest/Mountainous
Commitment mode: Yes
Current colony age (days): 628
Hours played in the last 2 days: Too many
Complete mod list: Conduit Deconstruct


Well, the ship is built! I've been caravanning left right and crooked to try to collect enough supplies to build not only the ship but enough defenses to ward off what I'm scared will be the attack to end all colonies. So I thought I'd just lay down a few thoughts here before going for blast off.


The long range mineral scanner starting working frequently for me after my last post. It seemed to go from almost never doing anything to giving me big bursts of finds all within a very short period of time. The scanner is a really smart way to have late game researches not go idle, and to help players with late game resource shortages. I did have some problems specifically with steel though. It's so heavy I had to send a literally army of muffalo with the miners (I don't remember exactly how many, but over 12). The rest of the minerals were not a problem, just the weight of the steel made the mechanic seems broken.


There is still a lot that's wonky about caravanning. I actually think that the travel speed might be a little too fast. Although I haven't tried to traverse the planet to the AI ship yet, 55 or so days doesn't seem realistic for a (more or less) pole to pole walk. I also wonder what's behind the decisions to let the colonists stay in different kinds of generated maps for a different numbers of days. Like, an item stash (I think it's an item stash) lets you stay for 15 days and while you're there you don't get raids of any kind - clearly exploitable. But a destroyed enemy base lets you stay for literally only 24 hours - not even enough time to heal up and explore the whole base sometimes. Why different lengths? What's the logic behind these decisions? Is it possible to let a pure caravanning game settle in any generated map as their home to solve this problem? That's maybe the simplest solution I can think of. Also once you're kicked out of a defeated enemy base you can just select every item possible to form an immobile caravan and then settle in the same tile and everything will be collected nicely in the middle of the map. and, ridiculously, the enemy base will have disappeared.

I've been watching a great playthrough which I will link at the bottom which I think really acts as a deep dive into caravanning (and where I saw this enemy base disappearing act in episode 14). The whole playthrough really highlights a lot of what I think is clear and unclear to the player about the interface and mechanics, what works and what doesn't, what's exploitable and shouldn't be and what's undoable but maybe should be.


I like to setup my tailoring bench to include equipped and automatically remake everything that everyone is wearing once it starts to fall below 60% (I do the same with flak vests right now and as I mentioned in my last post, would love to be able to have similar control over assigning and making bills that included equipped food and weapons). However, when anyone who's clothed (hopefully eveyone who leaves is clothes) leaves in a caravan, the bills no longer count those equipped items and a colonist starts to make more at the bench. If it's just a couple peeps going to collect some gold you can see why you wouldn't want this to happen. BUT, if you were sending a year long caravan out into the world, maybe you would want to start remaking those clothes. Can you create an Include Caravans check in the bills options alongsidethe Include Equipped to allow us to avoid this?


In all the games I've played of 0.19, I've never had a failed surgery. I was part of the consensus that the surgery failures were briefly ridiculous a few alphas ago when they were first introduced (or changed I don't remember), but this has seemed a little too easy. I don't even really have to think about a surgery because I'm so confident it will go off without a hitch, and that kind of defeats a lot of the purpose of glitterworld medicine for me.


I still think Food Poisoning is too rampant. In a big colony with an exclusive cleaning pawn I still find it impossible to keep the kitchen area clean enough, even with sterile tiles, to prevent constant food poisoning. It is also really debilitating to colonist speed. I bring that up to suggest that you could either lower the likelihood of it happening, or decrease the severity of the symptoms to make it less impactful to the colonists.


Wish me luck in our battle to get to the stars!

The Nomadic Tribe Playthrough:

[attachment deleted due to age]
I'll echo others here as well and say that just like you see an option to build an End Table and Dresser when you select a Bed, or Tool Cabinets when you select an appropriate workbench, it'd be nice to see the same for Vital Monitors for Hospital Beds, Transport Pods for Pod Launchers, Fermenting Barrels for Breweries, Hoppers for Nutrient Paste Dispensers, Sun lamps for Hydroponics Basins, Batteries for Wind Turbines and Solar Panels, and maybe even Stools, Dining Chairs and Armchairs for Workbenches, TV's, and Dining Tables.
Storyteller: Phoebe
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest/Mountainous (2C to 24C) 40/60 day Growing Period
Commitment mode: Yes
Current colony age (days): 373 days
Hours played in the last 2 days: 20+ (been home sick in bed. perfect for testing)
Complete mod list: Conduit Deconstruct

graphs and screenshots -

Let me just start with two requests - 1. Please bring back the new art for components, meat, et al. It made sense, it was not too hard to see, it was a refreshing addition that make the current components look like nonsense (no offense), and the current raw meat look more like a pile of kibble, or cooked meat, or literal feces. Raw meat is bright red. and 2. Can you just make Rimworld run by default in 64-bit so I don't have to make those extra clicks when opening it? Bury the 32-bit in the right click menu of Steam.

Every game I plan on having a story to tell at the end of it, but 373 days into my colony I realize the kinds of notes I take are more Things I Noticed and less, How We Lost Colonist A. I would like if in the History Graphs there was a way to look at significant events. I know you can hover over the little pink dots, but a little more would be nice to look back on a long colony like this. So forgive me if this is a little all over the place.

This is one of the the longest colonies I've had, and definitely the most stable I've had in a long time. Early on I felt like I had trouble balancing everything that I wanted my 3 colonists to do. I think this was partially a product of digging into a mountainside, although all of the bedrooms were against the mountain, not in it. But it was a good sort of feeling of always catching up and trying to get to a certain point but never quite getting there. It was a fun early game because of this, especially when early game can often feel routine after playing so much of one game (440 hours and counting).

I've felt inclined to do things that I've never done before in this game, which I feel is because every option is feasible in different situations more than they used to be. For example, I completely skipped over wind turbines, which is usually my go to, and actually relied on chemfuel for awhile in the early game, and still turn them on in the winters now. I also actually used the nutrient paste dispenser, especially early on.

On Caravans:

- There's definitely something to be done regarding clothes and caravanning. I'd like to see some kind of warning for if your colonists might suffer from hypothermia when caravanning with insufficiently warm clothes. Similarly, I tried to save a fallen refugee in the winter, but when I got there she was naked. I waited for her to be able to walk so as not to slow down the caravan, but almost immediately upon departure she fell again because she was naked. I brought clothes for her but there is no way to give them to her. We ended up being so slowed down so much that she died of hypothermia. I noticed later on in the game that when you transport pod somewhere all of the things you've transported fall onto the ground so you have access to them. I'm not sure if this is the solution to accessing more clothes while caravanning, but it would be nice to be able to clothe the refugees with clothes that you bring for them, otherwise saving refugees in the winter in the early-mid game is just impossible.

- We need either some kind of portable recreation to travel with, or to have recreation needs eliminated while traveling. Maybe you can make horseshoes, the hoop game, and the cards from the poker table all able to be added to a caravan to meet these needs. That feels more immersive than getting rid of the need. Or beer and smokeleaf could be adjusted to give just enough recreation to suffice on the road.

- I would also love if caravans that are less than, say, 0.5 days away from their destination (or even just if they're that close to home) push past their regular curfew and get home in the middle of the night. It's so frustrating to see half of your colony set of camp for the night 0.2 days away from home.

- Item requests have occasionally been useful, but mostly ignorable. Too often the risk is not worth the reward. I think when you're having to send the colonists away for days, and risking injury or death, it doesn't feel worth it when it's something you can just make. It's only the serums and AI cores that really feel like you want to take the risk, or when there's a colonist to gain. (I'm all for recruiting most colonists regardless of abilites (to a point) so saving a lot of them has been really fun.) Also raiding enemy bases for the silver does feel worth it because silver can be whatever you need it to be, plus dropping into their bases in drop pods is a blast. I also like the caravan requests, although in the midgame it became apparent to me that I'm unsure of if you can fulfill trade requests via pods or if you have to go to it yourself. If you can't already, podding those would be a great addition to the later game.

I had a great experience where a bulk trader helped me fight off a pirate raid, which was really fun. I was able to maneuver around them and work together and they didn't get mad at me for anything. It was super fun. They had one person shatter her spine in the fight though and they left her behind. I thought maybe the AI should not leave anyone behind and be designed to pick her up and take her with them just because they're not heartless monsters, but since they didn't I kept her in my makeshift hospital at the time and fed her and cheered her up. I realized pretty quickly that she was not healing at all and so she just stayed in that bed for maybe longer than a year. I was happy to keep her fed until we were able to buy or make a new spine sometime in the late game, but then one day she just got up and left! Is this a bug, or an act of God?

On Raids:

- Raid variety has felt really good. As you can see by the screen shot, I've gone without walls and with three (really four) access points to my base so I've been pretty vulnerable and without a killbox. It's only been in this later part of the game I've started doing some walling off as I prepare for the ship raids. I had one raid where three different raid groups landed in three difference clusters around the map and all attacked at once, but fled separately. That was one of the most fun raids I've ever had - fighting on three fronts and realising they weren't all going to flee together was really great. I haven't had any tribal raids because they've been neutral towards me (or more recently allied) so I can't speak to those. I've had a few infestations as you might imagine and they've been pretty scary but feel balanced. I think with the new combat system and how injuries are working it's making these infestations feel less overwhelming because you aren't as scared of losing a colonist. I also like that the deep drilling infestations are much smaller (and I think more aggressive?) because it gives you another type of infestation to fight off and it also gives you that positive feedback because you should be able to fight it off pretty easily (until one hits you at a bad time).

- Have you made death on downing more likely with raiders in the last week or two? It feels like it's so hard to capture downed raiders now. I'm not one to build these 30-50 people huge colonies, but I did feel like it was hard or impossible to keep up my warden's social skills without ever having anyone in my prison.

On Transport Pods:

- I thought that transport pods were straight up broken until I realized that you could build the loaders so that they attach. Maybe this could be made clearer when building them? I also don't understand the "Select previous in launch group" buttons for the loaders. What is it meant to achieve? This is unclear.

- Loading transport pods is also somewhat broken. It feels like it behaves a lot like caravans used to, where it works if you're loading multiple colonists, but if there's just one of them it takes them forever to load and they end up starving and passing out from exhaustion. Colonists should maybe follow their work/recreation/sleep schedule while loading pods so in order to avoid this. I also know other colonists can help load but they don't seem to prioritize it and it doesn't seem to work properly unless you're transporting multiple colonists at a time.

- When you're shooting transport pods filled with colonists and alpacas or whatever into the world, I'd like to see a how much weight they'd be able to carry once they land and become a caravan. I send my trader out to trade with a nearby settlement and he was immediately immobile. It would nice if you could see Weight of Pods (which you currently can see), Weight of Items, Carry Weight, or something like that.

On Building:

- I would like to see the minimum range for the Autocannon and Uranium Slug Turrents when building them.

- I would like to see electricity required as a stat when building something that requires electricity

- just like you can't overlap watermills within their in-water range, maybe you shouldn't be able to build bridges there too, for logical consistency.

- the tailoring bench was destroyed along with many other things in an Infestation. Everything automatically queued to be rebuilt except for the tailoring bench, and it is definitely in the home zone. I would also love to see the same bills already there when a bench is auto-rebuilt, but I'm not sure if that's possible. I think maybe it actually was like that for the brewery, but not for the drug lab.

On Tailoring, Clothes and Assignments:

- How do colonists decide what to wear? I customize it quite a bit, but if I allow dusters and parkas they don't switch with the change in temperature, whether it's winter to summer or a cold snap/heat wave. Would be nice if they made that change themselves.

- I love the way I can fine tune the tailoring bench and clothing assignments. I can set up each article of clothing I want them to wear to be made until we have (# of colonists), include equipped, only between 60-100%, and have them remove any clothing at 51%. That way by the time their clothes are tattered, they should have a replacement ready for them.

- That being said I would love to be able to do this with weapons and with food and drugs if possible. Setting up the workbenches to be the same would be easy enough, and then just adding a couple of columns to the Assign tab would mean that you could manage what food, drugs, and weapons are equipped at all times. It feels like such a natural fit for the game and UI I can't believe it's not already there.


I felt a lot of struggle to keep up with cooking this game. With a full freezer adjacent to the kitchen, autodoors, two stoves, two night cooks and a day cook, I was having trouble feeding 12 colonists at times. I really don't understand what was going wrong as I've never had this problem before, but it feels a little ridiculous to need 1/4 of your colony to be cooking full time in order to survive.

Also on food, I don't know if it's just the biome but I had so much wildlife to hunt at all times it felt like I almost could've gone without growing. It was just a constant flow of animals to hunt.

Wild tree regrowth seems really good, at least in the Temperate Forest. Not too fast to be spammed but not too slow to feel like it's not worth building in the forest.

I had a pretty hilarious situation play out with a couple of dead colonists. I was saving them in the freezer, hoping to find myself some resurrection serum. It turns out those are way harder to find than I thought. Because I had earned 3 early in the game I thought maybe they were more frequent. I haven't seen one since. Anyway, after a very long time with their bodies in my second freezer I decided to give up and bury them in a sarcophagus as they should be. But I noticed something odd - they were missing their heads. I'm pretty sure my dogs ate their bodies while I wasn't paying attention - which is hilarious. I also noticed that my colonists didn't get a Colonist Left Unburied debuff. Intentional?

I was definitely getting notifications even yesterday of colonists that weren't in my colony getting sick, as well as my log tells me I've lost 8 colonists but I only remember losing 5. I also had a colonist rescue mission for a colonist the game told me was previously in my colony, but I definitely hadn't seen her before.

The midgame feels good, but the late midgame/early late game starts to feel like a bit of a slog. It might just be me though, it just feels a bit like I want to be where I'm going already as opposed to liking the process of getting there. I know that's super vague and probably unhelpful but it's how it's feeling right now. Just for reference I'm still researching the last couple of ship building requirements and am trying to push through to late game.

The need for gold to make advanced components is difficult but probably necessary, but advanced components has definitely been what's been holding me up. I'm not sure if it's for the better or not but it does seem like something that should be at least a little bit hard to come by so if that's the goal, it's working. I haven't hit the depletion of steel everyone's been talking about yet due to deep drilling, and I also follow the ABC's of Rimworld - Always Buy Components - so that hasn't really been a problem for me either.

I'm not really sure what to make of the long range scanner as it still hasn't done anything for me yet. I get that it's a use for your researcher after all researching is done, which is great. I just haven't seen any results despite having two colonists set for nothing but researching for a long time now.

Please include the Conduit Deconstruct in the game. I wasn't using any mods for most of this run, but this one's near essential if you want to do any cleaning up of your mess of cables in the late game. It's maybe the only mod I see now as still being missing from the base game.

That's all I can put together from memory and notes so far. I'll be trying to take flight next and will report back with my late game feelings when I do.

Also, I just wanted to link to this long suggestion list which I think is really, really good for everyone who hasn't seen it.

Edit: I just had an allied faction fall to neutral because a wild wolf went revenge on them while their caravan was hanging around my base, and their goodwill fell to -30.
Update: Twice in one visit.

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Storyteller: Pheobe, Crashlanded
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest, Mountainous
Commitment mode: yes
Playtime in last two days: 12-16

Quote from: mlzovozlm on August 02, 2018, 03:20:21 PM
started a run in .1978, now it's 7 years in & i've got ~20 healer serums from item stashes, 4 techprofs, 1 power armor, a few masterwork weapons, but never saw a single resurrect & power claw, the only archotech parts i got were 2 legs, 1 arm

not like i need a resurrect serum though, 7 years in, current pop count 32, no colonist died the whole game
funny, i think it's probably just RNG because I've got some resurrect serums kicking around but I've never seen a healer serum or a techprof in 255 in-game days.

Quote from: mlzovozlm on August 02, 2018, 03:20:21 PM
p.s: Randy - Rough - Mountain - Temperate Forest - Perm. Summer
the revert of trade ship makes dumping materials impossible, now my base's floating in leather, fur, wool, flak vests, flak pants, simple helmets, dusters, & all kind of apparels+weapons :| 6 full trade beacon stockpiles waiting to be freed up
now this i don't get. I didn't even have a comms console for the longest time and I still found the bulk traders frequent enough to be able to dump all my old clothes on them. i've found trading really satisfying this build. trade ship are pretty infrequent, but I think they should feel special. It's a rimworld not a central planet, you know?
Quote from: Nynzal on July 30, 2018, 01:50:05 PM
Quote from: Orionreach on July 30, 2018, 12:55:59 PM
I see that you've returned to the original component / advanced component models! Personally I'm really happy about that.  Speaking of, after playing the game a bit with the new meat models, something just feels off about them still.  I honestly think they should return to their original design and colors.. Don't fix what isn't broken right?
I strongly disagree, the overall direction of the art changes are great: Stronger colors, much clearer what that stuff is supposed to be. The old components are not as good, the new ones were my favorite art change so far. Although the meat is not as great as the components, it goes in the same direction, only the color is not as strong.

I agree with this guy on the new art direction. Extremely disappointed to see the devs change it back. Loved the new components, silver and meat. #bringbackredcubes
Quote from: Lanilor on July 29, 2018, 07:44:53 AM
Quote from: tomay on July 29, 2018, 07:02:15 AM
Can't rotate solar panels and marriage spot.

You should be able to rotate a marriage spot, but it indeed seems to be broken currently. The spot itself rotates but the graphic does not, so it looks weird.
Solar panels are not rotateable.

for the marriage spot at least you can rotate it, it's just that the graphic while you're placing it seems to be broken, but once you place it down it is indeed rotated. definitely a bug.
Storyteller: Phoebe Chillax
Difficulty: Rough
Biome: Temperate Forest
Commitment mode: yes
Hours played in the last 2 days: 8
Complete mod list: None

I don't have a story to tell, but I am having a very Chillax game so far, and population seems to grow relatively easily. I attached my debug log so far just to have.

I wanted to chime in on the sprites conversation. I love a lot of the new art a lot. Healroot looks really good - it stands out in a totally new way and looks more natural in the environment. Components are great, big and small, because it stands out and actually makes sense for what it is, and it fits the current style. The silver is great for the same reasons. And I actually especially love the bright red cubes of meat. Reading this thread you'd think you'd gone full South Park on the art style or something, but the cubes makes sense, stand out but not too much that they don't fit the art style. They look cut and fresh and are easily distinguishable. The corrective steaks, however, are so dark they look cooked, and don't really match up for me.

I'm really disappointed in this community that they've been so outspoken on such a bike-shed issue that they've taken away such, for me, a welcome style from the game. I'm partially being sarcastic here, but I'm also part not.

Other notes include:
- doesn't the ability to build bridges over marshy soil near eliminate the need for the moisture pump? I get that wood is flammable and has no beauty, but the difference between cost of a little wood versus the cost of the moisture pump is so great is seems that the latter is almost redundant. I know wood is also not always readily available, but wood is very readily available exactly where you would encounter marshy soil, so that seems off. perhaps bring bridge research back to balance? or make the moisture pump a more easily accessible research? or make bridges require more wood. I'm not sure the solution.

- when running electricity through smoothed walls, the single tile at the intersection of four smoothed walls has (no path) to be able to build the conduit.

- i mentioned before that it is counter intuitive that crafting jobs don't build crafting skills and that maybe a name change or reorganization is in order to make that clearer, but I noticed that pawns' crafting skills literally decays while rolling joints. I don't know if any plan is changed in this area, but at the very least could you have the skill stay stagnant while in the time they're crafting?

- Wild Man event spawned a woman. anyone else see a problem here? Perhaps rename to something like - Wild Human, Feral Child, Feral Human, or even just Wildman would be better so at least it's just an exclusionary term and not contradictory.

- I noticed a change in animals not becoming desiccated immediately upon dying during a toxic fallout. intended? If it is I like it. As it was, a toxic fallout would come and immediately 100% of your sources of food were taken away with little recourse. As a tribe especially there's just nothing you can do about it unless you'd already stockpiled huge amounts of pemmican. although, you could probably make the desiccation happen a lot faster, like within hours, that way creating a sense of immediacy for the player and it still keeps the feeling of a toxic fallout without the brutal punishment. just a thought.

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