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Messages - Fukara

Releases / Re: [1.0] RuntimeGC In-Game Cleaner
October 30, 2018, 04:56:55 AM

Thank You man  ;D ;D ;D
Releases / Re: [B18]Mods Revived - hope all works fine?
September 21, 2018, 06:14:05 AM
Pleaseeeeee update deep storage. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Quote from: Wishmaster on February 20, 2017, 05:34:41 PM

How can I avoid turning off the lights at night?
Any update for JTReplaceWalls ???
It's a must have mod  :P
I solved the problem. Thanks anyway
Hello everyone, i get this error

Heeeelp please
Help / Re: <equippedStatOffsets> list
January 09, 2017, 09:17:17 AM
Quote from: mrofa on January 09, 2017, 08:35:53 AM
using System;
namespace RimWorld
public static class StatDefOf
public static StatDef MaxHitPoints;
public static StatDef MarketValue;
public static StatDef SellPriceFactor;
public static StatDef Beauty;
public static StatDef Cleanliness;
public static StatDef Flammability;
public static StatDef DeteriorationRate;
public static StatDef WorkToMake;
public static StatDef WorkToBuild;
public static StatDef Mass;
public static StatDef MoveSpeed;
public static StatDef GlobalLearningFactor;
public static StatDef PsychicSensitivity;
public static StatDef ToxicSensitivity;
public static StatDef MentalBreakThreshold;
public static StatDef EatingSpeed;
public static StatDef ComfyTemperatureMin;
public static StatDef ComfyTemperatureMax;
public static StatDef Comfort;
public static StatDef MeatAmount;
public static StatDef LeatherAmount;
public static StatDef MinimumHandlingSkill;
public static StatDef WorkSpeedGlobal;
public static StatDef MeleeHitChance;
public static StatDef MiningSpeed;
public static StatDef ResearchSpeed;
public static StatDef ConstructionSpeed;
public static StatDef HealingQuality;
public static StatDef HealingSpeed;
public static StatDef GiftImpact;
public static StatDef TradePriceImprovement;
public static StatDef PlantWorkSpeed;
public static StatDef SmoothingSpeed;
public static StatDef FoodPoisonChance;
public static StatDef HarvestFailChance;
public static StatDef CarryingCapacity;
public static StatDef ConstructFailChance;
public static StatDef FixBrokenDownBuildingFailChance;
public static StatDef SocialImpact;
public static StatDef RecruitPrisonerChance;
public static StatDef TameAnimalChance;
public static StatDef TrainAnimalChance;
public static StatDef ShootingAccuracy;
public static StatDef AimingDelayFactor;
public static StatDef MeleeWeapon_DamageAmount;
public static StatDef MeleeWeapon_Cooldown;
public static StatDef SharpDamageMultiplier;
public static StatDef BluntDamageMultiplier;
public static StatDef RangedWeapon_Cooldown;
public static StatDef AccuracyTouch;
public static StatDef AccuracyShort;
public static StatDef AccuracyMedium;
public static StatDef AccuracyLong;
public static StatDef ArmorRating_Blunt;
public static StatDef ArmorRating_Sharp;
public static StatDef ArmorRating_Heat;
public static StatDef ArmorRating_Electric;
public static StatDef Insulation_Cold;
public static StatDef Insulation_Heat;
public static StatDef PersonalShieldRechargeRate;
public static StatDef PersonalShieldEnergyMax;
public static StatDef MedicalPotency;
public static StatDef ImmunityGainSpeed;
public static StatDef SurgerySuccessChance;
public static StatDef DoorOpenSpeed;
public static StatDef BedRestEffectiveness;
public static StatDef TrapMeleeDamage;
public static StatDef TrapSpringChance;
public static StatDef ResearchSpeedFactor;
public static StatDef MedicalTendQualityOffset;
public static StatDef WorkTableWorkSpeedFactor;
public static StatDef EntertainmentStrengthFactor;

This are all usable statdefs

PERFECT !!!! Thank you man  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Help / Re: <equippedStatOffsets> list
January 09, 2017, 08:09:42 AM
Quote from: skullywag on January 09, 2017, 07:03:16 AM
They come from statdefs in the xml. The bits tagged "stat":

From IlSpy searching for "equippedStatOffsets" gives me this:

// Verse.ThingDef
public List<StatModifier> equippedStatOffsets;

Clicking StatModifier gives me:

using System;
using System.Xml;
using Verse;

namespace RimWorld
public class StatModifier
public StatDef stat;

public float value;

public string ToStringAsOffset
return this.stat.ValueToString(this.value, ToStringNumberSense.Offset);

public string ToStringAsFactor
return this.stat.ValueToString(this.value, ToStringNumberSense.Factor);

public void LoadDataFromXmlCustom(XmlNode xmlRoot)
CrossRefLoader.RegisterObjectWantsCrossRef(this, "stat", xmlRoot.Name);
this.value = (float)ParseHelper.FromString(xmlRoot.FirstChild.Value, typeof(float));


Thank you, but i need this exemple of list:

Help / <equippedStatOffsets> list
January 09, 2017, 06:19:31 AM
Hello everyone, does anyone know where I can find the list of possible actions in <equippedStatOffsets> ???

Sorry for my english :-)
Outdated / Re: [A13] Right Tool For The Job (v1.15)
April 16, 2016, 12:12:19 PM
Quote from: ItchyFlea on April 16, 2016, 01:22:09 AM
I think I may have accidentally updated the mod to work in Alpha 13.
Totally did not mean to do it. Complete accident. Honest. :P

But in all seriousness, the mod's been updated and I gave it a quick test run. Seems to be working fine now. If you were trying to play the game with the A12 version of this mod, you'll need to start a new colony. Several things have changed that would likely cause this to be incompatible with that colony.

Thank you for update !
Outdated / Re: [A12] Right Tool For The Job (v1.14)
April 15, 2016, 12:54:38 PM
Any update for A13 ?
Weeee neeeed updatee  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 10) Tilled Soil v0.11
June 18, 2015, 12:00:13 PM
Quote from: Match on June 18, 2015, 11:52:10 AM
Updated this to Alpha 11. Cheers guys!

Thank you man  ;)
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 10) Tilled Soil v0.11
June 18, 2015, 10:51:05 AM
Any update for alpha 11 ?
Any chance of an update to alpha11 ?