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Messages - Meatbomb

Releases / Re: [1.0] TropiCKAPP Rainforest Mod
July 07, 2019, 08:32:20 AM
Anyone else confused about the apiary?

I research beekeeping but it does not appear on my build list.  Even though I have seen it at enemy bases!  Any advice?
Releases / Re: [A17] TropiCKAPP Rainforest Mod
July 03, 2017, 11:03:31 PM
It is not so much that I need suggestions on how to find usable wood.  I can figure that out  :)  It is that the decisions made about the way graphics display in this mod means that the relation between what you see (many many huge trees) and the actual gamestate (baby trees with no wood but look huge) is broken.  Looking at the game should provide useful information and by making most jungle trees (especially mahogany) way bigger than initial game design would dictate means you cannot look and see this information in a simple and natural way.

If there was a mod that was "goth" and had all pawn clothes always bloodied, this would be a design flaw... yes you can still go to health tab to see injury status, but at a glance it would look like all pawns are always injured.  Game data being obscured by a design / display change. Same idea here, but with the trees looking too big  :) 
Releases / Re: [A17] TropiCKAPP Rainforest Mod
July 03, 2017, 04:09:36 AM
I have been using this mod a lot last couple of weeks.  I love it!

Of course I also have feedback, keep in mind that key message is "I love it" and would not be complaining if I didn't care  :)

1) Yes, there are too many cats.  Tigers panthers jaguars it becomes a swarm, need to kill 1 or 2 every night and still they are everywhere.

2) Tree size scaling.  Because it seems many of the trees have their drawsize increased, it is very unclear where usable lumber is.  Huge tree... nope,  no wood there, that is a brand new junior mahogany sprout...

3) Related to above, because of the scaling and because the graphics of the trees include a lot of "underbrush", it gets way too packed and very unclear what is where.  The extra bushes / ferns at the bottom of trees end up in adjacent tiles.
Help / Re: noob question viewing game source code
June 26, 2017, 11:29:39 AM
Hey there guys, thank you so much for your help so far.  So I figured out how to use ILSpy and I can open the Assembly-CSharp.dll

Wow!  So cool!

But.. searching "backstor" shows me all kinds of code for how they get inserted, etc., but I cannot actually find the stories themselves... Any tips further?
I'll probably add in an options menu for different timescale modes eventually. Right now I want to find an all around middleground that works best at default. Then users could later select "fast development" in the options or something.

Dear Thirite, first of all I want to say this is excellent work you are doing, and I am really impressed and eager to include this mod very soon.

I know it is very late in the discussion, but I have read almost this entire thread and wanted to comment on development time / speed:

The Rimworld year is 4 quadrums each of 15 days.  So that is a 60 day year.

You can go from nothing to an entire interstellar starship in maybe 5 to 10 years depending on your effort as a player.

You can go from stone age to fully developed tech tree in 2 to 3 years with the right research team and policy.

All of this is to say that time is VERY relative in Rimworld, and it seems to me the main design decision is to make the actions occurring in-game fun and interesting at the timescale of the game... realism is really not a high factor on list!

I think the development cycle for kids should be pretty fast.  If someone has a baby, we as players want to see that development and "leveling up" of that new child pawn within the context of the normal game... and games do not seem to usually last 20 years in-game time.

So just adding in my own thoughts.
"Newborn" should last a few days.
"Toddler" should last maybe a year at most.
"Preteen but useful pawn" should happen over 2-3 years.
"Teen" that is 14 and ready to be left to all normal game rules should be resulting after all of these stages, so maybe 3-4 years development time.

The "growing vat" sounds like a potential add-on option, but should be very late in the tech tree.

Thanks again for all of the excellent development work, this mod is quite an incredible accomplishment!
Help / Re: noob question viewing game source code
June 25, 2017, 04:25:02 AM
Oh man, I did not think to look in the mods folder but obvious now...  thanks a lot.

Follow-up question, do you know where to find the backstories?  In translations they have a discreet file, but in English...  ?
Help / noob question viewing game source code
June 25, 2017, 12:25:12 AM
Hello guys,

Apologies for the vary basic question. I want to be able to browse the original game XML.

I am looking at this thread

And downloaded
QuoteZentar's ILSpy   |   This is for referencing the game's decompiled C# scripts.

This seems like what I want to do, look through these files, right?  But I try to open cs files and it does not recognise them.

It seems I am missing a step.  Please could someone point me in the right direction? Where does the base game xml live and how to look at it?
Stories / Re: Tale of the Runners
June 23, 2017, 08:18:24 AM
They haven't been written yet sorry.  I skipped ahead a few places.
Thank you very much for that link.  Again, compliments as this is an excellent resource, very true to the original game art.
Help / Re: Unique items possible?
June 21, 2017, 08:59:08 PM
xnope at the moment you are way way out ahead of me... but I do appreciate your time and attention.

As I am still at super n00b level of awareness and competence I will just file your answer away in "yes possible, after you have learned a shit tonne about modding"  :)

But anyways good for others interested in similar issue, thanks again.
Stories / Tale of the Runners
June 21, 2017, 08:33:14 PM
Hey there Rimworlders!

I have been doing a serial of one of my Rimworld colonies on Reddit for some time, up to year 2 and about 20 installments. I hope you will check it out. Small group of tribals with a very special leader, and joined by Orioncorp members for some interesting group dynamics.

Part One:
Full Episode Guide:
Outdated / Re: [A17] TropiCK Retexture
June 21, 2017, 07:44:16 AM
Forgive me but I am not sure I follow you?  I will put it up in whatever way works best, just please explain more exactly what I should do.
Releases / Re: [A17] TropiCKAPP Rainforest Mod
June 21, 2017, 06:10:20 AM
I love your mod.

I did a retexture of the plant work to make it better match the original game art, I hope that is ok?  Please check it out:
Outdated / [A17] TropiCK Retexture
June 21, 2017, 06:07:00 AM
Hey there Rimworlders!

I love this mod, the only thing I was a little iffy on was the art.  The artwork itself is beautiful, much better than anything I could do, but it didn't to my eye fit with the original assets of the base game very well.  I really wanted to use this excellent mod, but wanted to make a better fit graphically.

All glory and credit to the original authors, I am just a tinkerer.  Basically I played around with the art in Photoshop—did some colour matching, adjusted contrast, vibrancy, did a tiny bit of painting and editing, etc. etc.  I think the tropical biome is a much better match to the core game with these changes. As you can see in the above images, the base game trees do not "pop" as much as before, and the tropical biome trees look a little more like the base game art style.

All this modifies is the graphics files for the plants.  Just overwrite the original files and you are good to go.

I will probably keep fiddling and updating, especially if anybody offers me feedback.  Thanks for your time guys!

Github Download:

Help / Re: Unique items possible?
June 20, 2017, 10:17:10 AM
That is very helpful, thank you.