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Messages - ithiliel

This applies to graves as well. There is no indication of who is buried there, just "human corpse."

I need to dig up the people I hate most to feed the warg first!
Not sure if this has happened in previous 1.0 builds.

Circumstances: I laid the blueprint for a line of conduit under one of my fields with potato plants that were roughly 80-90% grown.

What happened: Rather than just build the conduit underneath the potatoes, my builder harvested the unfinished potatoes, built the conduit, and then planted new crops on top of the conduit.

What I expected: The conduit should be built under the growing crops, rather than forcing the crop growth to reset and the labor of plant cut/plant sow to occur in addition to the building.

While on the one hand I can accept the fact that you have to dig up soil to bury a power cable, and that would probably not be great for anything growing there, it seems arbitrary to force the cut and replant in order to build a conduit when the two items can naturally share a space. We don't have to destroy walls that need conduit run through them.

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Two pawns have been Lovers for a while, and one proposed to the other.

The story describing the event reads: "Rad told Rad that she wants to spend her life with her. Frankie agreed and the two are now engaged."

I expected the story to read: "Rad told Frankie that she wants to spend her life with him. Frankie agreed and the two are now engaged."

I can't replicate this exact event because I'm playing on Commitment mode, unfortunately. I've included a screenshot.

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Bugs / Re: (A16 unstable) Error on trading
December 12, 2016, 09:56:33 PM
It looks like the goods don't get traded at all, minus the silver. I tried to sell the caravan a self-tamed hare and a raider's dropped weapon, and neither of them left my colony.
General Discussion / Re: Call for testers
December 05, 2014, 02:04:50 PM
I love RimWorld and am currently unemployed, but my previous two jobs were both in videogame QA. I would love to contribute whatever I can! :)
Ideas / Re: Relationships.
August 24, 2014, 04:01:12 AM
As a confessed Sims addict: I would love a relationship system! As well as the ability to change my colonists' hairstyles. After you've picked up a few pirates and tribals, it's nothing but mohawks... mohawks everywhere...
I had a small hospital room in my colony, with a single-square stockpile of medicine. Two of my colonists were doctors, which was great because a combination of raid + drone had left everyone else as gibbering bullet-ridden lunatics. The stack of medicine had about 49 kits.

I noticed that I couldn't get both doctors to use medkits at the same time. I even tested it by having one doctor stop mid-heal by drafting, then undrafting and setting healing to priority. They would just pass the same medkit back and forth, and if one was using it, the other would heal without medicine, even though there was a stack of 48 more medkits two steps away.

Does this have to do with reserving? Is a stack considered reserved when a pulled medkit is currently being used to heal... even though the medkit had been dropped? Or were my doctors just dorks? (This is possible.)

Ideas / Re: Suggest A Personality Trait!
August 24, 2014, 02:30:46 AM
Ooo, this is awesome. :D

Pacifist: This character will fight if s/he has to, but prefers not to have a gun at his/her hip to remind him/her.
(Similar to Nudist, but gets a happiness bonus from not having a weapon equipped instead of not having clothing.)

Prudish: This character can't stand nudity... for him/herself, or anyone else.
(Gets a negative to happiness when around nude colonists or stripped corpses, and a stronger negative if nude themselves. Won't strip prisoners or corpses on principle.)

Techno-Fear: Bionic appendages just creep him/her out.
(Gets a negative to happiness if equipped with a prosthetic; forces the player to decide whether equipping this colonist with a bionic appendage is worth the happiness hit. And yes, the name is an Eddie Izzard reference.)

Techno-Joy: This character dreams of being part robot someday.
(Gets a bonus to happiness if equipped with a prosthetic. It might be worth letting this colonist take a bullet or two so that they can get the robo-legs of their dreams.)

Charismatic: This character is so much fun to talk to!
(The "had social chat" bonus is increased for both this colonist, and the one s/he is talking to. May not apply to Psychopaths.)

Boring: This character will chat with others, but it seems like no one cares...
(The "had social chat" bonus doesn't appear for the one s/he is talking to. Can still get a bonus if others are talking to them, including Charismatics.)

Hot-Natured: This character overheats easily, and prefers cooler temperatures.
(Gets a negative to happiness in warm climates while outdoors in the sun. Bonus in cool climates while outdoors at night or in snow/rain.)

Cold-Natured: This character chills easily, and prefers warmer temperatures.
(Gets a negative to happiness in cool climates while outdoors at night or in snow/rain. Bonus in warm climates while outdoors in the sun.)

Allergic to X: This character is allergic to x... better keep him/her away.
(Gets negatives if eating/wearing what they're allergic to. Might be a temporary hit to health if it's a food allergy, or a permanent hit to health as long as the colonist is wearing the allergen.)

Cultured: Decor matters... and to this character, it matters that much more.
(Gets a stronger effect from environment beauty/ugliness.)

Oblivious: Is that blood on the floor? Or a soft red carpet? This character didn't notice, and doesn't care.
(Gets no effect from environment beauty/ugliness.)

In the popup text that appears when mousing over the Food stat in the Health pane, there is a confusing grammar error. It's a minor issue and almost certainly limited to the English version, but the text appears in the Health pane for every creature and colonist, and defines the Food stat for new or unfamiliar players.

Steps to Reproduce:

1) In any colony at any stage, bring up the Health pane for a creature or colonist.
2) Hover over the Food bar long enough for the text popup to appear.

Current Results:

The text reads: "Food is how much nutrition a creature has consumes easily. If it is at zero, a creature will take starvation damage over time."

Expected Results:

The text should read something like: "Food is how much nutrition a creature has recently consumed. If it is at zero, a creature will take starvation damage over time."

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