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Messages - Zack_Wester

I was thinking wouldn't it be easier to add a folder where each user could dump the sound files(.MP3 .OGG .whatever) they wanted. and have a script or something that scan said folder and generate a playlist of all the tracks found in it.
I know you can do that whit a basic .Pyton script.
my biggest problem whit the Nutrient Paste Dispenser is that its takes up 1/3 of my cantina space really I could fit in an third table plus chair or an Paste Dispenser(takes the table as I never really use the Dispenser anyway).
if it was smaller and was not effected by solar flares/eclipse, then maybe as an backup but else you just going to end up whit spoiled food all the time.

if the Nutrient Paste Dispenser was 1X3 or 2X1 or something like that I would actually place one in the corner instead of an jukebox but we don't have jukeboxes so Paste it is. but now I need an freaking extension for something no one likes to use.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 6) Project Armory (v.2.13)
October 10, 2014, 09:04:43 AM
Quote from: Evul on October 10, 2014, 03:02:22 AM
It is 100% planed.

Hej Evul såg inte att du var svensk.
[translation] Hi Evul didn´t see you where Swedish.
General Discussion / Re: Awesome World Seeds
October 10, 2014, 08:49:50 AM
Any one know of an way to get an complete blank map like only grass tiles so that I can use debug mode to build an city or something (probably using douses of mods to fill it), no rocks, dirt, animal, water trees, vent mountains, items.
General Discussion / Re: Website migration
October 08, 2014, 09:39:43 AM
Ty on the Upload an avatar option.
What are the allowed limits?
my 9kB 184X208pix pic wont work any more.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 7) More Storage
October 04, 2014, 09:47:29 AM
Can you make it so that the Storage uses Wood? or the new stuff system.
I dont have that mush metal on my plays as I play on flat woodlands... Lots of wood but not next to no metal.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 3F) E-Vehicles (v.0.02)
August 26, 2014, 01:16:38 AM
dose this work on alpha6? just thinking loud here.
Outdated / Re: [Mod] (Alpha 6) Trader Tweaks
August 23, 2014, 05:28:50 AM
the problem I got is that no trader except the farm one buys my potato.
Really I can accept that I can´t sell all my potato until they got broke on silver, that's good(no one would do that)
But like an industry trader shows up and say can I buy 200 potato for 2 silver each or something. and the next 100 for 1 silver. so that I could´t sell more then 300 potato to that one trader and not 8999.

same thing whit slave trader I could sell some potato, strawberries and what not for the crew plus "passengers".
also an red cross(or equal) trader would be great. sells first-aid kit for cheap and appeal(clothing).
How hard would it be to spawn whit some cotton/cloth or make the first X cloth walls free.
Can I require an item?
Tents. or more clearly Cottonwall. insanely quick to build low health next to no cost, no repairing. dont carry power,
and an tent door that let light throw(if possible) door cost nothing.
Really the first thing stranded people do is put up an tent not an wood/metal/stone wall.
Outdated / Re: [Mod] (Alpha 5) Machine Gun Nests
July 14, 2014, 02:04:21 PM
Quote from: Zagrom on July 14, 2014, 09:47:09 AM
If thats all you want you can do it yourself in about 20 seconds, just open the xml file in notepad and remove this bit of code;


two question
1? what happens if we change the  <explosiveRadius>3.9</explosiveRadius>
from 3.9 to say 0.5?

2? what happens if we change the <explosiveDamageType>Bomb</explosiveDamageType> from Bomb to Bullet?
Could work. I give you the lead.
Its an assault riffle, Lower the touch range an tiny bit and raise/leave the short range,
I think that thing is an pain to aim at point blank.
Quote from: Evul on July 09, 2014, 11:00:06 AM
Quote from: Zack_Wester on July 08, 2014, 08:05:11 PM
Evul can I Suggest an "Gun"?
Probably firing, Laser, Pulse laser or plasma bolts.
so put it in Sci-Fi.

It's not from any move game or something right?
In that case what do you want to call it?

Not sure what to name it, I mean we could use the name of what it is.
I mean its just an repainted whit an in stead of the included 12 round.
CS-19 something would be an good name.
Evul can I Suggest an "Gun"?
Probably firing, Laser, Pulse laser or plasma bolts.
so put it in Sci-Fi.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 4) Barbed wire
June 13, 2014, 12:21:03 PM
Can I suggest something barbed wire Door... or correction an section of the barbed wire where one of the stick is not Dug into the ground meaning it can be moved to allow colonist throw but raider don't know where, so they just walk right throw the wire in other places.
(just an repainted/remodel non power Door).