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Messages - dragonalumni

Quote from: Kirby23590 on April 02, 2019, 02:05:01 PM
You might learn this stuff from some self-defense training schools or from the media...

You're funny. The fact is before you swing your stupid club you're going to be dead from my pistol.

Minnesota Hunter/Gun Owner.

Thank you guys for the many replies. I too believe this was an attempt to balance weapon types, however for me this is a game-killer. For years it was one way and now this crap. (imho). The fact is swords shouldn't be able to balance guns anyways and the real way to balance the game was always to allow two weapons, just like basically every other game ever made. Also, belts and chems could have made it balanced, but zero range-- I can't fire this -- because balance -- nah..
I quit playing Rimworld as soon as I couldn't use a shotgun and point blank because, lol, stupid.
Is is still that way on the current version?
Selling your IP to a studio is just asking for one more payday before you cash out.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Ideas / Re: Cocoa Trees Should Not Die From Cold
October 24, 2018, 01:19:08 AM
Lancar, it might be as cheap on electricity to go one step further and build the sunlight or w/e.
I use this method to grow devil strand in winter, it works especially well if your find a spot of
rich soil but any soil will do.
Ideas / Re: A tweak in pawn logic needed.
September 29, 2018, 09:59:08 PM
Quote from: vzoxz0 on September 29, 2018, 11:48:36 AM
I'm done talking to you
"oh wait no I'm not"
I'll assume you code just like you communicate.

Ideas / Re: six squirrels can kill all colony
September 29, 2018, 11:17:00 AM
This is just one example of why the no-zero-range gun code is pathetic.
Ideas / Re: A tweak in pawn logic needed.
September 29, 2018, 11:13:03 AM
Quote from: vzoxz0 on September 28, 2018, 09:47:47 PM
The limitation to software is almost never "code", it is logic.
I believe when you are trying to code this is the case.
Ideas / Re: Cold Snaps NEED to be reduced.
September 28, 2018, 10:51:17 AM
You get basically get a cold snap and heat wave every year they are fairly easy to deal with by building a couple of fires or natural coolers in a vented base and you will be ok. (In addition to running heaters and air conditioners if you have them)
Ideas / Re: A tweak in pawn logic needed.
September 28, 2018, 10:47:37 AM
Quote from: vzoxz0 on September 27, 2018, 05:30:32 AM
I look forward to you explaining how multiple pawns doing multiple job-checks all of which calculate a distance that used to be done once ends up not costing computing time.

For someone claiming to be an edumakated coder, you are quite foolish to suggest or assume that any suggested change/improvement should cost nothing and go on to ridicule someone because because it will cost some time to process an additional instruction at which point you seem to assume such a change is impossible.  An edumakated coder doesn't consider if an instruction is going to cost something, they EVALUATE it for worth, demanding that a change cost nothing or expecting someone to argue that it doesn't is "nonsense".

Yes, I'm not familiar with Rimworld (code), but if there is nothing like a function to start_next_task_because_this_old_shit_is_finished_now that is a pity because that is the only time that a pawn should logically decide if heading out across the map is a good idea or not, that isn't going to burn your cpu core into dust, so yes, I think it's worth the cost.

Quote from: vzoxz0 on September 26, 2018, 06:01:03 PM
This is more a problem with AI in general than it is with the game -- the computation time required for your proposed algorithm is much, much higher than for what's being used now.

What I hear you saying is the code can't handle it.

The only thing you need to take forward is this. Pawns do some really really stupid shit, and the code should be improved to the point where such obviously stupid shit doesn't exist in the final game. People who say "it can't be done" or "it will cost something" shouldn't be on a high horse or make excuses for it, especially a gifted coder such as yourself.

Ideas / Re: A tweak in pawn logic needed.
September 28, 2018, 02:03:51 AM
I look forward to you explaining why Santa Claus isn't a byproduct of the Easter bunny.

Because that's about as close as one thing is to the other. You said the AI (not the game) made it difficult to do, later you said the code is spaghetti. I'm willing to accept and believe the code is spaghetti but the functions I'm talking about, like computing the time needed to go from A to Z, shouldn't require a super computer, nor is an impossible logic task.
Ideas / Re: A tweak in pawn logic needed.
September 27, 2018, 03:53:33 AM
Quote from: vzoxz0
This is more a problem with AI in general than it is with the game.
"Look at the real game code"
Well, it seems that you saying this is actually a problem with the game because the AI (logic) is straight up simple.
General Discussion / Re: Worst 6 traits?
September 27, 2018, 01:01:17 AM

top 3 in order

conditional ones in no order:

the ones that make you freak out for the random psychic events
the ones that make you randomly try drugs and get addicted and useless
the ones that make you too slow to get back to base when you are attacked or there is a raid
the ones that make your work speed so slow that it takes 3 days to mine a square.

I can handle most of the conditional ones but I just save scum gourmands or pyromaniacs since it's game over at different stages of the game.
Ideas / Re: A tweak in pawn logic needed.
September 26, 2018, 11:39:50 PM
Quote from: vzoxz0 on September 26, 2018, 06:01:03 PM
This is more a problem with AI in general than it is with the game -- the computation time required for your proposed algorithm is much, much higher than for what's being used now.

Really? seems rather straight forward..

if(calculate_time_required(distance ( current_location, waypoint_location )) +time > time_for_sleeping )   
if(calculate_time_required(distance ( current_location, waypoint_location )) +time > time_for_next_meal )   

I also suggested a small tweak to logic that seems as straight forward as water, but got no response.

if(pawn_is_delivering_item && (pawn_destination(check_zone_ID) == pawn_location(check_zone_ID)  ))

(Pawns have always choose to walk over empty spots in a delivery zone, often heading to the back of a zone area to drop something while passing empty spots that just make no sense that they don't choose to leave the item at, some function checks.. that must exist already.. if called would solve this problem..)
There is some infection mechanic, I don't know how it works yet but if you look as hospital bed it says the room infection rate multiplier.. Not sure how the would work a single open room.