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Topics - baronskippy

Bugs / [X|2.54bVer] Batteries not draining
November 13, 2013, 10:58:07 PM
Version Found - 2.54b

Title - Batteries not draining.

Summary - Batteries won't drain no matter how electricity is used..

Steps to Reproduce - Load the save game, batteries won't discharge.

Expected Results - I would expect the batteries to discharge if I'm using more then I'm producing.

Actual Results - Batteries remain full no matter the load

Attachments - 

a picture of the batteries and

the savegame.

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
General Discussion / Loving the game.
November 08, 2013, 02:51:11 AM
Problems galore but I'm loving the game and the dev (Tynan) is extremely active in forum.

Godspeed sir, godspeed.
General Discussion / Anybody else decentralize power?
November 07, 2013, 01:52:58 AM
I hate shortages that take my power with a passion, anybody else  setup subsystems? Example would be my LLOD (Last Line of Defense) I'll post a pic later but it's basically a fallback point that's battery power only i.e after batteries for the section are at full charge it's cup off and turned off from the main base only to be activated in cases of emergency?

Test's have shown no predilection to catastrophic power shortages as of yet.