Hello everyone! I have just signed up to the forums for the first time. Having played Rimworld since I think about Alpha 14, I feel like it is a little overdue
I wanted to make this thread as a place to post some of my ideas for QoL improvements to the game. Not all of my ideas may suit every kind of player. Because as we know, Rimworld is a very powerful tool for storytelling, and I personally have my own style of storytelling I like to tell.
So I'd like to start this thread off with a few basics. I will add more as they come to my mind..
Visual Family Trees
As a longtime Sims player/turned Rimworld player, visual family trees are something I miss. They could be a great way for a player to see a pawns family relations with other pawns at a glance, and would be a great way to be able to look back on a pawns family history. This would be particularly useful in genealogy in the biotech expansion. Here is an image of what the family tree screen looks like in The Sims 4.
I wanted to make this thread as a place to post some of my ideas for QoL improvements to the game. Not all of my ideas may suit every kind of player. Because as we know, Rimworld is a very powerful tool for storytelling, and I personally have my own style of storytelling I like to tell.
So I'd like to start this thread off with a few basics. I will add more as they come to my mind..
Visual Family Trees
As a longtime Sims player/turned Rimworld player, visual family trees are something I miss. They could be a great way for a player to see a pawns family relations with other pawns at a glance, and would be a great way to be able to look back on a pawns family history. This would be particularly useful in genealogy in the biotech expansion. Here is an image of what the family tree screen looks like in The Sims 4.